Dave Gerczak Wins NFFC Primetime Chamionship!!

Leroy's Aces
Posts: 198
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:00 pm

Dave Gerczak Wins NFFC Primetime Chamionship!!

Post by Leroy's Aces » Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:57 am

Originally posted by GK:
...Dave - this is in no way to belittle your beef here with the NFFC/Fan's Edge/Greg/whatever, and I justifiably feel your pain and frustration but it could be MUCH worse - you could still be waiting for your winnings (as many FF'baller's are in other high-stake contests who have yet to receive their check) from the NFFC...again, not to minimize in any way your justified feelings here but the MOST important part of this whole process was getting your check in the first place and on a timely basis in the second...I am NOT making excuses here for anyone responsible and this is not intended for unsolicited advice from me, however I learned a GREAT life-altering lesson in recent times and that is simply this; sometimes in life, things don't go as expected, even when they should, and imho it's not worth it to get yourself so worked up about a trophy and jersey(s) (again, even though your frustration and anger is justified here)...I don't want to get too profound here but be VERY thankful for the things that ARE right (and take for granted perhaps like most of us) in your life - like the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones first and foremost...simply wanted to state this and I'm sorry for treading on this thread here...GK Thanks for the post, Glenn.

A few comments on it. The check did arrive in late January of 2009, which is just great and I appreciated the relatively fast payout. Also, I thoroughly enjoy all other aspects of the NFFC; the ownership, the format, the forums, level of competition and most of all, the players I get to meet and hang out with every year in Chicago. It is always a very fun time on draft weekend. I have recommended the NFFC to others and will continue to do so, assuming this ongoing issue actually does get taken care of.

I appreciate your post and you putting my unresolved customer issue in perspective. I am very happy that your son is doing better on his new meds and wish you and your family the best. I was very, very pleased to have read about his progress on the other thread and could feel your pain through your posts, so that is truly great news. God bless and have a Merry Christmas.
'08 NFFC Primetime Champ

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