NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Raiders » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:50 am

Originally posted by Just Russ:
If not in Florida, I'd suggest you hold off on a 4th city for the time being. Not good trying to develop a new market in a down economy.

As for "devaluing" the 12-teamer by going to $600-700, I disagree. I think there is value in a live Main Event in that price range, especially when it's in conjunction with another live event.

If it were my money, I'd do away with promoting the dual-winner $1MM bonus and promote more heavily the combined event standings results.

I found myself looking at the combined standings as often as the overall standings for each event.

The problem I see with the $1MM bonus is that it loses it's appeal to 80%+ of your participants after about 10 weeks of the season. Russ, I think is correct, maybe offering a top three payout to those who do both contest. Or top 10, what ever works. I do think that might get more to do both, because someone has to finish first 2nd 3rd and so on, but to win both overall contest, and the money to insure it may not be worth it.


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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by wayne123 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:31 am

For what it is worth...

1. If you are looking at Texas for a 4th city, Austin may be your best choice. It is within a few hours of Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. Texas is also not participating in the recession! LOL!

2. Seperate the on-line contest from the live drafts. I drafted in one of the on-line leagues this year, and while it was fair, it lacked the "feel" of the NFFC Main Event. I love the option to still play, but I do think it should be a seperate event.

3. Create celebrities from the base of players. This is what has propelled certain poker tournaments to the top. Do this with your magazines, advertising, and message boards. Earlier this year, I suggested that you establish magazine leagues for each style of play (12-team and 14-team versions of 6 different variants, draft masters, playoff, auction, etc. Have these idividuals draft early and publish their teams in the first magazine. To play, the individuals must apply and agree to have their photo and fantasy sports background (as a player...this is not another expert league) published and you select the competitors for each event. The more faces you find to fill these ranks, the better possibility of a celebrity emerging. The next year, have each of the winners compete for the title of Magazine League Champion. Offer a "Belt, Bracelet, or Trophy" to each of the individual league winners and the same to the overall champion the following season. OR DO SOMETHING ELSE. I really have no idea here regarding how to "create" a buzz about idividual players. But, my point is...such a buzz will attract many who seek credit for their skills that extend beyond money and into the realm of public recognition. The goal should be to create household names out of at least a couple of the NFFC players within the next few years. I can't say I like it or even understand it, but celebrity works in America! Tap into it if you can.

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by clarkolson » Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:12 am

If you add the 3rd place finishers to the Championship Round, you will probably want to increase the number of payouts there and/or decrease the number of payouts in the Consolation Round. Even this year, I was 12th in the Championship Round (no payoff), but would have been 4th in the Consolation Round (free entry). For most owners in the Championship Round, they already get a better payout by finishing 1st or 2nd in their league, but I was 3rd and got in by being in the top 10%. As it turns out, it would have been better if I didn't make it into the Championship Round!

bald is beautiful
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by bald is beautiful » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:40 am

I will give you a detailed response to all your questions later, but in the couple of minutes I have right now I must say this - any plans of profitable expansion, whether by an on-line championship, increased participation in the NBC 12 teamer, etc., is, in my opinion, a pipe dream.

Our economy is going to go through further massive pain this year. Almost everyone I talk to in all industries is feeling the pain, and it is not going to get better soon.

Now perhaps I'm wrong and the people who play these contests have more disposable income than I think. But I doubt I'm wrong, especially considering the contraction you saw this year in the football leagues. Add in the additional competition, and your slice of the market gets further attacked.

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Hammerheads » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:41 am

I think Quahogs idea of adding to the payout for the combined score is a great idea.

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Diesel » Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:36 am

Friday Leagues: My plans for 2009 include BOTH $650 Auctions. In fact, you can sign me up now if you'd like.

I would LOVE for an Auction Championship, but at the VERY least, have an option for every team, whether it be in a $650 league or $1300 league, to buy into an overall points champ, through 16 weeks. This way, there's something more to look forward to. Not everyone will take this option and someone may be surprised to end up winning this bonus auction prize.

Main Event(s): I haven't won a single penny in the 4 of 5 years I've done the Main Event(s), so barring a lotto win, I won't be playing in any Main events in 2009. It's too much money for me, when I've had no returns in as many years as I've played there. These leagues are still a GREAT experience, and anyone that has played in a Main Event would agree that it's an awesome feeling when you're in a packed house of fantasy players, waiting for the draft to begin. I would change nothing about these contests, as I think you guys have gotten the players you need to keep them going. I'm just one player, who, for now, has to take a year off from these events.

Online Championship: Great Idea...You guys do very well in your satellites, late into the summer. Have the dates for these contests up early and they will fill. Your original "Pay top 3" satellites may decrease next year because of the online championship, but that will not effect your business at all. Either way, they go through would DEFINITELY join at least one online championship league.

Multi City Drafts...My opinion is to keep it to 3 cities. NY/Vegas and Chitown is where you get the most business.

*****But you don't want to lose your Florida guys. If you want to keep those guys and keep Florida as a city, have the draft at a MUCH smaller venue. My thoughts here are, you should cater to the amount you are serving. Why not have the draft at a major sports bar in Florida? You'll actually get more attention to the NFFC if you did something like that AND the players in the drafts would be the stars of the evening, guaranteed.

My .02

*Ranked #1 Average Fantasy Football Player in the Nation 2004-2013

"Fantasy sports are all about LUCK. Except when I win."

RC Techies
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by RC Techies » Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:48 pm

It is my personal opinion that the economy is going to get worse than it is now. I see a decline in the number of entries for all fantasy sports as disposable income dries up. In my business we are all taking a 25% cut to insure that our business can stay profitable. I hope that I am wrong but I believe that entries will decline this year instead of growing. I know that I am considering not playing the NBC this year.

1. The one million dollar bonus does nothing for me. It was not why I signed up to play. Save the money on a the pipe dream that will never occur and use it to award prizes based on combined standings. If I want to play the lottery I will buy powerball tickets. That would be much more incentive for me to play both events then some million dollar bonus.

2. I plan on playing the NFFC. At $1300 I am leaning towards not playing the NBC. There are plenty of 12 team formats that I am already playing (FFPC and WCOFF). That decision for me will be based on what the economy does. I would consider playing the NBC at a reduced price.

3. If you have to reduce prizes, make it the grand prize. I would seriously have to reconsider my position on playing if the league prizes are reduced.

5. Separate events.

7. Good idea to add the 3rd place team. I have no problem with that.

I enjoyed playing in the NFFC and NBC but if I have to drop an event it will be the NBC.

Hard heads
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Hard heads » Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:35 pm

quoted from RC Techies

"3. If you have to reduce prizes, make it the grand prize. I would seriously have to reconsider my position on playing if the league prizes are reduced."

Couldn't agree with you more John! I quit playing the WCOFF because I felt the league payouts were too low. When you have 12 $1,700 entries for a total of $20,400 and you pay the league $10,000 and take $10,400 for the overall prize I feel something is wrong. Now I have also noticed that the money allocated from NFFC and NBC are similarly skewed and if league prizes were lowered I would have a hard time justifying playing high stakes fantasy games anymore. Looking at NFFC you have 14 teams at 1,300 a pop for 18,200 and you payout 8,750 to each league and 9,450 to the overall contest. Now I know those numbers are inexact due to expenses, etc, but in my opinion I would much rather play for bigger league prizes since my main goal when entering any league is to beat my league mates first and foremost and then try for the big prize as an after thought. I realize the number of entrants for each event will change things, but bottom line is I would be much more interested in bigger league payouts, then larger overall prizes.

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