ESPN Losing Credibility

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ESPN Losing Credibility

Post by rtttslr » Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:00 am

"Believe The Hype. T.O.'s return to Philadelphia is the story of the 2006 season so far..."

WOW--this is the lead on this morning (Sunday 10/08/06). I have pretty much given up on ESPN on the tube, and now it appears dotcom will be next.

One players' return to his former team is the story of the year?! Shame on you ESPNers, shame!

How about Rex Grossman? Chad Pennington? Mario ( where's-the-ball ) Williams? The Chicago and/or Baltimore Defensive units? The much-hyped Dolphin Disaster? Reggie Bush raising millions for Katrina relief? Drew Brees? Mr. 7th-rounder Colston? Mike (who?) Furrey? The Ravens at 4-0?

My goodness, even Ms. Terry Glenn is much more of a story than Mr. Moron. Please ESPN, get over it. You're creating the circus (gee, I wonder why?) and then ignoring football news and entertainment--that's too bad. Last time I checked, that's why you were created.

stool pigeon
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ESPN Losing Credibility

Post by stool pigeon » Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:15 am

espn once had credibility?????? the only reason people watch this junk is because there is no other choice. fox sports just doesn't get it that they could dominate the ratings if they just stuck to sports and leave the " marry a goat" or " lepper island" to it's other network.

anyway i get so sick of watching t.o.-center. i don't think that espn really understands the die hard sports fans.

and if i see that crooked eye boo yeah or bermans fat ass rumbling and stumbling i'm gonna lose it.

end of rant. thanks for listening.
kaw f'ing kaw

Sound Advice
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ESPN Losing Credibility

Post by Sound Advice » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:47 am

How about Fantasy Football draft rule #21. (released on Sept 1)
"Be Prepared."
I'm like "**** tell me that a few months ago".

GOD Loves You
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ESPN Losing Credibility

Post by GOD Loves You » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:47 am

I can't even watch ESPN unless a game is on. I know it's still ESPN, but I stick to ESPN News only; don't need all of the hyped stories, just the highlights and some analysis.

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