Colts vs. Pats

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Route Collectors
Posts: 3525
Joined: Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:00 pm

Colts vs. Pats

Post by Route Collectors » Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:03 am

I for one have had enough discussions about the flex position and F/A bidding. Interesting topics to get us through til today, but now the time begins when our wives seriously consider the "D" word.

Opening night!!!!!

Being an avid Colts fan I have the garlic hung in all the doorways. (Don't think it will help but when you've lost to the Pats as often as we have, you'll try anything once.)

Okay N.E. fans - take your best shot now because tonight begins a new era....uhhh I hope.

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Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:00 pm

Colts vs. Pats

Post by Appleman » Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:54 am

I am rooting for Manning at least!Being from Indy, what is your take on who is the true #2 WR in Indy, Wayne or Stokely?

Route Collectors
Posts: 3525
Joined: Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:00 pm

Colts vs. Pats

Post by Route Collectors » Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:13 am


Last year was the first time in the M.Harrison era that we've had a true #2. Personally, Wayne is going to have to prove he can belly up to the bar 2 years in a row, before I believe it. Stokely is a much better reciever in my opinion. (McCaffrey-esque) The problem from a fantasy standpoint is the ponies have alot of guys who catch the ball well. Being a fellow Manning owner, that's all good with me. We all love Dallas Clark around here but I think he is a little over valued (again from a FF perspective).

To answer your question: Wayne is definately #2 however,I don't know what that means on a team that runs alot of 2 TE or 3WR sets where everyone can catch the ball.

1 last note. Stokely and Clark were both injured much of last year. If they stay healthy, I don't see Wayne duplicating last years #s.

Good Luck this week!!!!!!!!!!!!

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