Anybody else think Brady's staements are passive aggressive?

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Anybody else think Brady's staements are passive aggressive?

Post by wayne123 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:36 pm

After the beatdown of the Skins, Brady said something like (not an exact quote): "That was a good team, a playoff team (referring to the Redskins). We have a lot to work on and need a lot of improvement (referring to his team)."

OK. At some point doesn't this become blatant patronage. I'm getting a bit bored with the whole "we are humble" routine. Certainly, saying that you just beat a playoff team with ease followed by a statement about how much better you could have done is NOT humble! Does anyone agree with this?

If there is a such thing as Karma...the Patriots are due for some bad breaks.

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Anybody else think Brady's staements are passive aggressive?

Post by kjduke » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:48 pm

You are correct Blue, it was not humility. The danger in everything going so well for the Pats right now, would be having some things fall apart at just the wrong time - Chargers '06?

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Anybody else think Brady's staements are passive aggressive?

Post by Samlawyer » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:25 am

They DO need improvement! Did you see that false start when the Pats were in the red zone and up 38-0?! The broadcast showed Brady cursing obscenties. They promptly went in and made it 45-0.

Nevertheless, that false start was disgusting and an utter embarassment. Yes, the Pats need a lot of improvement . . . and they need it fast! ;)

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Anybody else think Brady's staements are passive aggressive?

Post by richieprimo » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:51 am

True...and how about them being held to a FG on that one drive? Disgraceful. Which got me to wondering. Do the Pats dress a punter these days?
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Anybody else think Brady's staements are passive aggressive?

Post by Samlawyer » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:08 am

Yes, they dress an "emergency" punter. His name is Mike Vrabel.

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