Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by kapefear » Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:11 pm

Thank you LORD.....Great news keep it coming..

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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by Azzurri » Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:42 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
GREAT NEWS about Geoff this morning everyone.

I just talked with his mom and everything is looking much, much better for Geoff. She said the fever broke completely last night and Geoff is almost at 98.6. They feel they have a handle on the infection, hopefully. They are going to do a CAT scan this morning on his lungs and with any luck he will be off the ventilator soon. He is now conscious and he knew I was on the phone. She put the phone to Geoff's ear and I told him that everyone was thinking about him, that everyone was praying for him and that everything would work out. She said he acknowledged everything and hopefully we can talk soon.

So they have a few more tests today and then they will have a better grasp on what the future holds. No heart surgery is in the plans and he hasn't had any surgery to this point, so the antibiotics did their job. Let's keep praying for Geoff and hopefully he will be on his feet soon. The road to recovery is already starting, thankfully. super duper news! keep it coming!
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Route Collectors
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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by Route Collectors » Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:53 am

Originally posted by kapefear:
Thank you LORD.....Great news keep it coming.. I second that. To God be the glory. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers.

Greg Ambrosius
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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:51 am


Tom and I just talked with Geoff, which was VERY encouraging. Geoff is now on the road to recovery and he's obviously very, very happy to be alive. He said he made a big turn in the last day and everything is looking very well for his recovery. He thinks he will be in the hospital for another week, but the doctors feel like they have the infection under control and no surgery was needed. He sounded weak, but he is very coherent and he said he might even be able to log online and give an update. I want everyone to know that Geoff has felt the love in the hospital and he's very, very thankful that everyone prayed for him and kept his family in their thoughts during this time.

Typical Geoff, he asked if we needed any help with the upcoming basketball drafts!! We told him we'd be fine, but that's Geoff. Always thinking about work. He sounds like the ol' Geoff Stein and hopefully he will be as strong and healthy as the ol' Geoff Stein very soon.

Tom and I were ECSTATIC to actually talk with Geoff today and he has made a remarkable turnaround in the last 48 hours. Thanks to EVERYONE for their thoughts and prayers. I believe the power of prayer and positive thoughts worked here for our good buddy. Thanks again. And keep him in your thoughts going forward because he still has a tough road ahead, but the infection has been whacked and Geoff is on the road to recovery. That's the miracle we were hoping for.

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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by Fourslot40 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:33 am

Great news Greg.

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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by RedRyder » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:14 am

Thanks for the update, thankful for good news! Continued thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Milkman Dead
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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by Milkman Dead » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:35 am

Great to hear Geoff!

Geoffrey Stein
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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by Geoffrey Stein » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:41 am

Awesome. Just awesome, guys.

Thank you so very much to everyone who took the time to email, send a prayer or just put my family and I in your thoughts. You guys truly helped me pull through -- I know for a fact that Tom can't watch all of those drafts on his own! I had to make it!!!

I am still in the hospital and likely will be until the middle of next week, so I'll be spotty with my board participation. Please note, however, that I will be personally answering every email that I received but it will take a while.

Finally, many thanks to Ryan, Greg, Tom and the entire Fanball crew. I truly look at them all as family and hope to one day repay them in .0000001 percent of the ways that they've helped and cared about me throughout this entire ordeal.

If there is any positive to this, it's that my offshore account stayed retired this past weekend. What in the world is happening in the football world!?

Anyways, pain medicine time! Thanks much to all of my friends -- you'll never know how much this post means to me.

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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by particra » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:31 pm

Great news. Best of luck and take it easy. Nothing will give you perspective like that kind of event.

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Geoff Stein Update: On The Road To Recovery

Post by INIT2WINIT » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:38 pm


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