FAAB: D.Ward $995

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by kennorred » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:43 am

I think Greg has already ruled on this one! This happened in my league so I have as much to gain or lose in this situation as anyone, but I guess i am just not as cut-throat as you GLY. I think Greg made the right call.

In my opinion, it would have more of an effect on the contest to have one league without a Steve Smith. If he were removed, there would be a big fat asterix next to the League Champ representing the league without a top 5 receiver on a team.

While this is mind boggling, **** happens! You can either choose the common sense approach to fix it and move on with a level playing field or you turn this into an ugly mess. I just can't see how the latter benefits the overall contest, Greg, Tom or the overall results and legitimacy of the contest.

Greg and Tom have enough to handle without having to deal with the litigously infatuated sharks on the message board.

Good luck and play ball!

I would have to agree with this 100%. as much as i would like to not face steve smith, the correct decision was made in this case and now we need to move on.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by wayne123 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:53 am

Many thanks to those willing to stand against the "Chum, Chum, family". Here is my opinion of what has occurred. These are not competitors, they are a team! I played poker against them and they did the same thing. A computer error is hard to fathom in this case. There is only one logical reason that Steve Smith was dropped. And only one logical reason why his so called competition would defend his ability to have the player returned. This was an attempt to cheat. It was caught. It involves some of the leagues base players so Greg must support them and cover it up. Please note that this is only my opinion...it is possible that I am wrong. It is not part of my case against the NFFC. My case rests on the interpretation of the rule and the term "star" player. It is an easy case that I will win. However, I may choose not to continue with it. The reason is that it could result in a much bigger problem that could close the league. I have waited all year to play and Greg has a great product. Greg is also an honest guy who is contending with a lot of strong personalities in a competitive environment (yours truely included). Furthermore, I understand his position considering that he may not believe that some of his loyal customers might attempt to "get an edge". I will back off the "cheating" word. That may be unfair...the team of owners I am up against were not actually attempting to cheat...they were trying to gain a competitive advantage. They were thwarted. But, they paid no price for it. So, whatever....game on! I will call my lawyer and tell him that I am not interested in taking action against the NFFC. I am satisfied that a system is in place to prevent obvious collaboration such as this attempt. I am disappointed that the player was not lost as per the "star" player clause. Hopefully, this rule can be made more clear in the future OR certain players can be tagged each week as NO DROP players. Another possible change would be to make all dropped players permamently removed from the game. Not sure how this would effect things...for example you might want two defenses and two kickers. OK, I have said more than enough on this posting. The "Chum, Chum, Family" should no where I stand and what I am about. I am a fierce competitor in all I do. I am usually fairly successful. I am used to being one against many and do not seek the approval of others. I admit when I am wrong. I stand my ground when I am right. I don't take myself as seriously as others do. I can be friends with those whom I disagree, but I will never be a "Chum, Chum". That is who I am...you can take me or leave me. Good luck to all and may the best INDIVIDUAL win!

bald is beautiful
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by bald is beautiful » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:59 am

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
quote:Originally posted by Raiders:
GOD Loves You
After above posts, please change name to
'GOD Loves you if you don't make mistakes'.
Thanks. :D I'm not God, God loves regardless....I just always seem to end up in the minority on many things, this included.
[/QUOTE]God also shows boundless mercy. IMO, Rich deserves mercy here.

[ September 15, 2007, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: bald is beautiful ]

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by gomizzouman » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:03 am

I guess if the defining charachteristics of a Chum, Chum club member are:

1) Does not have a lawyer on retainer
2) Does not have a lawyer on speed dial.
3) Tries at first to resolve issues in a manner without using the legal system.

Then I do pledge my membership.
It takes a great person to be truly humble, and a humble person to be truly great.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by wayne123 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:04 am

Originally posted by Big MO:
I guess if the defining charachteristics of a Chum, Chum club member are:

1) Does not have a lawyer on retainer
2) Does not have a lawyer on speed dial.
3) Tries at first to resolve issues in a manner without using the legal system.

Then I do pledge my membership. Your membership was never in doubt Superstar!

Posts: 398
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by gomizzouman » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:07 am

Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
quote:Originally posted by Big MO:
I guess if the defining charachteristics of a Chum, Chum club member are:

1) Does not have a lawyer on retainer
2) Does not have a lawyer on speed dial.
3) Tries at first to resolve issues in a manner without using the legal system.

Then I do pledge my membership. Your membership was never in doubt Superstar!
[/QUOTE]Good luck to you Blue Foot. I knew LV2 would be a competitive league, but I had no idea we would have this much drama. I can't wait to hear Rich Dunn weigh in on this one.
It takes a great person to be truly humble, and a humble person to be truly great.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by Raiders » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:07 am


What the F???. Go back to bed.

Posts: 398
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by gomizzouman » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:10 am

Mystery must have had a "headache" last night!
It takes a great person to be truly humble, and a humble person to be truly great.

Posts: 599
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by wayne123 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:11 am

Originally posted by Big MO:
quote:Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
quote:Originally posted by Big MO:
I guess if the defining charachteristics of a Chum, Chum club member are:

1) Does not have a lawyer on retainer
2) Does not have a lawyer on speed dial.
3) Tries at first to resolve issues in a manner without using the legal system.

Then I do pledge my membership. Your membership was never in doubt Superstar!
[/QUOTE]Good luck to you Blue Foot. I knew LV2 would be a competitive league, but I had no idea we would have this much drama. I can't wait to hear Rich Dunn weigh in on this one.
[/QUOTE]OK, Big MO! It should be one heck of a year! And, regarding Rich Dunn's weighing in on the issue...I know if I didn't drop Steve Smith on purpose...I sure would have let the boards know about it!!!

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by Inf4life » Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:11 am

I've read all 11 pages of posts and I have to say that I'm leaning heavily towards Blue Foots side. With this much money invested into this game you would think one would be more careful in their moves. There are measures in place to make sure mistakes don't happen, as mentioned in other posts. Now I don't know about the rest of you but when I go to drop a player, my player list is in alphabetical order. Last time i checked H is not next to S in the alphabet. People mention that it was a "computer error". So why didn't this happen to anyone else?? The draft results being messed up is a computer error. This is human error. I also find it weird that with all these posts accusing of possible collusion, the person who caused this has not spoken up to defend himself. Greg has made his ruling and it will be final. My suggestion would be to suspend the player for 4 games, just like you would in the NFL, and then allow him to return to his original owner. Just my $.02.
2007 NFFC Classic Champion

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