Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by RoadKing » Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:16 am

TK, you said “It's not a question of doubting the 14-team format. The Classic has proven people like to play in the challenging format that it provides. However, we do think that within the fantasy industry, the 12-team format is more popular or at least more familiar and therefore we believe that going with the 12-team format for the Online Championship was the best way to generate a successful event with room for future growth. I think the fact we budgeted for 300 teams last year and ended up with more than 500 strongly shows that we were correct with that thinking. Again, I think it comes down to what more fantasy players are familiar and comfortable with. Put that together with the $350 price point and that was a successful venture for us and one we believe will continue to be successful going forward.

Does this preclude us from offering a 14-team format in the future? Not at all. But I think we have to be smart in terms of what we are offering with our future expanding. Certainly, if we get strong indications that a 14-team Online Championship would generate a strong number of participants we'll definitely explore it. So we haven't closed the door on anything.”

I think that you are wrong in saying that there is more interest in a 12 team online contest vs. a 14 team contest. If you look at this years “live” sign-ups there is as much interest in the 14 team (Classic) as there is in the 12 team (Primetime). Therefore I think that the reason that the online 12 team format is popular is the $350. I think that you are selling the interest in a 14 team $350 online format short. The NFFC is 14 teams.
I would bet (just like the live sign-ups) that anyone signing up for the 12 team online would also sign-up for the 14 team online version.

[ June 05, 2010, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: RoadKing ]

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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by Chi_Town_FEW » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:50 pm

Just my 2 cents. The 14 team format is the best fantasy football experience out there. I pay $1400 for that and to draft live. As far as the "If you look at this years “live” sign-ups there is as much interest in the 14 team (Classic) as there is in the 12 team (Primetime).", I feel you are getting the 12 team sign up because we are already in town. Good business move by you:)
My money is super tight this year and I might only do the classic because of this. If there wasnt the possibility of a strike next year I might be out totally. Cant risk being shut out of the fun for 2 years. But I will be in because of the 14 team event. In my opinion if you go online with the 14 team league at a reduced price your growth for the live event will take a hit. That affects the Primetime as well. I dont think anyone flys in just for the Primetime without the Classic.
But within the next few years someone else will have 14 team leagues available online and your hand will be forced. So wait to cross that bridge. I feel that expanding your cities this year is a great move to capture the fantasy players loyalty before they have another choice at the 14 team format. If the new markets dont work out numbers wise the new players will most likley jump on a plane to continue.
The exclusiveness of the event makes it special and that is what I enjoy. Thanks.

[ June 05, 2010, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Chi_Town_FEW ]

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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:43 pm

Originally posted by Chi_Town_FEW:

My money is super tight this year and I might only do the classic because of this. I don't think you are the only one in this boat. In fact I know you aren't as I know at least two people as of right now who won't be doing the Primetime this year. :(

Hopefully the Primetime will be able to withstand the economy, but the NFFC is synonymous with 14 TEAMS, and always will be in my book.

I too wish the online would have been a 14 team event. :(

[ June 05, 2010, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Ted's Cracked Head
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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:35 pm

I think that most of us would have preferred the Online to be 14 teams. 12 team leagues/challenges are a dime a dozen. zzzzzzz

I am only joining the primetime this year because I won't be able to draft in the 14 team DC's and Auction's. Otherwise the 12 team Primetime would be off my list.

If the online was 14 teams, I would buy more than a few of them.
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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by Coltsfan » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:13 am

I'm with you on that Rob.

I'm struggling with what online events to play in - if any. If it was 14 team leagues then I would have already signed up. Another thing that would help would be moreflexibility in dates for the leagues. I played in 3 wcoff online leagues 2 years ago and they started running them in July which i really liked or you could wait until September. It added a nice piece of strategy to decide if it was best to draft early or late.


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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:25 am

I'm going to do one NFFC online (the payout is good!), but if it was 14, I too I would be busy picking out what 3 dates I was going to draft.

As for starting in July, I am with you Wayne. The last 2 weeks of August and first week of September get VERY hectic with drafts/everyday life, etc.

I really hope Fanball has the draft site up and operational by early July.

While I like the aggressive approach of having the NFFC in 8 cities, not having a site up to do satellites or mock AND not even advertising on Fanball's site are really holding this event back, IMO :( there a problem?? ;)

[ June 06, 2010, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by TOMDOG » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:27 am

Let me add my name to Waynes,Robs,Billys,chi town and the roadking,and add that i dont see any kind of league to join right now with 14 teams besides the CLASSIC ME.
I like to join a few sats over the summer to get a feel for the 14 teamers,and right now its not available.Doing free mocks is not the same,in my experience they are not taken very serious unless something is on the line.
Please consider a 14 teamer online championship in the future,or at least some sats like last year.
Just my 2 bits.

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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by hammer » Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:07 am

14 team online would gain my interest as well

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Tom Kessenich
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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:09 am

Originally posted by Rob B:
I think that most of us would have preferred the Online to be 14 teams. 12 team leagues/challenges are a dime a dozen. zzzzzzzCorrect me if I'm wrong but I don't recall this sentiment being expressed when we introduced the Online Championship last year with its 12-team format and we had more than 500 teams participating. So it would appear that quite a few people liked the 12-team format we offered.

Again, we obviously like the 14-team format quite a bit just like many of you do and nothing precludes us from offering it as part of another Online Championship event in the future. But the success we had last year with the Online Championship is extremely powerful evidence that we made the right decision to go with a 12-team format for that event. But keep the discussion going and if we gauge that there's a similar amount of potential interest in a 14-team format to go along with our 12-team format moving forward we certainly will consider it.
Tom Kessenich
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Idea's to improve the NFFC experience - for little expense.

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:24 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by Rob B:
I think that most of us would have preferred the Online to be 14 teams. 12 team leagues/challenges are a dime a dozen. zzzzzzzCorrect me if I'm wrong but I don't recall this sentiment being expressed when we introduced the Online Championship last year with its 12-team format and we had more than 500 teams participating. So it would appear that quite a few people liked the 12-team format we offered.

Again, we obviously like the 14-team format quite a bit just like many of you do and nothing precludes us from offering it as part of another Online Championship event in the future. But the success we had last year with the Online Championship is extremely powerful evidence that we made the right decision to go with a 12-team format for that event. But keep the discussion going and if we gauge that there's a similar amount of potential interest in a 14-team format to go along with our 12-team format moving forward we certainly will consider it.
[/QUOTE]I was DEFINITELY one who wanted the 14 teamer last year, but I see your point due to the success last year.

That being said, there is more competition this year AND they released their contest well ahead of this one. I realize you guys were "first on the block" (not counting WCOFF), and your payouts are better than the FFPC, but more competition creates less dollars for EVERY contest.

I hope I am wrong, and I plan to play one online league here. :D

[ June 06, 2010, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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