Anyone else starting Brees?

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Anyone else starting Brees?

Post by rkulaski » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:10 pm

Brees hurts me for 3 games so who do I play during his bye week? Culpepper who scores 35.

As for the Saints' struggles, I think the problem has been the o-line more than brees or sean payton's play calling. Anyone else agree?
The 2 games I've seen the Saints play (I didn't see the game vs Tampa), Brees has rarely had time to throw. Look at his yards per completion. I don't know what it is but I'm taking an educated guess that it's worst in the league. He hasn't had the time to look and throw downfield. If they get the o-line playing better, brees will put up much better stats. Why is the Saints o-line not playing well? Not sure.

good luck this weekend to brees owners.

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