Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Greg Ambrosius
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Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:12 pm

The NFFC Cutline Championship as you all know was set up to have only 3 Free Agent Acquisition Budget pickups and all of those only on Fridays to avoid the overkill of so many FAAB moves every Wednesday and Friday. The main emphasis of these leagues was meant to be on the draft, thus the 26 rounds on Draft Day.

That being said, I'll take the entire blame for the situation we are looking at in Week 2. By eliminating any Wednesday FAAB in Week 2, we are not set up at this point to include Thursday players in the Friday pickups or to allow them to be cut as well. So this week because of our Friday FAAB deadline, you can not pick up any Jets or Patriots or cut any Jets or Patriots. Again, I'll take the blame for this.

That being said, we are looking at what can be done in Weeks 6 and 9 and if we can fix this going forward. There are so many scenarios that can happen when someone tries to cut a player who already played on Thursday and maybe even cut a player who not only played on Thursday but started for your team and is still supposed to get points that week even though he's not on your roster anymore. It's something I didn't totally think through when we agreed to Friday only FAAB deadlines with Thursday games being played every week. We need to thoroughly flush out how we are going to deal with every possible situation when it comes to Thursday players being picked up and not started for the week, players being started that week and then cut on Friday, not allowing more than 26 players on your roster when you're cutting a player who already played plus started on your team that week and thus adding someone who still can play, etc. There are more scenarios than I had anticipated and thus with our current setup it's not an easy fix and I didn't address this soon enough.

After talking this through, it was obvious today that there was no way to correct this for Week 2 and thus it's on me to announce this and send out an email tomorrow to all of the participants so they know what to expect in Week 2. NOBODY in the contest can pick up or cut players from these two teams. It's the way it is right now and everyone is in the same situation. We will look at every possible scenario involving the Thursday game and Friday only FAAB and see if we can plan for every possible scenario before handing this off to the people who can help make this happen. We will let everyone know what is possible for Weeks 6 and 9 as soon as we can and plan accordingly.

I know this isn't perfect, but we MUST get it in the rules exactly what happens if you do start a Thursday player and then cut him, how we will prevent any roster from having more than 26 players at any time, etc. Again, it's on me for not foreseeing these scenarios beforehand. I said "Friday only FAAB is perfect" and then didn't follow through to see the ramifications of a Thursday game being part of the scoring beforehand and not planning appropriately for this. This one is on me and nobody else but me.

It can't be changed for Week 2. That is final. But we'll look at what can be done and if it's possible in this time frame for the other FAAB periods and post as soon as we can. We are going to look at the possibilities for the remaining FAAB periods and see if a change is possible. I apologize for dropping the ball here, but again everyone is in the same situation and we should have seen this coming before this point. We just didn't see the ramifications of a Friday-only FAAB period and now we have to figure out how to handle it going forward. Sorry everyone and good luck this week in FAAB.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Jersey Dawg
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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by Jersey Dawg » Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:47 am

Thanks Greg. Is there any way you can allow us to drop Brandon Lloyd in the Cutline on Friday. I guess he is still linked to the Patriots even though he is retired and living the good life. He would be my first cut in the Cutline, but his name is not popping up due to his former affiliation with the Pats. :|

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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by ArnCen » Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:16 am

I do not see this as a big issue.
The rules are the same for every team.
There are always unintended consequences for any decision.
Moving forward, one suggestion would be to just have waivers on Wednesday only in Cutline.
This would eliminate the Thursday issues.
The downside would be that all teams have to make their waiver decisions two days earlier in the week.

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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by ppang » Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:43 am

I would suggest that we leave things as is. Your statement that "everyone is in the same situation" is true only and only if you don't change the structure of the game in mid-season. Leaving the FAAB as is will spread the pain among more teams and not just to the unlucky few who want to drop or pickup Jets and Patriots in the first FAAB.

If you are going to make a change, then perhaps moving the Cutline FAAB deadline to one hour before the Thursday Kickoffs would be the fairest way to handle this. From a programming perspective this is probably the most simple solution. But, it may be too late to get the word out to all team managers and it may also hamper your ability to deal with the real-time scoring and real-time standing updates associated with the Thursday games.

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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by CALI CARTEL » Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:37 am

I have no idea why the Cutline Waivers weren't set for Wednesday to begin with. Makes no sense to schedule them on Friday only, except to make it easier on the teams with dozens of other teams to deal with on Wednesday.

You can't add anyone from Thursday games and use them, and now due to an oversight, we are stuck with any Jets/Patriots players for a wasted roster spot for a month. What's even worse is I have Donald Jones on one of my Cutline teams, who has since Retired, but is still listed as being on NE and is therefor locked on my roster until Week 6 -- I can understand the active players being locked, but I think it's utterly ridiculous that I'm stuck with a retired player for 5 full weeks because of an oversight -- clearly not "everyone" is in the same boat here.

Can you at least change players who are dead to a "FA" designation before Friday so we can dump them?

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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by ArnCen » Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:46 am

One could ask why anyone would draft any Jet in the first place. :D

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:37 pm

Jersey Dawg wrote:Thanks Greg. Is there any way you can allow us to drop Brandon Lloyd in the Cutline on Friday. I guess he is still linked to the Patriots even though he is retired and living the good life. He would be my first cut in the Cutline, but his name is not popping up due to his former affiliation with the Pats. :|
Very good point. I've asked IT to release Mr. Lloyd from his affiliation with New England. I'll post when hopefully he can be released from your teams as well.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:39 pm

CALI CARTEL wrote:I have no idea why the Cutline Waivers weren't set for Wednesday to begin with. Makes no sense to schedule them on Friday only, except to make it easier on the teams with dozens of other teams to deal with on Wednesday.

You can't add anyone from Thursday games and use them, and now due to an oversight, we are stuck with any Jets/Patriots players for a wasted roster spot for a month. What's even worse is I have Donald Jones on one of my Cutline teams, who has since Retired, but is still listed as being on NE and is therefor locked on my roster until Week 6 -- I can understand the active players being locked, but I think it's utterly ridiculous that I'm stuck with a retired player for 5 full weeks because of an oversight -- clearly not "everyone" is in the same boat here.

Can you at least change players who are dead to a "FA" designation before Friday so we can dump them?
I'll ask about Donald Jones as well. This is another good example of someone not even being with the Patriots.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by JETS SB » Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:28 pm

Mark Sanchez doesn't play (define?) for the Jets, can you figure out a way for me to cut him? Or maybe I just need to take the blame for being the fool who drafted him... :roll:

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Re: Week 2 Cutline FAAB: No Jets Or Patriots

Post by shralpilators » Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:28 pm

Solution is simple enough.

Players in the Thursday game that are in starting fantasy lineups are locked in as starters and are not eligible to be dropped.
Any Thursday player that is in FA or on a Bench can be added or dropped but not inserted into the starting lineup retroactively, for that week.

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