White Privilege

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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White Privilege

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:15 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...agreed with the sentiments expressed here all around as America truly is in trouble and although SNAKE is not too confident that Obama is the way out of this mess The Serpent is certain that McCain is not...change for change's sake is not necessarily a philosophy that SNAKE aspires to nor espouses but four more years of what has been Republican-manifested miserably failed policy across the board simply can not be the answer...most unfortunately the old adage of the lesser of two evils prevails here as change is direly needed...SNAKE if you wanna keep on getting what you've been getting, keep on doing what you've been doing. we need a change.

hopefully someone with a good head on their shoulders and can hold people/companies accountable for their actions will be President one day.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Posts: 818
Joined: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:00 pm

White Privilege

Post by richieprimo » Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:18 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
...agreed with the sentiments expressed here all around as America truly is in trouble and although SNAKE is not too confident that Obama is the way out of this mess The Serpent is certain that McCain is not...change for change's sake is not necessarily a philosophy that SNAKE aspires to nor espouses but four more years of what has been Republican-manifested miserably failed policy across the board simply can not be the answer...most unfortunately the old adage of the lesser of two evils prevails here as change is direly needed...SNAKE if you wanna keep on getting what you've been getting, keep on doing what you've been doing. we need a change.

hopefully someone with a good head on their shoulders and can hold people/companies accountable for their actions will be President one day.
[/QUOTE]...GREED is a two way street don't forget that...BOTH consumers (living above their income levels to keep up with Mr. Materialistic next door, buying homes they can't afford, etc.) AND corporations (lending money at exorbitant rates to non-qualified people to begin with) bear the responsibility and that has to CHANGE...and America needs a CHANGE from the status quo (8 years of miserably-mismanaged Republican rule ranging from the economy to the war to education to health care to infinity and beyond)...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]If I were either of you two, I wouldn't hold my breath. Although I DO agree with Mark's opinion, I don't see that person on the horizon anywhere.
Paying Top Dollar For All 12 and 10 cent Superhero Comics. Send PM...You may have money packed in your garage or attic.

Posts: 138
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White Privilege

Post by Appleman » Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:36 pm

Some make it choice between McCain/Palin vs Obama and reference Palin as bad presidential candidate, but Joe Biden is a good choice? Palin is a 74 year old heart attack away from the presidency and that makes Obama a better choice? What if Obama was to "have a heart attack"? Biden is the answer? I like Obama and I am undecided as of now, but his message of "Change" loses it luster with Biden as his VP candidate.

Posts: 156
Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:00 pm

White Privilege

Post by nostradamross » Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:58 am

Originally posted by Diesel:
I thought James Garner was "Maverick"? Or was it Mel Gibson in the remake? I don't know. Either way, I don't need a Maverick running my country.

Just a quick reminder here. Religion and Politics can turn for the worse VERY quickly on a public messageboard.

One thing I would LOVE to hear from a front runner for potential presidency is this...I would like to hear them say that "Our Country has been bailing out the entire world for as long as I can remember. Due to our great and honorable contributions to world peace and economy, we will now TAKE our well deserved return by turning our national defecit to ZERO. We don't owe anyone anything, anymore." i thought i was the only one who thought like that. good post diesel.

Posts: 156
Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:00 pm

White Privilege

Post by nostradamross » Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:00 am

Originally posted by Primo:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
...agreed with the sentiments expressed here all around as America truly is in trouble and although SNAKE is not too confident that Obama is the way out of this mess The Serpent is certain that McCain is not...change for change's sake is not necessarily a philosophy that SNAKE aspires to nor espouses but four more years of what has been Republican-manifested miserably failed policy across the board simply can not be the answer...most unfortunately the old adage of the lesser of two evils prevails here as change is direly needed...SNAKE if you wanna keep on getting what you've been getting, keep on doing what you've been doing. we need a change.

hopefully someone with a good head on their shoulders and can hold people/companies accountable for their actions will be President one day.
[/QUOTE]...GREED is a two way street don't forget that...BOTH consumers (living above their income levels to keep up with Mr. Materialistic next door, buying homes they can't afford, etc.) AND corporations (lending money at exorbitant rates to non-qualified people to begin with) bear the responsibility and that has to CHANGE...and America needs a CHANGE from the status quo (8 years of miserably-mismanaged Republican rule ranging from the economy to the war to education to health care to infinity and beyond)...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]If I were either of you two, I wouldn't hold my breath. Although I DO agree with Mark's opinion, I don't see that person on the horizon anywhere.
[/QUOTE]ron paul is out there primo.

Old School
Posts: 1084
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White Privilege

Post by Old School » Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:56 am

...GREED is a two way street don't forget that...BOTH consumers (living above their income levels to keep up with Mr. Materialistic next door, buying homes they can't afford, etc.) AND corporations (lending money at exorbitant rates to non-qualified people to begin with) bear the responsibility and that has to CHANGE...and America needs a CHANGE from the status quo (8 years of miserably-mismanaged Republican rule ranging from the economy to the war to education to health care to infinity and beyond)...SNAKE

If you're gonna spout what the leftist mainstream media spews out every day, please don't vote.
Have an original thought. The fact is the DEMOCRATS have been in control of the house and senate and the Republicans have not been able to get much done due to those asswipes blocking every good bit of legislation

Posts: 818
Joined: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:00 pm

White Privilege

Post by richieprimo » Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:57 am

Originally posted by nostradamross:
quote:Originally posted by Primo:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
...agreed with the sentiments expressed here all around as America truly is in trouble and although SNAKE is not too confident that Obama is the way out of this mess The Serpent is certain that McCain is not...change for change's sake is not necessarily a philosophy that SNAKE aspires to nor espouses but four more years of what has been Republican-manifested miserably failed policy across the board simply can not be the answer...most unfortunately the old adage of the lesser of two evils prevails here as change is direly needed...SNAKE if you wanna keep on getting what you've been getting, keep on doing what you've been doing. we need a change.

hopefully someone with a good head on their shoulders and can hold people/companies accountable for their actions will be President one day.
[/QUOTE]...GREED is a two way street don't forget that...BOTH consumers (living above their income levels to keep up with Mr. Materialistic next door, buying homes they can't afford, etc.) AND corporations (lending money at exorbitant rates to non-qualified people to begin with) bear the responsibility and that has to CHANGE...and America needs a CHANGE from the status quo (8 years of miserably-mismanaged Republican rule ranging from the economy to the war to education to health care to infinity and beyond)...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]If I were either of you two, I wouldn't hold my breath. Although I DO agree with Mark's opinion, I don't see that person on the horizon anywhere.
[/QUOTE]ron paul is out there primo.
[/QUOTE]Now THERE'S the answer. Perfect man to right this country...especially since he is a gynecologist as well. :D
Paying Top Dollar For All 12 and 10 cent Superhero Comics. Send PM...You may have money packed in your garage or attic.

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