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Post by Nag' » Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:45 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
you are correct, i'm having a bad year. i blame footballguys.com, as well as the baseball season (but to a lesser degree). if i ever get enough free time, maybe i'll go over to their board and let them know what they did to the gekko empire. i'm sure that would go over well. Please let me know when you do that. I would like to observe and promise not to take sides.
Quite honestly, had you ever asked me (not that you should've but just saying), I would've told you that FBGs are very good for statistical information and their boards are the best place for FF discussions but their FF advice has been very average the last few years. The Priest/LJ strategy which they pimped all summer was a disaster (as I have predicted & spoke out against). You obviously fell into that trap especially since you also coupled that with Barlow.
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Post by Eddiejag » Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:00 pm

The death match has been great entertainment, but billy waz make's a great point gordon. If 5 was the worst pick , in the kd you would not have had this pick.I TOO like the idea of people blowing their money for high picks, BUT the kd is a little better and keeps someone like you who thinks picks 5,6,and 7 and know better than 11 , 12 , and 13. good call BILLYWAZ
NFBC (NY) auction league champion!

He who steps to me in 2005, you better realize you dont have enough jive..... TURKEY!

King of Queens
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Post by King of Queens » Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:05 pm

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
I honestly don't understand why you are so against the KDS. By your OWN admission this year, you said that your selection (#5) was one of the worst in the draft (and you complained even more when you got #13 in 2004!) With the KDS, you could have picked ANY other spot than #5 (assuming everyone else went 1-4).

I agree that pick #5 was not a good pick, because the same player could realistically fall to #10 or #11.

You could have had a CHOICE where you picked.

Now how would that not be better?? :confused: :confused:

I was in favor of the BDBS as much as anyone, but that obviously isn't going to happen.

Why not let people have "a little" say in where they draft? are you trying to bait me? wouldn't you rather see a gekko/nag deathmatch?
[/QUOTE]Not trying to bait you at all Gekko. I am just trying to understand your logic of having the worst (or one of) pick in the draft (#5) (by your admission) and having NO choice in it, is better than being able to have a say in your pick.

In your particular scenario this past year...

9 OTHER choices!!
[/QUOTE]Wait a second. Did GG actually say #5 was a bad place to pick from? In Gekko II -- the one league where BDDS was used this year -- you'll never guess what pick GG had.


GOD Loves You
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Post by GOD Loves You » Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:16 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Nag':
Trust me, they're not NEARLY as bad as you drafting Barlow in the 3rd round this year. Sheeesh, that move alone is why you should quit NFFC, not because KDS method is being implemented.

Btw, how are the rest of your NFFC leagues doing this year? You know, the ones you were doing "well" in?

Muahahahaha. you must be smokin the crackpipe. barlow is the 23rd best scoring RB in the nffc. 3rd round is exactly where he should go. i guess you don't follow stats (facts) to much do ya.

my other leagues aren't looking too good. i still have some outs, but they are closing quickly. thanks for the inquiry.

i guess you won't fill in the blanks on your debacle in the wcoff last week. damn! i'm gonna have to call my buddy.
[/QUOTE]GG, whom I thought was Hoffa for a bit since you disappeared.....Your statement about Barlow would be correct if it was a RB only league.

He is the 67 RB/WR/TE so the 3rd round ISN'T where he should have been drafted!

You could have had MANY other players in the 3rd who would have greatly benefited your team. Of course I am sure I didn't have to tell you that. ;)

I don't want an argument ....just wanted to point that out to you since I DO CHECK STATS..

BTW, I don't subscribe to footballguys.com, but their advice I have read previously makes me wonder why ANYONE would subscribe to them. The majority of the things I read from them makes me wonder what their credentials are...I am sure they have "something" to back it up, but I wouldn't waste my money on them.

For all looking for a KNOWLEDGEABLE industry expert...look no further than " Fantasyguru.com"
I think the name AND his credentials speak for themselves...check it out..

I know Tom & Greg can vouch for him!

Best of luck next year Mr. Connors, again, if possible, I want in the Gekko league if you choose to hang around

And best of luck in your verbal exchanges with Nag and others who oppose you.

BTW, I agree with your assesments of people playing in 12 team leagues and failing..give me a break, those are a joke compared to the 14 team format..that's why I am here instead of the "other" "championship"

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Post by Nag' » Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:20 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
GG, whom I thought was Hoffa for a bit since you disappeared.....Your statement about Barlow would be correct if it was a RB only league.

He is the 67 RB/WR/TE so the 3rd round ISN'T where he should have been drafted!
90th, if go by points per game.

There's been some really ridiculous things said on these boards, but gekko saying that Barlow justifies a 3rd round pick is easily the single most preposterous one EVER by ANYONE. :eek:
For Players. By Players.

Gordon Gekko
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:09 am

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
GG, whom I thought was Hoffa for a bit since you disappeared.....Your statement about Barlow would be correct if it was a RB only league.

He is the 67 RB/WR/TE so the 3rd round ISN'T where he should have been drafted!
GLY/Nag - too bad you guys don't realize there is not an equal distribution of rb/wr/te selected during the first three rounds. in the first two rounds of the avg nffc draft 20 RB's were selected. selecting the 23rd best RB (no matter his name) would make sense in the 3rd round, statistically speaking.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:11 am

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
GG, whom I thought was Hoffa for a bit since you disappeared..... sometimes everyone has more important stuff to deal with than the MB. sorry
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:13 am

Originally posted by Nag':
Please let me know when you do that. I would like to observe and promise not to take sides. you promise ME something. that's got to be the biggest sac of BS i ever heard.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:27 am

Originally posted by Nag':
Quite honestly, had you ever asked me (not that you should've but just saying), I would've told you that FBGs are very good for statistical information and their boards are the best place for FF discussions but their FF advice has been very average the last few years. The Priest/LJ strategy which they pimped all summer was a disaster (as I have predicted & spoke out against). You obviously fell into that trap especially since you also coupled that with Barlow. if you guys want to read an honest take on my demise, i'll give it to you...
i always begin my football prep in june. this partly consists of me generating my own projections for EVERY player and tweaking them EVERY day up until the draft. this is very time consuming, but is the process i used last year

this year was different. i had two of my own teams in greg's nfbc (baseball), which require a lot more time to manage than football. there are games every night, injuries every night, players getting demoted, players getting called up, FA every week, etc...
since both of my teams were in the running to cash in, i decided to continue to spend a good portion of time to baseball, because heck i'm the nffc champ and i can walk on water with football. :rolleyes:

i choose FBG to supplement my own research. well, in hind sight, i relied on their projections moreso than i should have. if people want to hear more honestly, let me know and i'll continue to post my story. or if you want me to get back to the deathmatch with nag, let me know that too.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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Post by gerard » Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:27 am

hi my name is gerard i'm rick's partner i was in your league last year (in vegas) tell me what you like and dislike about the wcoff.

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