NFFC Notables

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NFFC Notables

Post by Nag' » Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:43 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
where do i fall mr nag? You're a dear friend and confidant, of course.
For Players. By Players.

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NFFC Notables

Post by TradeStar28 » Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:55 am

This year we have seen that injuries have swayed the luck / skill meter....First and foremost, the team owner must have a solid draft. Secondly, they should pray they are not crushed by injuries, which are out of anyones control.

So when you have something occuring more frequently that is not in our control, and we all know we are big time control freaks, I would assume it flares up the tempers and boredom here amongst the message board regulars.
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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NFFC Notables

Post by SNAKE II » Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:04 am

SNAKE sent me this and said in a follow-up phone call to me something to the effect that this was "post worthy in relation to Renman and his life" on this thread here. Again and again, please remember that I am only the messenger here and truly do not want to get involved in this and am actually very embarrassed by my role in all of this, but quite frankly, Mr. SNAKE is paying me twice as much as what I originally contracted for.

"Please Be Renman's Girl"

Renman was blue and lonely, he couldn't sleep a wink...
And he could only get unconscious if he had too much to drink...

There was somehow, something wrong somewhere
And each day seemed grey and dead...
The seeds of desperation were growing in his head...

He needed inspiration, a brand new start in life...
Somewhere to place his affection, but he didn't want a wife...

And then by lucky chance he saw in a special magazine...
An ad that was unusual, the like he'd never seen...

"Experience something different with our new imported toy
She's loving, warm, inflatible and a guarantee of joy..."

She came all wrapped in cardboard, all pink and shrivelled down...
A breath of air was all she needed to make her lose that frown...

Renman took her to the bedroom and pumped her with some life...
And later in a moment that girl became his wife...

And so Renman sits her in the corner and sometimes strokes her hair...
And when he's feeling naughty he blows her up with air...

She's cuddly and she's bouncy, she's like a rubber ball...
Renman bounces her in the kitchen and he bounces her in the hall...

And now Renman's life is different since Bobbi came his way...
He wakes up in the morning and has her on a tray...

She's everything they say she was and Renman wears a permanent grin...
And he only has to worry in case his girl wears thin...

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NFFC Notables

Post by joetreff » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:30 am

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
If Fantasy Football was 99% skill...wouldn't the top skilled players win 99% of the time?

Not talking profiting 99% of the years...but winning 99% of leagues entered.

99% my ass.

Closer to 65% skill than 99% IMO.

~Lance Thats called twisting numbers to make an argument. I think if you put an NFFC champ in a 14 team league with 13 "luck" players who use a 3 month old magazine to draft with then the champ would win 5 out of 10 times. Thats not 99% of the time, thats better! You only win 1 in 14 if everything was luck. Thats 500% skill!

See how numbers twisting works?

It is probably closer to 65%, but my point is that from draft day, to lineup management to FA decisions those all outweigh everything else by plenty...enough that the skilled players have a huge, obvious edge.

I only see one factor you cannot control, someone taking your "targeted" players way before their ADP and ruining your chance of drafting them. If you had Welker as a top breakout guy and his ADP was 8.5 and you had the 7.7 pick and someone else took him at 7.6 then what can you do?

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NFFC Notables

Post by renman » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:36 am


You just stone cold lied, but I forgive you, because I know that is what people at times do on message boards. You just flat out made up that I "gleaned" for "3 or 4 paragraphes" about anything. At least you were SOMEWHAT honest at the end of your post when you admitted this is your PERCEPTION, wrong as it is.

route C,

I love how the high schoolers pick things out of context because winning message board debates is like winning the lottery to them. You, being a clown, INVENT that I "regularly trumpet my teams good performances." I did not come to this thread "to talk about my team." You just picked out a post where I talked about a FAILURE of my team in the past.

Why am I even bothering with guys like Get back to romper room boys... I would like to think you guys are 16, but I know you are likely all closer to


Now your post was RIGHT ON THE MONEY and I think it explains the behavior by some of these guys. When the discussion gets back to football (a topic some here clearly are not happy with) I will re-visit. In the mean time, the children here can try to one up each other with the best renman mocking

grown men... unreal.

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NFFC Notables

Post by KOTRAX » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:42 am

Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
If Fantasy Football was 99% skill...wouldn't the top skilled players win 99% of the time?

Not talking profiting 99% of the years...but winning 99% of leagues entered.

99% my ass.

Closer to 65% skill than 99% IMO.

~Lance Thats called twisting numbers to make an argument. I think if you put an NFFC champ in a 14 team league with 13 "luck" players who use a 3 month old magazine to draft with then the champ would win 5 out of 10 times. Thats not 99% of the time, thats better! You only win 1 in 14 if everything was luck. Thats 500% skill!

See how numbers twisting works?

It is probably closer to 65%, but my point is that from draft day, to lineup management to FA decisions those all outweigh everything else by plenty...enough that the skilled players have a huge, obvious edge.

I only see one factor you cannot control, someone taking your "targeted" players way before their ADP and ruining your chance of drafting them. If you had Welker as a top breakout guy and his ADP was 8.5 and you had the 7.7 pick and someone else took him at 7.6 then what can you do?

[ October 18, 2007, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: KOTRAX ]

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NFFC Notables

Post by mkrucek » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:43 am

Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
If Fantasy Football was 99% skill...wouldn't the top skilled players win 99% of the time?

Not talking profiting 99% of the years...but winning 99% of leagues entered.

99% my ass.

Closer to 65% skill than 99% IMO.

~Lance Thats called twisting numbers to make an argument. I think if you put an NFFC champ in a 14 team league with 13 "luck" players who use a 3 month old magazine to draft with then the champ would win 5 out of 10 times. Thats not 99% of the time, thats better! You only win 1 in 14 if everything was luck. Thats 500% skill!

See how numbers twisting works?

It is probably closer to 65%, but my point is that from draft day, to lineup management to FA decisions those all outweigh everything else by plenty...enough that the skilled players have a huge, obvious edge.

I only see one factor you cannot control, someone taking your "targeted" players way before their ADP and ruining your chance of drafting them. If you had Welker as a top breakout guy and his ADP was 8.5 and you had the 7.7 pick and someone else took him at 7.6 then what can you do?
[/QUOTE]Wow, and here I would call the guy who took Welker at 7.6 skillful as he took a guy he wanted, adp-right or not.

Oh, and while your number twisting is incorrect I'd be far more interested in finding out how you control injuries?
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

Route Collectors
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NFFC Notables

Post by Route Collectors » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:49 am really are a tool LMAO! Try a crow bar to remove that tightly wedged corn are way too uptight and most of your posts.

BTW....the high school...juvenile...16 year old analogies are also boring and predictable. If you're going to insult me at least make it funny.
I can live with that. ;)

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NFFC Notables

Post by RiFF » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:58 am

Originally posted by renman:

You just flat out made up that I "gleaned" for "3 or 4 paragraphes" about anything. lol...this is a flat out lie...but I forgive you. Where did I say you "gleaned for 3 or 4 paragraphs about anyt5hing". Maybe Route C is on to something with

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NFFC Notables

Post by Quahogs » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:01 am

Originally posted by Route C: really are a tool LMAO! Try a crow bar to remove that tightly wedged corn are way too uptight and most of your posts.

BTW....the high school...juvenile...16 year old analogies are also boring and predictable. If you're going to insult me at least make it funny.
I can live with that. ;) is that what's used out in Indiana to ahh insert ?? Corn cobs ?? lol, no wonder the dour faces !

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