Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Greg Ambrosius
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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:22 pm

You guys are too much. I apologize for being away for the last two hours when I promised I'd be in the office all night, but my two-year-old HAD to lay down with daddy and just wouldn't let go. Don't tell me that little feller didn't know the ol' dad needed a hug. I stayed with him a little longer than normal tonight and I didn't think anyone would mind.

Hey, it goes without saying that first-year guys in the NFBC and NFFC get first dibs on openings next year. My NFBC guys know I take care of them and they've got first crack at those spots in 2005, which I'm convinced will all be filled next year. We'll stick with 300 openings, three cities and $100,000 in baseball and continue to build from the foundation we laid this year. Same is true in football.

Dyv, you don't have to promise you'll buy a couple of MGDs for me when you win. You know I'll take those anytime!!!
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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by jch » Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:35 pm

Hi, I am going to stay in, however I must admit that I am disappointed in this development. I always got the impression, through message board posts, an email and a phone conversation, that you were confident that the prize structure would stay in place even if you fell significantly short of sign-ups. You sited the fact that your baseball event had 195 out 300 sign-ups but still maintained the advertised prize structure. Now you project 224 or so sign-ups for this event, which I understand is a lower percentage than the baseball event, but does this warrant a halving of the grande prize, $200,000 to $100,000. This is not a minor alteration. Again, your baseball event's prize structure wasn't even touched, while your lowering the NFFC prize by ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. It just doesn't seem commensurate with your previous actions. If you had said that you were lowering it to $150,000, I would feel that to be much more reasonable. Maybe, for some reason, that just isn't possible. Sorry to disagree with everyone but that is just how I feel. I am still looking forward to the contest. Thanks

Greg Ambrosius
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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:57 pm

John, I hear ya loud and clear and you make a good post. We will do everything we can to keep the grand prize as high as possible based on the number of signups in these next seven days. But honestly, if you do the math of both events using the $1,250 per team multiplied by the number of teams entering and figure in the league prizes with the guaranteed prizes, you'll see that we're in the same ballpark with both sports. There are greater expenses in football than baseball for a couple of reasons, but that's not your concern. I hear that you want us to put the grand prize as high as we can without just being stupid and we'll do that. And we'll keep you informed of our progress all this week.

Thanks again and we'll talk this week.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:01 pm

Gotta run. 35-for-35 so far. Thanks guys for understanding and let's get the new signups rolling again tomorrow and build on the 12 full leagues we have already. Good night.
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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Nag' » Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:21 pm

Just got home and heard the breaking news. I'm still in. 602 sounded nice but 224 has a ring to it as well, especially with close to 100% payout. Keep up the good work, Greg & Tom!
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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Tkats96 » Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:39 pm

Greg- Eric Roberts and Thom Held are staying in! We got bumped from fantasy four last year and really want to compete in this thing. We are disappointed a bit, but hell Erics already flown up from Florida now!

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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Appleman » Sun Aug 22, 2004 10:38 pm

Greg and Tom, Wouldn't miss this for anything!! As I said in an earlier post customer service is my area of expertise and you guys are 1st rate!! I in!!
Question:If winner of Gekko Invitional also finishes 5-8 overall or 3-4 in conso, does that mean you would put us in for 2006??

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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by BillyWaz » Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:06 am

Originally posted by the snake:
SNAKE is all in if for no other reason I WANT Wazass and Grekkbutt... Snake wants ass and butt??? I'm sure there are plenty of men in NYC that can help you with that request (I'm just not one of them!) :eek: ;)

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Revised NFFC Prize Structure Proposal

Post by Diesel » Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:42 am

Team Diesel is in. Guys, if the league prizes stay the same, we're still playing for big money. I'm not sure how some people measure their wallets, but I don't think I'd have a problem walking away with $100,000.00...The only problem you guys will have is if Team Diesel wins, we will most likely split next year, and then you'd have the both of us to compete with! Bring it on! And for those of you still "on the fence", I guarantee you'll be kicking yourself in the a s s if you miss a shot at 1/225 to win $100,000.00...See you all in NY.
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