Week 6 Drops

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Week 6 Drops

Post by Nag' » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:33 am

The correct decision was made here, imo.
For Players. By Players.

Ted's Cracked Head
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:46 am

I do not think Bulger or Manning should be pulled this year but this is a very complex issue.

Where do you draw the line is the question?

Maybe there should be a "master list" posted every week for the players to see. You would then go into the process knowing who would or would not be available. This would also make administering this process easier because the list would rule. If a player "slipped" through Greg could refer back to the list and make the appropriate adjustment to the wire using the list as his guide.


1) Teams who would like to make a move like this but are afraid that player could come back to haunt them might be able to pull the trigger if they know the dropped player will be pulled from the pool. In the example that has driven four pages so far, the first place team had a very tough decision to make. Drop Eli or the hot Anderson? They did so knowing that this player would likely be picked up by someone who could play them against them.

Flip side of #1) What if they did so knowing that this would likely spur a bidding frenzy that could help them in the long run? Dropping a player with solid value would likely spur a bidding frenzy resulting in one team expending a large amount of their FA dollars. This could actually be a good strategy if the team doing the dropping has some extra monies themselves. By exhausting one of their leaguemates dollars, they could be sitting pretty if a player surfaced with stud potential and there was one less team to bid vs.

I still think there should be a date in the season whereby every player dropped becomes ineligible to be picked up. After week 9 or 10 would work for me. I know this has been discussed in the past because I keep bringing it up but I guess I cannot help myself.

Note: Pauls 2 cents were very well put though I do not agree that Eli should be pulled. That difference of opinion is what makes this game great. The fact that we all have differing opinions on the true value of any given player at any given time in the season makes these discussions engaging. Statistically, neither Eli or Bulger are elite players at their position this year and that is why I believe they should remain in the pool but I have no problem seeing them pulled.

Note 2: Dave should not have to answer for this move nor should he be required to answer to scenarios that may happen in the future.

A posted "list" would eliminate some of this grief moving forward. My 1 cent.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

Sound Advice
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Sound Advice » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:57 am

I agree that no one should be pulled as long as the team dropping them has better options at that position. Brady and LD don't fall into that category.
It is way too subjective to start pulling people.
If they have good reason to drop him and it isn't collusion, let them go.
Do you pull guys that will do well? Anderson? Or guys you think will do well like Warner? Or just big name players that aren't worth their salt this year like Bulger?
Too subjective. Only the true fantasy superstuds should be pulled, if everything else is kosher.

[ October 20, 2007, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Sound Advice ]

Gordon Gekko
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:07 am

Greg - my new BB isn't in sync. What phone number can I reach u at later today
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

El Diablo
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Week 6 Drops

Post by El Diablo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:09 am

Is this the message board for tryouts on the Fantasy Football Reality Show????? U r grown ass men.......lmao

Greg Ambrosius
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:22 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
Greg - my new BB isn't in sync. What phone number can I reach u at later today You can call my cell at 513-722-5310.

I deleted two personal posts because this discussion is about player cuts. I've said that once and I'll say it again.

This debate is about whether the NFFC should ever remove players from league pools or not. I have been very lenient in the past about allowing players to remain in player pools as we want leagues to compete internally, but two weeks ago I just felt that removing Bulger was the right move for the good of the entire contest considering he was cut in only one league, there were 11 weeks left of the NFFC season, and he was recovering from an injury that could have hampered his early results. Should I have removed Bulger after Week 4? That's a good question.

Once I did that, then a guy like Eli Manning has to be considered as well. And others will have to be going forward too.

Debate that point and leave the personal accusations out of it.
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Greg Ambrosius
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:30 am

Originally posted by Sound Advice:
I agree that no one should be pulled as long as the team dropping them has better options at that position. Brady and LD don't fall into that category.
It is way too subjective to start pulling people.
If they have good reason to drop him and it isn't collusion, let them go.
Do you pull guys that will do well? Anderson? Or guys you think will do well like Warner? Or just big name players that aren't worth their salt this year like Bulger?
Too subjective. Only the true fantasy superstuds should be pulled, if everything else is kosher. These are good points, but if only one out of 26 leagues have a shot at a top player via free agency, is it fair to the rest of the competition for the $100,000 grand prize? That's the question I have to ask myself when looking over these cuts. And you are correct, I could leave these players in their respective free agent pools, but removing them also makes sense if we're trying to keep the integrity of the overall contest intact. It's a fine line and now I'm walking it.

Chicago 2 looks like a tough, tough league with a lot of good owners and nobody contacted me about the cut. The No. 1 team made this cut. It's time to move on, but please contact me personally if you have further questions/comments.
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Greg Ambrosius
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:19 am

I do want to clarify the NFFC's position on player cuts: Our precedent in the past has been to let the leagues play out and to not interfere if possible. Honestly, I don't think we've ever pulled a player out of an NFFC free agent pool before this year, but we definitely have in baseball before. This year, we went the entire baseball season without pulling a player out of a league's free agent pool and then pulled one out in football. What a reversal! :D

That being said, I've been criticized in the past for NOT pulling out players in the NFFC. Last year, King of Queens will admit that he stayed on me for not pulling out DeAngelo Williams as the Panther RB was cut early in the year in one league and allowed to be picked up. It was a free agent that he felt would eventually turn the tide in the NFFC. Although it didn't play out that way, it was something that folks watched because only one team was able to pick him up during the season.

When Bulger was cut two weeks ago, I chose to be pro-active because he was a Top 50 consensus pick (50 ADP), he was being rested to recover from an injury and he was cut in only one league. I'll admit that when only ONE LEAGUE has access to a top free agent, it makes it tough on us to make these subjective decisions. With Bulger, I chose to take him out of LV8 before Week 5's biddings to see how he would come back from the injury. I fully realize that he could be cut by other leagues later and thus I would have to make a decision on whether to keep him out of LV 8 or not. Our rules on this matter state: "In the case of a "star" player being dropped in a league for a valid reason, the NFFC commissioner does reserve the right to allow the cut but keep the player out of that league's free agent listing for any length of time, possibly the entire season."

So now with Eli remaining in Chicago 2, it's obvious that our past rulings of allowing these free agents in FAAB pools must continue. I have to be judicious when taking ANYONE out. And as I've stated with Bulger, I chose to be safe than sorry on that player before seeing how he comes back. Maybe THAT was the wrong decision. Going forward, the Eli's of the world will have to remain available via free agency, unless the individual circumstances (possible collusion or just common sense to take him out) say otherwise.

Again, when just one player is cut in a main event league, it makes it tough on us. We try to make the right decisions for the individual leagues and the overall contest. In this situation (Eli), I didn't make any decision because I honestly just missed that cut. And that's the truth. But I think our past precedence is probably the right one and going forward we'll have to let the leagues play out unless it's TOO OBVIOUS that it shouldn't play out that way.

Good luck all. Time for the games to be played again.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Week 6 Drops

Post by Raiders » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:28 am

Greg, Why are you not taking Eli off the roster in question?
Go by the rest of the bids. Means NOTHING that He got Eli and now you remove Eli.
Leroy's Aces had no idea that He would get Eli.
So remove Eli and go by the rest of the bids.

Pretty easy if you ask me. :D

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Week 6 Drops

Post by mkrucek » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:44 am

Greg, this is probably one of the hardest calls you have to make as a commish. When is a former stud a dud? Could he come back and be a stud again? Only one league dropped the player, does a high adp mean you shouldn't allow the player to stay in the pool and on and on.

I think your general reaction to keep hands off is a good one. If there's no collusion or a Riff let it play out. I have another take as to the good of the overall competition when a "top" player is available in free agency in only one league and not others. It now means that player and his potential points are NOT being used in the league he is removed from, affecting that league and only that league.

In any case, here's to my having a good time Monday night at the Springsteen concert.
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

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