NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by kapefear » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:01 am

Hey Greg, the three free months of HBO, was the throw in, back in the day there was great boxing matches & the SOPRANOS.....Forget about it!!!!

Ry's Guys
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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by Ry's Guys » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:34 am


I had the same issue and I had the wife call :D She's much better at ball busting (I've given her lots to practice on) and while she didn't get a credit on the Sunday Ticket they gave her about $150 in credits on other stuff we are already subscribed to. HBO free for the next six months, last payment on the MLB package deleted, etc. So at least we got something. I would try for a new operator!
Pat Sorge

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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by southpaw24 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:25 am

Call back and try again.
I always get a discount on ST. Called up a few days ago and got the whole season for $120. $20 for 6 months. Done.

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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by 751542 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:41 am

i called today and got 20 off a month ..a savings of 120.00 plus i got hd programming free for 2 years....240.00 savings...not bad worth the 20 min on the phone to save 360.00

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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by RedRyder » Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:17 am

Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Okay, I'm sure I'm not alone here with NFL Sunday Ticket. I've purchased this product every year from DirecTV that it's been available and I have DirecTV over Dish mainly because of the NFL Sunday Ticket. So much to my dismay I see that the Ticket is now FREE to new subscribers.

Naturally I called DirecTV yesterday to say I wanted the NFL Sunday Ticket, but I wasn't willing to pay this year's $335 price. Heck, I remember when it was $125. I told her I'd cancel my subscription for a month and sign up in September. She said not only couldn't she give it to me free but she no longer was allowed to give out any discounts. In the past, you could always talk them into some type of discount.

So now my question to the masses: Did I get a bad operator and should I just keep trying? Or should I just cancel my subscription and start anew? What are you folks doing to get around a full $335 payment this year? Thanks for any advice. I need my fix, but hopefully not at $335. LOL....imagine that; old loyal customers have to pay full freight while customers that have never been subscribers get the same service at a significant discount. (in this case, I guess no charge). As a loyal customer it kind of pisses you off doesn't it?
Kind of sounds somewhat similar to the FF contest that is providing a significant discount to new customers while makiing their loyal long time customers pay full freight. :eek:
[/QUOTE]Love the analogy Rich!!!

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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by RedRyder » Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:06 pm

Originally posted by FI$HER:
Hi Greg,

Simply call d*. Go through the prompts to talk to a customer service rep.

When he/she gets on the phone, say to them , "Hi....please put me through to the retentions department."

They may ask you why and if they can help.....Do not give them any details...tell them you want retentions department please and you will talk to them only.

Once retention department gets on the phone, tell them your wife is giving you a hard time about the cost of sunday ticket and that you feel its discouraging that its now offered for free on new contracts. Do not tell them you will simply cancel and resign. just talk to them with respect and with a sincere tone.

if the 1st person doesnt offer you a great deal, just say you will think about it and will call back. wait a day, etc.

and one last note, its usually the women retention CSR's who are willing to do something for your sob story than the males.

good luck Booya! Thanks Fi$her! Half off my NFL ticket and about $50 a month off my normal bill for the next 24 months!

I was very nice and never threatened to leave. Just wanted to know why as a loyal customer and one who has the premium package I was getting rewarded and that I'd wait for their answer before I looked into other options.

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NFL Sunday Ticket This Year

Post by Mankind » Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:52 am

Just called DTV used the wife is giving me a hard time rouse......Got $150.00 taken off the football package and $10.00 a month for the next 24 months off my regular bill...... Just ask for retentions and your all set... Duke Viveros

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