Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Gordon Gekko
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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:54 am

Originally posted by UFS:
Can you please turn on your ignore feature. Thanks.

Why is it turned off? :eek: i second this. thanks.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by dgamblnman » Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:01 am

GG, just a question, all I want is a yes or no answer if you are capable....

In your proposed draft method, of the 14 owners bidding on slots, will someone end up with thier worst draft choice prefered???

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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by ultimatefs » Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:16 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by UFS:
Can you please turn on your ignore feature. Thanks.

Why is it turned off? :eek: i second this. thanks.
[/QUOTE]Great. So when do you think you will be able to edit your profile, and check:
Allow your user rating to be publicly displayed?

This will enable others that choose to ignore your posts that option. Thanks.
Jules is a Dirt bag and makes my luck.

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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by wdelpilar » Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:40 am

I haven't been active at all on the message boards this year but have lurked all season long and read a few posts here and there to see how things are going.

I'm not into picking draft slots as I believe in the random picks being part of fantasy football for serpentine drafts. That stated, I do like the idea of bidding for the draft spots but with a caveat:

We're given $1,000 to bid on draft positions but whatever monies are leftover from what was not used to bid, are awarded to the respective teams.

So if someone truly doesn't care, they don't have to bid and would theoretically receive $2K to play with during the season with waivers. Whereas if someone really wanted the No. 1 or No. 14 slot, they could bid on it and would get and receive arguably the premiere player or best spot in the draft. However, this move would cost them potential dollars to be used during the regular season in waivers.

Just my two cents but this is interesting in what Greg is trying to do. It could alienate or propel the NFFC to great glory.

The one thing I don't care for is to have to use monies designated for waiver wire to be used differently. I think doing it the way I suggested doesn't penalize anyone but rewards those that don't view draft position as relevant as others.

I'm sure this has many flaws and has probably been brought up already but figured I'd toss it out.

Thanks for the time and Greg and Tom, great job once again this year.

[ October 28, 2005, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Doomsday Express ]

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:07 am

Originally posted by UFS:
So when do you think you will be able to edit your profile, and check:
Allow your user rating to be publicly displayed?

This will enable others that choose to ignore your posts that option. Thanks.
no deal
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:10 am

Originally posted by Doomsday Express:
So if someone truly doesn't care, they don't have to bid and would theoretically receive $2K to play with during the season with waivers. Whereas if someone really wanted the No. 1 or No. 14 slot, they could bid on it and would get and receive arguably the premiere player or best spot in the draft. i don't see any advantage to using another $1000. what is wrong with using the $1000 FA budget?
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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by keith » Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:38 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Doomsday Express:
So if someone truly doesn't care, they don't have to bid and would theoretically receive $2K to play with during the season with waivers. Whereas if someone really wanted the No. 1 or No. 14 slot, they could bid on it and would get and receive arguably the premiere player or best spot in the draft. i don't see any advantage to using another $1000. what is wrong with using the $1000 FA budget? [/QUOTE]Question for you Gekko. Would you have bid for pick 13 last year, when you won the championship? I picked 14th and started with the same two players you did. My point is that there is a lot of hot air being blown for no reason. Every owner should be able to handle any of these rule possibilities or they are just easy money anyways.

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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by Liquid_Madness » Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:07 am

Originally posted by Route C:
quote:Originally posted by renman:
this board at times becomes a petty name calling board where guys have pissing contests and are trying to mark their message board territory. [/QB][/QUOTE]LMAO :D Great example although I have to admit, I've been known to mark my territory from time to time! [/QB][/quote]

Jeff - Chicago is going down!!! hahahahaha ;)
2006 Draft:
Edge, Dunn, Duckett, M. Anderson, R. Moats, D. Davis
Roy Williams, J. Walker D. Jackson, Troy Williamson, R. Ferguson, P. Price, Si. Moss
A. Brooks, D. Brees
J. Stevens TE
L. Tynes K
NE Def

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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by Liquid_Madness » Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:13 am

Originally posted by UFS:
Gecko when Greg doesn't go with BBDS
that's good stuff
2006 Draft:
Edge, Dunn, Duckett, M. Anderson, R. Moats, D. Davis
Roy Williams, J. Walker D. Jackson, Troy Williamson, R. Ferguson, P. Price, Si. Moss
A. Brooks, D. Brees
J. Stevens TE
L. Tynes K
NE Def

Posts: 121
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Draft Process: Are You In Favor Of A Change?

Post by Liquid_Madness » Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:17 am

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by renman:
you ignore that it is very likely that all owners will end up in some area of a draft board they are ok with... and you also ignore the fact that adding something complex like bbds could deter new unsettled owners from joining...
You ignore the fact that the 14th owner could end up with his worst preference (whatever the slot is), while he’s competing against owners who received their best preference. If this was the result of an ALL-random process, so be it, at least it was FAIR to everyone…EVERY step of the way. But the Kentucky dufus method is not fair every step of the way.

Answer me this, why not run the weekly FA process via the Kentucky dufus method? Thanks again.
[/QUOTE]The Kentucky method for supplimentals would be better than random supplimental picks ... Gekko ... your all or nothing! Wouldn't it be better to give 13 people a choice ... then none. The luck of the draw is bad for one. Why make every suffer for it. So be it ... you will not change ... your lack of reasonableness is making me ill

I for one ... am sick and tired of Gekkos same old retoric. MY way is the only way. Greg ... swith my vote from the BBDS to the Kentuck Durby method.

Congratulations Gekko ... you did finally sway a vote! :mad:
[/QUOTE]I agree.... I just read 8 pages of freakin gekko and I have come to one conclusion.... "hasbeen"... Put me down for all votes against whatever GG wants... Random or Kentcuky Derby is fine.... the Gekko BDDS is a absolute... 110% NFW (I don't think you want me to write out the words)...


[ October 28, 2005, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Liquid_Madness ]
2006 Draft:
Edge, Dunn, Duckett, M. Anderson, R. Moats, D. Davis
Roy Williams, J. Walker D. Jackson, Troy Williamson, R. Ferguson, P. Price, Si. Moss
A. Brooks, D. Brees
J. Stevens TE
L. Tynes K
NE Def

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