Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by weber7777 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:32 am

[ September 14, 2008, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: weber ]
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by JAHNS5 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:35 am


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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Superpion » Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:46 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
Can't change anything this year but expect a new rule on this next year. Would like to see average used instead of sticking people with zeros and saying "tough sh*t" as that is not the customer service I've seen the first four years. This was an extraordinary event that required an extraordinary decision from the NFFC and it didn't happen.

As for my good friend Bubba, this isn't about vision but about the NFL and NFFC blowing it. I have Daniels and Clark as my tight ends and might have grabbed a 3rd if I were a hurricane expert like Jim Cantore. But then again, how many rosters in the NFFC have 3 tight ends? I'm going to say none. As it is, I think Clark will play and I have Schaub and McGahee covered, but as we have seen in at least 2 threads, I'm not the only one who isn't a hurricane expert. Fact is, the NFL made a decision on Saturday afternoon/evening that NO player in the NFFC can manage for. In my lifetime, this is the first time I can ever remember the NFL changing the schedule in-season.

Just as a pre-caution, you guys with Jacksonville, Miami, or Tampa Bay players may want to start spending the FA bucks to hedge as Josephine is starting to strenghten again in the Atlantic. Rick,

I don't know what you thought should have been done??? :confused:

As has been mentioned on this thread....

1) It was too late for a "mass e-mail" to go out, and even so, is it fair that the people who frequent these boards/check their e-mail get a shot at a replacement, but those who don't get screwed?

2) Although most don't, some people DO carry 2 K, 2 defenses, or even 3 TE's
during the season. It isn't the NFFC's job to make sure people do this, and maybe now people will consider that, instead of keeping the RB or WR who is inactive and needs an injury to be "something" (and yes.... I have Robert Meachem :D )

They made the only call they could without creating MORE chaos.

It sucks, but it is what it is. :(
[/QUOTE]B-Waz, your commentary captures the whole conundrum that the NFL dealt high stakes fantasy football and I am in complete agreement with you. Although I didn't have a K, DEF or TE from Balt or Hou, I do have Andre Johnson and Steve Slaton on my NBC and Derrick Mason and Steve Slaton on my Main. I firmly believe that Tom and Greg called it the only way they could. Avoiding unhappy individuals was going to be impossible.
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by renman » Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:49 am

Originally posted by weber:
Here is one of the other leagues's response to the problem which i don't know how anyone can say is unfair. im an advocate of this league Greg and Tom know that, so im only posting this as a suggestion although i know it's too late:

"RotoBowl Fantasy Football Tournament

Dear Michael .

According to

The Ravens-Texans game originally scheduled to be played Sunday, then rescheduled to be played Monday night due to Hurricane Ike, will now be played in Week 10. Therefore, the Texans and Ravens game will not count towards Week 2. We suggest you replace Texans and Ravens players from your Week 2 starting lineups.

Because of this sudden schedule change, we are adding a free agent pickup period beginning 12:15am Sunday morning until 12:00 Noon on Sunday afternoon. Bids will be processed at noon, and teams will have until game time to edit their lineups accordingly.

This is a one-time only addition and will not happen again in future weeks unless otherwise notified by RotoBowl staff. For Help on the Free Agency process, go to Help -> Help Center -> Transactions -> Blind Bidding.

-RotoBowl Staff " Weber,

To me, this was the proper decision to make. The "there is no way we could get word out to the NFFC members in time" thing makes no sense to me. What NFFC member is not paying attention to this? Especially people who would be taking zeros in this weeks game pending the decision? I asked about sending out a league message to all league homepages as the way to get this message out. We all see the message there now so it clearly was/is doable. Any owner not paying attention to this situation clearly is not overly concerned with getting a zero in the first place.

I understand a few owners might cry foul saying "hey.. nowhere in the rules is it specifically written to say teams hurt by a hurricane that cancels a game after free agent bidding closes should be allowed to be helped!!!! I wanna keep my advantage, I wanna keep my advantage!" These are generally the owners who are not being hurt by the situation and see a way to get over on competitors.

Whatever sense of (invented) unfairness felt by these owners (had the above decision been made), who are likely more concerned with their own chance to win than the overal fairness of the competition, is greatly outweighed by the REAL unfairness felt by the people who got buried by this situation.

I guarantee if I were fielding a full team going up against someone stuck with no defense or kicker I not only would not be upset if they were allowed to get one, I would be advocating for it because it is the right thing to do for fair competition. If I am going to win, I am going to win without some hurricane help.

Just my two cents.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Superpion » Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:53 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
After looking at your roster, Billy, I have only one question, did you forsee this hurricane coming and set your draft strategy accordingly? Just curious since you have no coastal players on your team. But let's be realistic for a second. This same scenario could have happened last weekend with the Saints and could still happen again this season and in the future. This ruling by the NFL was unprecedented. Can you remember a time when the schedule was changed in-season?
I had K Kris Brown who I dropped for K John Carney.

I wasn't going to drop Rice,and had no intention of starting him this week.

My stepdaughter's Uncle who lives just outside of Houston called on Wednesday, and I said something along the lines of "I guess there won't be a game there this weekend". He said, "If it is going to be as bad as they say, there is no way".

So since I heard the word "Katrina" MANY times this week (in comparing this storm to Ike and the from someone in Houston), I didn't think this game would be in Houston. I DID however think the NFL would have changed it to a different location (which they should have IMO).

I feel far worse for the people who have Andre Johnson, Owen Daniels, Baltimore, etc. As I stated NUMEROUS times, a kicker like Kris Brown or Matt Stover could have EASILY ben dropped and picked up next week for most likely less than $5.

As far as this happening, the NFL dropped the ball here, but people are now expecting Greg and Tom to fix it???? Seriously, it sucks, but a mass e-mail late Saturday night was NOT an option (according to Tom AND the fact you don't know who would see it), so what else could have been done????

Tough lesson to learn, and I got outbid in another league (although I admittedly was less aggressive than here in the NFFC) and have Brown as my only kicker, and have the Ravens and Texans as my only two defenses in the $650 DC (not that I could change that anyhow).

It is a tough lesson to learn for some, but something will no doubt be put into the rules for next year, so it doesn't occur again.

A statement regarding a postponed game and an additional free agent period BEFORE the season in the rules would most likely do the trick.
[/QUOTE]Tom and Greg, why don't you just put in the rules that Hurricanes and other acts of God are prohibited during the NFL season? Seems like this would take care of a lot of loose ends and avoid these issues in the future. ;)
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King of Queens
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by King of Queens » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:24 am

FYI: The Rotobowl e-mail went out at 11:16pm on Saturday night. Logic would dictate that most of their participants had gone to bed by that point. So upon waking up Sunday morning, assuming they checked their computers prior to heading off for Church or what have you, participants had a very small window in which to work this extra free agency period. For those that didn't check their e-mail, there's a pretty good chance that they missed the opportunity at the extra bidding period. Can you imagine the bitching (and potential lawsuits -- thanks Weber) from people who missed the extra bidding opportunity of which nothing in the rules was mentioned?

[ September 14, 2008, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: King of Queens ]

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by renman » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:37 am

In my opinion if one owner was helped in rotobowl because of that ruling, it was worth it. Those who were not monitoring the situation get the same thing they would get if no decision would have been made. Those people who may miss the message (I find it hard to believe that number would be large) have way less to complain about than those who got stuck and stayed stuck if no contingency decision was made.

No one has talked about the number of teams (and fairness) who gained an advantage this week getting to play incomplete teams due to the timing of the storm and cancellation. Many teams this week got a huge break/gift (giving them an advantage over their league competitiors) that they would not have gotten had a different decision been made.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by ultimatefs » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:44 am

Originally posted by weber:
Here is one of the other leagues's response to the problem which i don't know how anyone can say is unfair. im an advocate of this league Greg and Tom know that, so im only posting this as a suggestion although i know it's too late:

"RotoBowl Fantasy Football Tournament

Dear Michael .

According to

The Ravens-Texans game originally scheduled to be played Sunday, then rescheduled to be played Monday night due to Hurricane Ike, will now be played in Week 10. Therefore, the Texans and Ravens game will not count towards Week 2. We suggest you replace Texans and Ravens players from your Week 2 starting lineups.

Because of this sudden schedule change, we are adding a free agent pickup period beginning 12:15am Sunday morning until 12:00 Noon on Sunday afternoon. Bids will be processed at noon, and teams will have until game time to edit their lineups accordingly.

This is a one-time only addition and will not happen again in future weeks unless otherwise notified by RotoBowl staff. For Help on the Free Agency process, go to Help -> Help Center -> Transactions -> Blind Bidding.

-RotoBowl Staff " No disclaimer on ONLY picking up players that are due to the BALT/HOU game?

I would be VERY pissed if someone made a move because they missed the first deadline and it had nothing to do with the BALT/HOU game.

I sent an e-mail to all my guys at 3:45pm PT yesterday. It's staggering the number of replies stating "I am out of town" and have no access. It's wayyyyyyyy more than I ever would have imagined.

Plus, the several e-mails from my guys in Houston area on their crackberry's that don't have net access.
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BONGIZMO » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:49 am

Again this proves my belief that this lesser contest did exactly the opposite of the majors in an effort to garner potential disenchanted folks that they saw yelping on the various MB's. To that effect, feel free to play that event next year as those snap decisions twelve hours before game time should prove 'fair' in the long run. Pleeeez...:/

Originally posted by King of Queens:
FYI: The Rotobowl e-mail went out at 11:16pm on Saturday night. Logic would dictate that most of their participants had gone to bed by that point. So upon waking up Sunday morning, assuming they checked their computers prior to heading off for Church or what have you, participants had a very small window in which to work this extra free agency period. For those that didn't check their e-mail, there's a pretty good chance that they missed the opportunity at the extra bidding period. Can you imagine the bitching (and potential lawsuits -- thanks Weber) from people who missed the extra bidding opportunity of which nothing in the rules was mentioned?
Never do card tricks for the people you play poker with.

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