Adrian Peterson Will NOT Be Available In FAAB

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Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:00 pm

Re: Adrian Peterson Will NOT Be Available In FAAB

Post by Chi_Town_FEW » Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:33 am

Thanks Greg. I have no problem with the NFFCs decision. Tough calls have to be made and love playing in the NFFC because you and Tom are willing to make those decisions. I don't feel this thread is asking to change your decision anymore. Just providing input into how the collusion/unfair advantage rule might be implied/applied in the future.
No one can argue a player with an ADP of 3 perceived value before the season starts. How I look at the rule used for this decsision I see it this way. If AP was just suspended for week 2 and there was the great uproar but Minn. decided to let the case settle in court before taking any action and AP plays on he still holds ADP 3 value. Lets say in the hundred of leagues in the NFFC there are 10-20 owners who feel so disgusted by his actions they do not want him on their team and cut him. You would contact the owner and find out if it was a mistake or not. Here is where a decision of not allowing him back into those pools would be valid. Why, because he has intrinsic value of ADP 3.
Right now AP has close to zero intrinsic value. Odds are that stays at zero. Every player in the NFFC has their own idea of what AP's value is and that holds across all leagues. By not letting him back in you only let one player in each league decide his perceived value. Just feel that should be the same for everyone.
Another way of looking at this is with Josh Gordon. Here is a player with a high ADP if not for his perceived season long suspension at the start of the year. He was drafted in every league I am in. Was cut by less than 10 owners in week one it looks like. Will be back in week 10 and went for crazy dollar amounts in FAAB. He could impact the outcome in a lot of leagues. I don't have a problem with that. That is how this game works. We all have a perceived value of a player and some players have close to zero value to the masses but some a willing to gamble FAAB dollars and a roster spot for a winning lottery ticket. Some just need to win next week. Maybe due to injuries some owners who drafted Gordon might have to cut him and can't wait till week 10. He is still perceived as a top 5 WR when he plays but doesn't have value till week 10.
Same situation at two different points in time.
Thank you Greg and Tom again, I stand with you on your decision but just see it the same way as KJ. I could have explained my view better but hope you all see how I look at this.

Posts: 634
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:00 pm

Re: Adrian Peterson Will NOT Be Available In FAAB

Post by TR » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:56 pm

Chi_Town_FEW wrote:Thanks Greg. I have no problem with the NFFCs decision. Tough calls have to be made and love playing in the NFFC because you and Tom are willing to make those decisions. I don't feel this thread is asking to change your decision anymore. Just providing input into how the collusion/unfair advantage rule might be implied/applied in the future.
No one can argue a player with an ADP of 3 perceived value before the season starts. How I look at the rule used for this decsision I see it this way. If AP was just suspended for week 2 and there was the great uproar but Minn. decided to let the case settle in court before taking any action and AP plays on he still holds ADP 3 value. Lets say in the hundred of leagues in the NFFC there are 10-20 owners who feel so disgusted by his actions they do not want him on their team and cut him. You would contact the owner and find out if it was a mistake or not. Here is where a decision of not allowing him back into those pools would be valid. Why, because he has intrinsic value of ADP 3.
Right now AP has close to zero intrinsic value. Odds are that stays at zero. Every player in the NFFC has their own idea of what AP's value is and that holds across all leagues. By not letting him back in you only let one player in each league decide his perceived value. Just feel that should be the same for everyone.
Another way of looking at this is with Josh Gordon. Here is a player with a high ADP if not for his perceived season long suspension at the start of the year. He was drafted in every league I am in. Was cut by less than 10 owners in week one it looks like. Will be back in week 10 and went for crazy dollar amounts in FAAB. He could impact the outcome in a lot of leagues. I don't have a problem with that. That is how this game works. We all have a perceived value of a player and some players have close to zero value to the masses but some a willing to gamble FAAB dollars and a roster spot for a winning lottery ticket. Some just need to win next week. Maybe due to injuries some owners who drafted Gordon might have to cut him and can't wait till week 10. He is still perceived as a top 5 WR when he plays but doesn't have value till week 10.
Same situation at two different points in time.
Thank you Greg and Tom again, I stand with you on your decision but just see it the same way as KJ. I could have explained my view better but hope you all see how I look at this.
Well said Greg and Chi...makes logical sense and absolutely was the right decision.

Posts: 109
Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:00 pm

Re: Adrian Peterson Will NOT Be Available In FAAB

Post by COZ » Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:52 pm

TR wrote:
Chi_Town_FEW wrote:Thanks Greg. I have no problem with the NFFCs decision. Tough calls have to be made and love playing in the NFFC because you and Tom are willing to make those decisions. I don't feel this thread is asking to change your decision anymore. Just providing input into how the collusion/unfair advantage rule might be implied/applied in the future.
No one can argue a player with an ADP of 3 perceived value before the season starts. How I look at the rule used for this decsision I see it this way. If AP was just suspended for week 2 and there was the great uproar but Minn. decided to let the case settle in court before taking any action and AP plays on he still holds ADP 3 value. Lets say in the hundred of leagues in the NFFC there are 10-20 owners who feel so disgusted by his actions they do not want him on their team and cut him. You would contact the owner and find out if it was a mistake or not. Here is where a decision of not allowing him back into those pools would be valid. Why, because he has intrinsic value of ADP 3.
Right now AP has close to zero intrinsic value. Odds are that stays at zero. Every player in the NFFC has their own idea of what AP's value is and that holds across all leagues. By not letting him back in you only let one player in each league decide his perceived value. Just feel that should be the same for everyone.
Another way of looking at this is with Josh Gordon. Here is a player with a high ADP if not for his perceived season long suspension at the start of the year. He was drafted in every league I am in. Was cut by less than 10 owners in week one it looks like. Will be back in week 10 and went for crazy dollar amounts in FAAB. He could impact the outcome in a lot of leagues. I don't have a problem with that. That is how this game works. We all have a perceived value of a player and some players have close to zero value to the masses but some a willing to gamble FAAB dollars and a roster spot for a winning lottery ticket. Some just need to win next week. Maybe due to injuries some owners who drafted Gordon might have to cut him and can't wait till week 10. He is still perceived as a top 5 WR when he plays but doesn't have value till week 10.
Same situation at two different points in time.
Thank you Greg and Tom again, I stand with you on your decision but just see it the same way as KJ. I could have explained my view better but hope you all see how I look at this.
Well said Greg and Chi...makes logical sense and absolutely was the right decision.
Don't necessarily agree that this was "well said." Sounds more like a nervous HS kid making a speech, rambling all over the place trying to make a point. No idea what his point is. And I want the 10 minutes of my life back that I tried to figure out his point.


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