NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by weber7777 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:48 am

Originally posted by 4D:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by edcnp:
Even if people thought the game was moved to Mon when the weather would have no effect, NO ONE ever DREAMED the NFL would solve this
in this manner(has this ever happened before??).
So to solve the kickers & Def solution with "outside of the box" thinking for a "outside of the ever happen before" situation is what is called for... when teams lose by a small margin and have a ZERO for kicker or Def many many managers are going to be very upset and should be...

...agreed, ditto and amen...SNAKE
Remember we paid lots of money and lots of money is on the line and the teams with zero have been "harmed" vs all others if this decsion stands, and when money is involved you know what tends to follow... lets get this right before more damage is done.
[/QUOTE]Not only did some people dream of it, they planned for the worst if the game couldn't be played. And it certainly wouldn't be fair to them that you now get to cover your gamble. Face it Snake, you rolled the dice and they came up snake-eyes. Greg and Tom made their decision, move on.
[/QUOTE]don't you run another league these days?
Check out fantasy football blog

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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:53 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by Route C:
quote:Originally posted by renman:
I completely feel for Fudgie the Whale as I have A. Johnson on nearly every team. I have Kris Brown on 75% of my teams... I will take zero at WR and Kicker in my NFFC main game due to Steve Smith being suspended and some WR's being injured. I can understand his frustration and laugh at how some here poo poo it (primarily because they were not hurt overly bad). We put up a ton of money for this... we prepare and spend a ton of time to be involved in this event and when something like this happens you feel like you are playing catch up all year.

The comments that people should have somehow prepared for this are a joke. The majority of teams who have themselves "covered" with two kickers or two defenses are the teams that have no idea what they are doing. I know a small handful of guys might have made a move specifically to deal with the chance the game could be shut down. Bravo to them. But that is maybe 1% of the NFFC and also requires having a dead spot on your roster to dump. When the NFL moved this game to Monday we had every reason to believe the game would be played out.

I accepted the decision and have moved on. It still raises issues worth talking about...

I am not a computer expert and I understand the "first come first serve" approach (to free agent pickups after the faab deadline) can't work. Here is my question.

Can we have our normal free FAAB process that works as we have it now... where the most desired free agents will be bid on and taken. Then a second FAAB runs (seldom used) from friday until noon on Sunday for emergency situations like this where owners will have access to the scraps that are still left over. This could cover teams in situations like this, or where a player somehow gets hurt or arrested (more likely) between the concluded 1st faab process and kickoff on Sunday.

This eliminates the "first come first serve" issue. Obviously this would not be used too often... but issues do come up where this can help teams and make our fantasy football experience more realistic to real football.

Just throwing out ideas.. we are always making efforts to make this event better... This is something worth talking about. This seems like a good idea for "emergency situations" in the future. Since this hasn't happened before to my knowledge it may not happen again. The NFL may re-think it's position in these circumstances moving forward as well which might effect our game.

It really stinks for those who have to take multiple zeros. I remember in year one we played a guy that drafted Nedney as his only kicker. Nedney blew out his knee before the 1st game and since we can't pick up F/A's until week 2 this owner had to take a zero.

We won that game by less than 2 points and went on to win our league. Anyone who thinks this situation doesn't matter either doesn't have players taking zeros or simply doesn't care. :eek:
[/QUOTE]...on another note, can you have a little chat with your comrade Billyboy on this as well?...hehehe...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]PLEASE tell me where I said it DOESN'T MATTER or I DON'T CARE????

I have said REPEATEDLY that it sucks for those affected (and again, I AM affected with Kris Brown in another high stakes league EXACTLY LIKE YOU!!!)

The difference is snake, rather than whine, complain, and establish it as a future excuse for not doing well, I am dealing with the decision made. I DO think the NFFC (and my other high stakes league) did the best thing for the ENTIRE contest considering when the news broke, nothing was in the rules, etc.

You are CLEARLY the biggest "excuse maker" on these boards snake, and you complaining about this for the rest of the year (which you no doubt will!!) only confirms that!

The decision has been made. Enjoy the action today and PLEASE move on.

[ September 14, 2008, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Uncle Rico
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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by Uncle Rico » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:54 am

CC's idea is one I have thought about, even on a modified approach.

I think the individual W-L records from this week should stand regardless of future scores.

However, it might be more equitable to allow those holders of HOU/BAL players to decide NOW if we would like their points from week 10 to count towards season total points.

For example, in my case, I would choose to start Andre Johnson today instead of Jabar Gafney. In week 10, whatever number he posted would be added to my point total.

There is, of course, risk involved. By week 10, AJ could be on the shelf again. Quite honestly, that is a risk I would be willing to take, rather than a zero or close to it.

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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by RedRyder » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:56 am

Originally posted by FI$HER:
Ofcourse their is nuttin that can be done this year .....but to keep any future problems to a minimum in certain situations like Mother nature... maybe NFFC bumps up the NFFC classic to 20 roster spots for the draft with a roster requirement for -

2 QB
2 TE's
2 Kickers
2 Defense
6 RB's
6 WR's

i dunno...their are really no good solutions here....I feel sorry for who ever got fugged unintentionally but its out of NFFC's hands.

More importantly, I hope that the people who really suffered in real life can get back on their feet sooner than later I like the idea of roster expansion, but not so much actual position requirements...I hope this suggestion doesn't get lost in all the others...nice idea FI$HER.

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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by stevop24 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:08 am

I think the most impressive thing I have seen from the postponement is the frequency of how often people are able to post on the message board.

Don't get me wrong I am an addict with regard to being in fantasy and roto leagues, but, I try to limit myself to message board postings after the wife and kids have gone to bed. Today is an exception (first thing in the a.m.).

Once again Greg and Tom have dealt with this mess perfectly in my opinion.

Back up Kickers and Defenses? People have had their lives uprooted and teams are flipping out over some mediocre kicker or useless defense?

Please. Go spend some time with your spouse, or what the heck go on a date. Enough complaining. What's done is done.

Good luck to all.

Steve P
"When I walk down the street they'll say there goes Roy Hobbs...The greatest that ever was."

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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by ultimatefs » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:15 am

Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:
Ofcourse their is nuttin that can be done this year .....but to keep any future problems to a minimum in certain situations like Mother nature... maybe NFFC bumps up the NFFC classic to 20 roster spots for the draft with a roster requirement for -

2 QB
2 TE's
2 Kickers
2 Defense
6 RB's
6 WR's

i dunno...their are really no good solutions here....I feel sorry for who ever got fugged unintentionally but its out of NFFC's hands.

More importantly, I hope that the people who really suffered in real life can get back on their feet sooner than later I like the idea of roster expansion, but not so much actual position requirements...I hope this suggestion doesn't get lost in all the others...nice idea FI$HER.
[/QUOTE]fwiw, I have 20/21 man rosters in 14-team leagues and it's still the same problem. At best, the problem is alleviated 20%.
Jules is a Dirt bag and makes my luck.

Route Collectors
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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by Route Collectors » Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:49 pm

Originally posted by Wonder Boy:

Please. Go spend some time with your spouse, or what the heck go on a date.

Steve P :eek: You gotta be kidding. Uhhhh...someone please inform Mr. P that it's football season. :D

[ September 14, 2008, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Route C ]

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NFFC Ruling On Texans-Ravens Game

Post by stevop24 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:26 pm

Route C,

The wife and kids understand that every Sunday from Week #1 through Week #16 is considered a holiday and daddy is not to be disturbed.


I am not against the actual live action of any sport, but, posting on a message board 'til your fingers fall off? I'm just saying...

Then again I've seen most of the characters in Vegas when drafting and let's face it "a date" would be like hitting the lotto. Just half kidding...

Steve P
"When I walk down the street they'll say there goes Roy Hobbs...The greatest that ever was."

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