Election Time

Gordon Gekko
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Election Time

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:28 am

Originally posted by BalticSQ:
Hmmm,Gordon you Sound like an exact replay of the Howard Stern Show over the Last 3 Months , get an original thought before u Decide to Vote Sorry squirt. These facts/opinions are everywhere...TV, movies, radio, books, magazine. Back to Square 1, Baltic SQ(uare).
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Gordon Gekko
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Election Time

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:38 am

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
your emotions could still be clouding your judgement. Not at all.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
As for WMD's, we saw them in the Gulf War and to think they are not sitting in Syria or Russia right now is either ignorant or naive. I guess we don't have the technology to track WMD facilities.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
because the major players were all in bed with Saddam Ya, BUSH!!!

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
As for the last two points, I agree with you but 9/11 changed a lot of things and if there are terrorist cells in this country, the majority of people will want the government to do what they have to do to get them. You ready for a police state? I'm not. They will continue to take and take, until nothing is left. Maybe not in our lifetime, but it's coming...

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
After all, that's what I'm supposed to be paying taxes for according to the Constitution, defense of country. Exactly! Shore up the DOMESTIC borders first. It's like leaving for work in the morning and not locking the door to your house.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
After the planes hit the Twin Towers, what should Bush have done differently on 9/11 Excuse himself immediately and get briefed on the situation. He sat there with a blank stare. Nobody was telling him what to do...alas he's a puppet. Ever watch him speak? Can't get a sentence out without looking at his notes.
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Gordon Gekko
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Election Time

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:50 am

Oh ya, forgot to mention the other accomplishments under the Bush Administration:
illegal immigrants getting work status
torture of prisoners
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Election Time

Post by BalticSQ » Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:59 am

Have to agree with you on the "Work status"

But cant judge a guy because he Took 7 Minutes to get a gameplan or take advice when the world was under attack ......

and have you seen any of the videos of what happens to any buddy caught by the enemy?????
would u call that torture? they should behead the "Rat": that turned are soldiers in for something not even near tourture

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Election Time

Post by TamuScarecrow » Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:21 am

The majority of Iraqi people wanted Saddam caught and that is why he WAS caught. That is not the case in Pakistan where Bin Laden is hiding in my opinion. Pakistan was not high on our list of allies before 9/11 and we are not high on the list of a lot of Muslims there either. Bush said we would get Bin Laden but he did not say immediately to my recollection. If he did it was an emotional response and not very realistic.

As for your response to my question, I respect your answer but how much do you think the mayor of New York could have told him in that short of time, that's assuming he could find the mayor? Try nothing, but I would have to think he had his chief of staff working on that. Maybe there is a time line on that somewhere that will help us to be able to better judge the president's actions.

I want to go back to what you said earlier in that this election could be the first in my lifetime where people are voting more against a candidate more than for a candidate and I'm 49 years old. I'm voting for Bush though because I refuse to put my life in the hands of anyone but my own government, particularly the French. France is probably the most vulnerable nation with nuclear weapons that exists today and don't be surprised if the radical muslims don't either buy or infiltrate that government in a very short period of time to create a mess. Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall, sentiments towards the U.S. and the perceived arrogance of our lifestyle have worstened to the point that I think Europe would work with these radicals to bring us down with no thought to internal consequences. This war with Iraq and the finding out of the oil-for-food scandal that was going on behind our backs has finally brought these internal sentiments to the surface. It's my opinion that with the exception of Great Britain and a few other European allies, we should sever our ties with France, Germany, Spain, and Russia and ship the U.N. to Paris or Berlin. To many, this is a radical view but give it a little thought before you discard it. My thoughts however are if these countries are not going to help us take on our enemies, then let them pay for the U.N. since they seem to be the ones benefiting from it. This will also allow us to get some of the foreign spies out of this country.
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Election Time

Post by TamuScarecrow » Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:50 am

Gordon, I'm not against a guy getting a job who wants to work. I am against a guy who wants to sit on his rump and collect free money. And don't give me this crap he's sitting there because illegals took his job considering a hamburger in NY costs 5 times more than it does down here.

As for your WMD comment, no, we don't have the technology to track WMD facilities or we would have used it in Iraq instead of relying on weapons inspectors.

As for your comment on the oil-for-food scandal, you're just being an idiot.

As for your police state comment, it's no different than the Democrats wanting to take away my guns. But read the Patriot Act before you comment on it. You MIGHT think differently.

As for the domestic borders, I agree with you 100%. Let's revoke all congressional pensions to fund it.

And as for the prisoner torture, all's fair in love and war and I have no sympathy for those shooting at our troops. However, Abu Graib was about a pregnant woman and her shack-up getting out of Iraq, making a fortune which they will do when they sell the book and movie rights to the liberal media who are lining up as we speak, and doing damage to the guy who sent them there, Bush. If the media reports the truth, which I doubt they will, all of this will be brought to light.
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Gordon Gekko
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Election Time

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:26 pm

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
As for your WMD comment, no, we don't have the technology to track WMD facilities or we would have used it in Iraq instead of relying on weapons inspectors. Sorry, I find it hard to believe that they could be hiding WMD for so long. But the fact is TO-DATE we have found ZERO. That is a FACT. Give it another 10-12 years, maybe we'll find something. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
As for your police state comment, it's no different than the Democrats wanting to take away my guns. But read the Patriot Act before you comment on it. You MIGHT think differently. Again sorry. I have read it. Have you?

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
As for the domestic borders, I agree with you 100%. Let's revoke all congressional pensions to fund it. Darn it, we could have used some of the ~150 billion dollars that has been spent on the war. Guess we'll continue to fight a war where there will never be a winner and continue to leave our borders unprotected.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
And as for the prisoner torture, all's fair in love and war and I have no sympathy for those shooting at our troops. Sounds like your emotions could still be clouding your judgement. There are rules to combat, whether we like them or NOT.

[ August 10, 2004, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Gordon Gekko ]
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
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Election Time

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:30 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:

quote:Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
because the major players were all in bed with Saddam Ya, BUSH!!![/QUOTE]Sorry, I meant Bin Laden, not Saddam. Hey, I'm allowed to get a mulligan now and again.

[ August 10, 2004, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Gordon Gekko ]
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Election Time

Post by TamuScarecrow » Wed Aug 11, 2004 12:22 am

Rules of combat apply only to uniformed combatants which rules out the majority of those prisoners. And yes, there is a winner in this war, the people of Iraq as soon as they have their elections and things settle down. And if anyone was in bed with Bin Laden, it was Clinton who let him get away more times than the law allows. But let's get back to the main topic. Are you voting for Kerry or against Bush or both? I went to Vietnam so Kerry is a weasel to me and he's yet to say anything that makes sense. And to be honest, I don't care much for Bush either. Just like his dad, all foreign policy, no domestic policy. This is the year we needed Ross Perot or Steve Forbes.
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Gordon Gekko
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Election Time

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Aug 11, 2004 4:56 am

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
Rules of combat apply only to uniformed combatants which rules out the majority of those prisoners. Meaningless rhetoric my friend.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
And yes, there is a winner in this war, the people of Iraq as soon as they have their elections and things settle down. There always has been and always continue to be turmoil in that part of the world.

Originally posted by TamuScarecrow:
Are you voting for Kerry or against Bush or both? Against Bush. Thanks.
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