NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by 76erfan » Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:11 pm

Good times today in ac. Lots of eye candy too :) going out to eat now, before heading home. Thanls tom and greg for a great day.

Shawn and greg,
Nice to finally meet you.
Last edited by 76erfan on Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:37 am

First impressions of Fantasy Football Fest: It was a nice setup, a nice concept and it was well run in many regards, but I know the attendance was disappointing for the promoters. They expected many, many more fans with the autograph lineup they had and all of the fantasy seminars. But getting people to attend live events isn't easy in any field these days and thus I think the turnout was far less than expected.

From our standpoint, it was great to meet so many new fantasy players on the East Coast. We ran four $150 leagues out here yesterday and will have two more today. We had 40+ new customers competing in our live events and enjoying the camaraderie of a satellite league that was live in the FFF draft pavilion. Everyone seemed to leave happy and we now have 40+ new NFFC players who hopefully will get used to our online software and the NFFC format. Hey, customer acquisition is tough these days, so this was a nice way for us to reach a new audience. From that standpoint the show was well worth our time and effort.

And then meeting old NFFC veterans for the first time like Andy Saxton, Don Thompson, David Martino and seeing old friends Mike Weber, Shawn Childs, Rick Thomas, Scott Fleming and more made it all so much better. It's a busy time of year for all of us, but I'm glad we attended the debut Fantasy Football Fest and I hope they continue this is some form next summer. It's possible the location will change and the concept may change slightly, but I applaud ReedPOP for taking the chance on our growing industry. The idea makes sense.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Glenneration X
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:50 am

I honestly don't believe they did a good enough job promoting it. If I wasn't part of the NFFC, I would have never known about it.

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Tom Kessenich
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:29 am

76erfan wrote:Lots of eye candy too :)
I love fantasy football.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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Glenneration X
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:32 am

Tom Kessenich wrote:
76erfan wrote:Lots of eye candy too :)
I love fantasy football.
I heard about the lingerie girls. What's there not to love? :)

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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by 76erfan » Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:58 am

this is just a picture of the lingerie team..there were also girls in a dunk tank and more.

by the way...the girls team destroyed the guys playing football. The QB can really throw(not that i was paying attention to her arm)
picture.jpg (23.22 KiB) Viewed 1796 times

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Don Draper
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Don Draper » Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:44 am

if i wasn't moving this weekend, i woulda been there. maybe next near :mrgreen:

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Tom Kessenich
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:45 am

That's some serious tight end talent.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:51 pm

Quick summary on Fantasy Football Fest: Attendance was woeful on Sunday and over the 2 days of the show it fell far short of expectations. While the panels were good and there was an interesting mix of booth holders, I'd say the event was a letdown for many involved.

We did keep busy by forming six leagues and running them live in Atlantic City. We were the only ones using the draft pavilion, even though there were 15 draft tables set up for local league to host their drafts there. FatHeads was a title sponsor of the show and we were only allowed to use their draft boards and I have to honestly say that those boards were awful for what any league needed them for. All you could do is write names on the board and there wasn't enough room to even make the names large. They also had only 18 rounds for names. No good. Woeful.

In all we added 60+ new members to the NFFC this weekend. All of them will now use our system and play out their leagues for the first time in the NFFC. Some have discussed playing in the Primetime in New York, but for the most part these were $150 12-Team Satellite League players who are getting their feet wet for the first time in live events and they loved it. Our last draft had three sets of father-son teams, which was cool. NFFC veterans Roger LeBeouf and Donald Thompson drafted with their young sons live in Atlantic City and enjoyed the experiences with them. Cool.

All good....but it could have been better. Thanks all and it was great meeting so many die-hard fantasy football players who weren't in the NFFC before. Glad to have them with us now.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Re: NFFC To Host Live Drafts At Fantasy Football Fest

Post by mweber7777 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:01 pm

I have to agree with Greg.. i was there because i live 40 minutes from there.. i was a little disappointed with attendance.. outside it was a ghost town, inside a little better.. but i will say that the booths set up were good.. alot of good information.

my best experience, i signed up for Stratmish.. im sure you guys have heard of it.. a daily league tournament that's been advertised on Sirius the past few weeks.. no danger to the NFFC so im sure Greg won't mind me talking about in fact, if i were Greg, i would probably try and work with a company like that to join forces for attendance. they are getting a lot of people signed up for their tournament and that's a lot of names and email addresses to market and solicit visa versa..

Anyway, i signed up for 5 teams.. nothing big, seems cool... hell a chance at 2million.. i'll go for it.. better odds then the lottery..

anyway, i go home last night (i can't stay i AC or i'll stay the night playing poker and im trying to i get an email at 11:30 pm, that i won their raffle, won a NY Giants actual size helmet signed by Manning, Nicks, Cruz and Manningham. AWESOME! gotta love it.>>>>

anyway, i would definitely endorse it.. i think the event has potential .. but it's just hard to get the word out..

Clearly fantasy football and the future is online.. yes the live events are great for us veterans and die hards, but for the companies to succeed, they have to get the online signups.. and most people will not spend 1700 for an online draft..

Also, thought it was interesting that that other new league that just formed drafting in vegas didn't have a booth set up> at least i didn't see them.. lol..

anyway, night all..Mike Weber

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