Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Hard heads
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Hard heads » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:19 pm

Whoever is playing in the Mag2 league gets a gift at WR as I have lost Colston, now Mason and Walter, but what happens happens. I do think maybe running FAAB Saturday night could help out in a lot of ways. Has this ever been discussed? What were the pros and cons listed?

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:20 pm

Originally posted by RI WORKHORSE:
quote:Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
after everyone screams both sides of the story , i think one way to not to let this happen again is to move faab to sat night at 9pm. this way there would not even be a second round of faab. FRANKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good idea, Gives us more time. I think Greg and TK are going to add someting in the rules for next year.
[/QUOTE]After the smoke clears, HOPEFULLY Goodell and the NFL will make these decisions MUCH sooner than Saturday night.

I personally think the Friday deadline is more than fine.

This is the FIRST TIME this has ever happened (a single game not being played before the next week).

In this day and age of terrorism, etc. god forbid a city got hit with a bomb on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Then would people want a "special FAAB period". What would happen if God forbid an entire teams plane crashed???

I'm not trying to be "Nick negative" here, but just like this, these are ALL possible scenarios that are covered in NO LEAGUES rules, and a "Saturday FAAB period" would not (in these scenarios) help one bit.

The difference in this situation is the NFL COULD HAVE acted earlier in their decision, and did not.

Greg and Tom are making the best AND ONLY fair decision for the ENTIRE CONTEST, not just the people who are affected by this.

[ September 13, 2008, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by mtreff4 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:21 pm

Greg, I just read your last post and I think you are getting way too complicated with all the talk of extra waiver bidding periods. I think you should just write something into the rules that says:

Based on the situation with Hurricane Ike from 08, carry only one tight end, kicker or defense on your roster AT YOUR OWN RISK. An unexpected situation may create the cancellation of the game and if you don't back those players up, you are SOL.

If I had read that in the rules before the draft, I may have drafted a second defense to backup the Ravens on two of my teams.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Hard heads » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:21 pm

Let me add we run baseball FAAB the night before the week starts so why not give us all an extra 24 hours to decide on how we want to handle those guys that are hurt or not hurt?

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by kjduke » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:22 pm

Good call Greg. Hopefully all game operators make this same decision.

Greg Ambrosius
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:22 pm

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
i think my idea of moving faab to sat night would make sure this does not happen again. I must admit Frankie that I've often tried to think of every possible scenario where our rules may have missed an upcoming event, but this is one I never anticipated. I didn't expect the NFL to suddenly cancel a game last minute and reschedule it for weeks in advance. Paul Tagliabue dealt with a hurricane four years ago and ran the game early. He dealt with Katrina and 9/11 and made smart decisions. How could this decision be so badly botched by the NFL??

I don't want to change the FAAB deadline just for the sake of this one rare example. Not everyone likes a Saturday deadline over a Friday night deadline, but I do agree that maybe we need to look at ways to allow pickups after FAAB has been run. That's a worthy discussion for another thread, for sure.
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Sandman62 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:23 pm

Because you may not "get a SCRAP" from the WW, as I cited in my Kaeding example. You may get a very good kicker that no one else in your league had access to.

I know there isn't time to make something like this happen, but perhaps the only fair way to allow those affected to pickup a kicker might be to allow their OPPONENT to choose which kicker they get from the wire. That at least would be better than the 0, yet still not allow an unfair advantage to picking up a kicker that no else could get.

As for having a free-for-all after FAAB each week... been there, done that, not good. Those who sit by their TVs and computers all day (yes, I'm one of them ;) end up being the first to hear the news that some starting RB isn't starting this week and pickup his backup before anyone else hears about it.

Better to run a 2nd FAAB in the wee hours of Sun. morning, IMHO.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by ultimatefs » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:24 pm

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
quote:Originally posted by Mike Treff:
SNAKE hit the nail on the head. Someone with a tight end, kicker or defense should simply be allowed one move to fill that spot, automatic bid price. Anyone on the wire is someone nobody else wanted just flippin yesterday. Charge us all 25 waiver points. We would all do it.

Everyone in that deficit roster situation will be checking this site and can find that info out before the games start. Picking up the 49ers defense or Olindo Mare for the week is just easy to do and those players are not as strong as Ravens defense or Kris Brown. It is simple and fair and will eliminate any 9 vs. 10 matchups when so much cash money is on the line.

To any of you who think this is not easy and fair: You obviously are not faced with this deficit in your lineup so buzz off. now its te also. where does it stop. faab should be moved to sat night next year and no more problems.
[/QUOTE]It would have to extend to QB (if Schaub/Flacco), and anyone that could not cover 2rb/3wr/1flex also.

Can't do it for some, and not others, can't have anyone waived Week 2 signed.

[ September 13, 2008, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: JohnZ ]
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Diesel » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:26 pm

Losing Shaub isn't my biggest problem here, but losing Mason as my flex is going to hurt me. But being someone who has run a league for a LONG time, I know for sure that there is nothing that can and will be done here.

If nothing is done, there will be people very angry and disappointed.

If a FA period is allowed tonight or tomorrow, there will be people screaming on Sunday or Monday, stating that they didn't get the mass email, and they don't check the messageboards because it's not necessary to look at the messageboards to play in the NFFC events.

It's a lose lose situation. Greg and Tom, when you are tossing in your beds tonight, not falling asleep because your ears are ringing, that is the exact reason I stopped being commish. Nights like this suck for a commish and I hope you have xanax or a nice bottle of Johnny Walker Bllue to ease the pain.
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