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Post by boutrous11 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:51 am

what sort of yearly entry fee are you guys thinking of doing? unfortunately, that's the only thing that keeps me from joining a lot of these leagues.

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Post by RedRyder » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:08 am

Originally posted by boutrous11:
what sort of yearly entry fee are you guys thinking of doing? unfortunately, that's the only thing that keeps me from joining a lot of these leagues. I would need to confer with the core group, but am thinking either $125 or $250.

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Post by hammer » Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:20 am

either fee is fine with me

but my liver just can't take too many more weekends without a draft of some kind... we either need an early satellite or this Dynasty to get started or... I'll have to look into [gulp] baseball [shiver]

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Post by Coltsfan » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:24 am

I'm okay with either fee but my guess is that we will have an easier time getting people to renew year after year with a lower fee. Also, I would recommend a deposit amount that is refundable after the 3rd year so that we don't have a lot of turnover. Some people will drop a poor team and it's tough to get somebody to buy in to take it over. At least with a deposit we can make it cheaper for the next person for the first year.


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Post by Diesel » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:01 am

Guys, for the record, I'm not into the Dynasty league, but if I can just point something out...

In any league where you keep people, whether it's a Dynasty or Keeper league, it's best to have something in place for when someone drops out, because someone ALWAYS drops out. What we did when someone dropped out was, the new team got the #1 draft pick(unless a team or team(s) chose NOT to keep anyone..Then it would be picked out of a hat for the draft picks for teams without keepers), and everyone had to accept that the 3 players they kept would be their first 3 rounds...So the new guy had the opportunity to catch up. It also made people think very hard about how bad they wanted to keep their player.

I was co-commish of a league for 17 years, and we tried "3 Keepers" at one point...The problem was, EVERY year, someone dropped out. The spot was always replaced, but during the 2-3 years we had the keepers, it was extremely hard to fill that spot. Try telling someone that you want them to join your league, but the top 33 guys are already taken...lol...That's why we came up with the method I posted above.

In those 17 years, I don't think there were any two years in a row that had the same exact 12 people. We always had one team change, every year. It's not always because they had a crappy team. It was because they didn't like trades made. They didn't like snake drafts. They thought TWELVE teams were too many...lol...They didn't like sportsline. They didn't like the playoff format. They didn't like the "keeper rule". They didn't like the scoring system...etc...I can go on forever. I can only imagine running a league as big as the NFFC. I'd be on XANAX, 3-5 times a day! LOL

Just my 2 cents.


[ February 09, 2008, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Diesel ]
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