Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by kjduke » Sat Aug 20, 2016 1:09 pm

I still like kickers, part of the game like every other part of the game. There are a hundred things that can be fantasy-frustrating and this doesn't move the needle for me. The downside to team-kicker in DCs is that they'd become finite like D's and subject to those vicious runs since there would be no "might get a job" guys to take if you miss it.

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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by BLACKHAND » Sat Aug 20, 2016 1:30 pm

I see your point KJ but having a team kicker would lengthen our bench and allow us to get more useful guys on our roster. Would I like to see a Team kicker, yes. Either way I'll be back next year. LOL

As for you Johnny after you get done playing with the big boys in New York this year it might be another five years before we see you again. :D
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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by COZ » Sat Aug 20, 2016 1:57 pm

kjduke wrote:I still like kickers, part of the game like every other part of the game. There are a hundred things that can be fantasy-frustrating and this doesn't move the needle for me. The downside to team-kicker in DCs is that they'd become finite like D's and subject to those vicious runs since there would be no "might get a job" guys to take if you miss it.
Good points. The other "downside," if you can even call it that, to a Team Kicker rule is it eliminates the burden of bearing the risk to those who wait on drafting kickers & who like to wade into the risk-infested waters of drafting kickers in a training camp battle (especially in DC drafts). Additionally, it disincentivizes those who draft an elite kicker early for the security it provides and because they don't want to bear the risk of potnetially having a kicker who gets cut. So, to me, having a Team Kicker rule removes "risk" out of the equation for the kicker position thereby reducing the value of, and incentive of, drafting an elite kicker early while removing the risk of drafting lower tier kickers. I'm not making a value judgment as to which is better, but merely trying to frame the issue in a big picture view on what this does in terms of a risk/reward and valuation sense to the kicker position. So, the issue then, is do we as a fantasy-football-playing community want to eliminate this risk/reward calculus from the kicker position?

For me, in spite of the devaluing of the elite kickers while rewarding those who wait to draft kickers because risk is eliminated, I still prefer the Team Kicker rule because elite kickers will still be more valuable while removing much of the guessing game & "luck" factor from the Kicker position. This is especially true given that much of the unanticipated kicker cuts & signings come in the last week when NFL contracts would not have to be guaranteed, and most importantly to all of us, before week 1 when there is no FAAB thereby "punishing" all early weekend 1 drafters who get burned by an unanticipated kicker cut.

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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by RI WORKHORSE » Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:16 pm

Frankie......5-6 years later and still my records stand....:)

Thought someone would beat my best record in the NFFC by now :)

Cant wait for NYC bro.....counting down....

You better see if bwaz and Route C will partner up with you to beat me muuuuuhuuuuhahaha
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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by RI WORKHORSE » Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:17 pm

Also. I want team TE's. I lost a TE in one of my DC's. :)
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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by Coltsfan » Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:38 pm

I definitely prefer it the way it is. Things are always going to happen. Kicker may be the most stable position in FF. If anyone is worried about kicker then draft a second one. I take 3 in most dc's just to protect myself. If you take less kickers then it's just taking a chance. Just like if you wait at kicker and take guys not guaranteed a roster spot. I wouldn't change it.

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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by BigBlueNation » Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:56 pm

And people wonder why I take Kickers early in DC's. :lol: :roll: Just because somebody doesn't draft and protect themselves doesn't constitute a rule change. Kinda like Jack said, if somebody wants to take their ball and go home, we'll find another ball.. :shock:
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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by BONGIZMO » Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:04 am

I have had DCs that have entered the season with all three(one time actually 4 k's done) but never once thought I want a Team K. The reality is that K is another position that makes the DC Strategy so much fun. You are subject to runs and decisions like Do you wait and collect better RB/TE/WR or maybe draft your K's early for those that are more locked in? Do you take the young rookie with the big leg who get those extra points or the grisly vet who wont ever miss an extra point and chip shot FG?

As much as many consider the K a throw away position, I actually do research them, rank them and view them as relevant. Having them get hurt or suspended is no different than any other position where it can happen. Nothing says you can't handcuff your K's as some do RBs just to be safe. ;)

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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:23 am

BONGIZMO wrote:As much as many consider the K a throw away position, I actually do research them, rank them and view them as relevant. Having them get hurt or suspended is no different than any other position where it can happen. Nothing says you can't handcuff your K's as some do RBs just to be safe. ;)

Exactly. I'm curious as to why a kicker is suddenly viewed as being less relevant or useful than any other position on a fantasy roster. Why is a ninth receiver more preferable than a second kicker when a second kicker may actually contribute something far more valuable to fantasy success during the season? In the case of a backup to Josh Brown, for example, that second kicker would absolutely carry significantly more value this season had you taken a kicker than say had you drafted someone like Jared Abbrederis but the common argument seems to be that drafting a second kicker is reprehensible and drafting someone like Abbrederis, whose meaningful fantasy contributions in 2016 could range somewhere this season between nowhere and nil (and I like Abbrederis mind you) is going to be universally praised. I don't get it.

Kickers have value. We shouldn't treat them as trash. In many cases they care immense value if you target the right ones just like the right quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers and tight ends carry immense value during each season. Can many of them be random? Certainly, just like many quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers and tight ends can be random as well each season. But I think with 20 roster spots in typical NFFC leagues there's enough room to draft two kickers to cover yourself for Week 1 to ensure you're set for that first game in the event anything happens in the offseason you weren't anticipating. Then after that first game drop the kicker you don't want to pick up a player you do want in FAAB. Chances are you're going to be dropping someone after Week 1 anyway, right? So why not just make a strategic draft pick to protect yourself with your second kicker in the offseason and then make your FAAB drop after Week 1 and away you go?

Or you can just draft that ninth WR who will never make a meaningful contribution to your fantasy team the entire season who you will probably be cutting at some point during the year anyway instead of someone who might've saved your hide and actually helped you win a week or two. Up to you.

*Note - the comments expressed above are made by me as a fantasy player only and not representative of me as an NFFC game operator.
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Re: Team Kicker Draft Champions Rehash

Post by boutrous11 » Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:30 am

I don't have a strong preference either way, but I just wanted to say that I drafted Brown, Aguayo, and Novak in an early DC. Seemed safe at the time!

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