Glenn Schroter Is The 11th Member of the NFFC Hall of Fame

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Greg Ambrosius
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Glenn Schroter Is The 11th Member of the NFFC Hall of Fame

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:23 am

Glenn Schroter of Whitestone, New York became the 11th player inducted into the NFFC Hall of Fame on Saturday at Park MGM in Las Vegas and it happened in the most unique way we've ever done it.

Glenn is a Charter Member of the NFFC and NFBC, having played and excelled in both sports over each of the last 19 seasons. After looking over his resume, it was an easy call to induct Glenn into the NFFC Hall of Fame, but telling him about it was a different story.

Glenn is currently leading several NFBC leagues, including the NFBC Platinum, and he didn't want to jinx himself by joining me on a podcast or on SiriusXM to talk about his baseball season. So every time that I tried to contact him or call him, he avoided me. My goal was to tell him that he was being inducted into the NFFC Hall of Fame live on a podcast, but because he was superstitious about baseball, he just avoided all of my invitations and calls.

Finally after missing him for weeks, I told Tom and Darik, "The Hell with it. Let's just surprise him in Las Vegas with the announcement." So that's what we did.

On Saturday, we introduced all of our Hall of Fame members who were present at the 10 am Primetime drafts and we introduced all of our past national champions. We brought them all up to the front of the room, an area we like to call the Stage of Champions. We finally got an opportunity to induct Mike Santos and Kurt Kuekes into the NFFC Hall of Fame and they had their families present for their speeches and accolades as well. It was a great celebration of two great players and most people thought the ceremony was over with at that point.

But it wasn't. It was time for me to announce the next inductee to the NFFC Hall of Fame and once I said it was Glenn Schroter, he walked to the podium and really was speechless. He had no idea this honor was coming and it was just the best to see how emotional Glenn was with this honor. He was very appreciative of joining the NFFC Hall of Fame, but again, his resume speaks for itself.

Take a look:

* Glenn has won a total of 49 NFFC league titles since 2004, despite not playing a large volume of leagues.

* Glenn has won 11 Primetime league titles in 52 attempts (a 21.2% win rate), third only behind Chad Schroeder and Mike Santos/Kurt Kuekes. He has won Primetime league titles in 2008, 2011, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.

* Glenn has won 2 Classic League titles in 14 tries. He won in 2004 and 2010.

* Glenn has won 1 Diamond League title in 11 tries. (2020)

* Glenn has won 1 14-Team Ultimate League title (2010) and two Super League titles (2021, 2021).

* Glenn has finished 2nd in three Platinum Leagues.

* Glenn has won 25 Rotowire Online Championship league titles.

* He's won two Draft Champions Live titles back in the day (2008, 2009), he's won winner-take-all Satellite league titles and other league titles. He's won in just about every format, while challenging for overall titles each year. He's finished as high as 5th overall in the Rotowire Online Championship in 2018, 9th in the NFFC Primetime in 2021 and he has several other Top 20 overall finishes in the OC and the Primetime.

He's been focused more on baseball in recent years, but the guy who was the only one to show up at a live draft in New York City with a laptop back in 2004 -- and was ridiculed for it!!-- has now won enough titles to earn a spot in the NFFC Hall of Fame.

Congrats to a great player and a great guy, Glenn Schroter. Let this be a lesson to you sir, to never ignore invitations and phone calls from the Big Guy!!! :lol: From now on, take them from me or be ready for a BIG SURPRISE!! Congrats again.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Tom Kessenich
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Re: Glenn Schroter Is The 11th Member of the NFFC Hall of Fame

Post by Tom Kessenich » Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:00 am

Absolutely deserving honor to one of the premier players in the industry.

Congrats Glenn. :)
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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Re: Glenn Schroter Is The 11th Member of the NFFC Hall of Fame

Post by lumpy463 » Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:12 pm

Derek "Lumpy" Anderson

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