poor sports

got heeem
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Re: poor sports

Post by got heeem » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:33 am

got heeem wrote:what do you do when ( can't even call this guy a man ) ACTS LIKE A BABY and cuts all his players . he cut p manning /v cruz /a bradshaw /a johnson /julio jones /bge / h miller . should they be in the pool or removed . this is the worst case of bad sportsmanship of all time . would like feed back on this . :evil:
well after 2 days and 8 pages i guess i got my feed back . when i started this discussion i wanted something done tom/greg/nffc stepped up and did the best they could do . they removed the players in question from the pool .the players he picked up mostly jax players nobody wants anyway .so to put his team back the way it was we don't care if he keeps those crappy players .he has posted on our league board that he is sorry .lets just now move on .can we now come up with some new better stated rules for years in the future if this happens again.hard to place a rule on that you can only cut 4-5-6 players at a time .but there is a need for some kind of penalty for this .kicking someone out of just the one league will not work .because they don't care about that team anyway or they would not do it .can someone come up with a plan for a punnishment that will keep this from ever happening again. thanks everyone for feedback . mark down

Ry's Guys
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Re: poor sports

Post by Ry's Guys » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:38 am

Greg Ambrosius wrote:
BillyWaz wrote:I'll say it again......we saw what one guy tried to do personally to Greg and Tom and to this contest last year and were guaranteed he wouldn't be back (and he of course is). Nothing is going to change here, as this is 1/1000 the problem that was.
Billy, you just never quit.

Bwaz vs. Snake for 7 years on our Message Boards. And the other owner just runs his teams and doesn't cause any problems, yet there you are again.
I don't know the complete history of BillyWaz V. Snake but I've had my dealings with both. Snake is aptly named and gets into message board wars with anyone and everyone including Greg and Tom. He is always condescending and looking to start a fight. To my knowledge Billy isn't getting into pissing matches with anyone else on these boards.

I posted after last season (not as a threat just as the truth) that I wouldn't play here if Snake was allowed to play. I was told he wasn't going to be allowed so I took them at their word and signed up. Lo and behold there was Snake sneaking onto the message board under numerous aliases. Even after that he was allowed back in!

Greg, to say the other owner just runs his teams is simply amazing to me. When has Billy disrespected anyone not named Snake on these boards? The better question might be HOW MANY times has Snake disrespected others on these boards AND in PM"s AND on their league message boards? Hell, 3 or 4 guys that have told me he would harass them on facebook, constantly call them or text them.

I find it troubling that I was lied to about him not coming back and then you call out another customer that called you on that exact point.
Pat Sorge

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Re: poor sports

Post by BillyWaz » Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:06 pm

Ry's Guys wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:
BillyWaz wrote:I'll say it again......we saw what one guy tried to do personally to Greg and Tom and to this contest last year and were guaranteed he wouldn't be back (and he of course is). Nothing is going to change here, as this is 1/1000 the problem that was.
Billy, you just never quit.

Bwaz vs. Snake for 7 years on our Message Boards. And the other owner just runs his teams and doesn't cause any problems, yet there you are again.
I don't know the complete history of BillyWaz V. Snake but I've had my dealings with both. Snake is aptly named and gets into message board wars with anyone and everyone including Greg and Tom. He is always condescending and looking to start a fight. To my knowledge Billy isn't getting into pissing matches with anyone else on these boards.

I posted after last season (not as a threat just as the truth) that I wouldn't play here if Snake was allowed to play. I was told he wasn't going to be allowed so I took them at their word and signed up. Lo and behold there was Snake sneaking onto the message board under numerous aliases. Even after that he was allowed back in!

Greg, to say the other owner just runs his teams is simply amazing to me. When has Billy disrespected anyone not named Snake on these boards? The better question might be HOW MANY times has Snake disrespected others on these boards AND in PM"s AND on their league message boards? Hell, 3 or 4 guys that have told me he would harass them on facebook, constantly call them or text them.

I find it troubling that I was lied to about him not coming back and then you call out another customer that called you on that exact point.

I want to thank you for jumping in here. Had the pleasure of meeting you in Vegas this year, and although you have been a pain in my and the rest of the leagues collective asses in the Super Auction, you seem to be a great guy! ;) You summed up what I wanted to say earlier but I didn't have a lot of time, and was/still am pissed.

Since I was involved in the whole "Snake vs BWaz" feud, it is hard for me to see it "unbiased". You saying the things you did (although just one man's view) at least confirmed to me that someone else sees it the way I do. Again, I take full responsibility for all the feuds with Snake over the years, but I saw him get into it with many others as well. While that isn't a huge deal, what he tried to do to Greg/Tom and this contest last year was "over the top", IMO.

My original post that Greg responded to obviously wasn't intended towards Snake. Yet, "he just manages his teams, and here I am again"? It's clear you don't like me (which is fine...I haven't lost sleep ;)), but for you to act like Snake "just goes about managing his teams", but "here I am again"......sorry if you can't see how I take offense that, after the crap he has pulled with numerous owners and more importantly you and Tom.

I don't want a phone call, an email, etc. as it is over, and again, it isn't like I haven't known how you have pretty much always felt. Like everyone else here, I LOVE the NFFC. I play it because of the game itself and the great people I have/and continue to meet. I'm just going to stop there.

For the record, I don't have a problem with the way you guys handled the guy who dismantled his team. I simply was stating that if Snake was allowed back in AND was allowed back on the message boards (does anyone else out there NOT know who he is at this point?), then this guy wasn't going to be kicked out of the NFFC. Yes, maybe there was some underlying message there, because like Pat, I wasn't happy about being told he wasn't going to be back, and then he was.

No big deal though.....I'm moving on from all this.

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Tom Kessenich
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Re: poor sports

Post by Tom Kessenich » Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:12 pm

Guys, we did not allow Snake back on the message boards. If he is posting here under an alias - and let's be clear NO ONE has proven that he is and I've had plenty of people talk to me about it and relay a number of circumstantial possibilities but nothing conclusive - then bully for him if he managed to elude us for now. Most importantly, this issue is not about Glenn Karant so there is no need to reference him here in my opinion. Glenn is managing his teams and hasn't caused a single second of controversy in any of them. We're aware there are people who have had issues with Glenn in the past and trust me, we've taken all of that into account plenty of times. Glenn is playing in his leagues and not causing any issues in any of them so there's no reason for him to be brought into this discussion. If people have issues with how Greg and I handled that situation feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to discuss it.

I'm going to lock this thread. Greg has posted our official position so there's no reason to have two threads about the same subject.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich
