NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Marauders » Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:55 pm

My thoughts for what its worth...

League prize payouts for the NFFC 14 teamer are fine for me the way they are currently structured.

Lowering the overall Grand prize to add to league prizes, dosn't bother me, but from a marketing stand point 100k sounds better then 75k or 50k. Like someone pointed out earlier you can pay $500 to play for 50k somewhere else, I think it would be a hard sell to advertise paying $1300 to play for 50k (even with the higher league payouts).

The million dollar bonus doesn't mean much to me, but take that 20k+ you paid for the insurance and apply it to prizes for a combined NFFC/NBC main event points champion...something like

3rd- 1 free entry to BOTH main events
4th- 1 free entry to a single main event
5th- 1 free entry to a single main event

I'd like to see some sort of early bird discount for PAYING (not just signing up for) both main events. Something like a free voucher for a $125 WTA sattelite. the earlybird deadline could be something like July 4th ( 2 months early).

Top 3 in each league making the championship round is fine with me, you could even increase it to top 15% instead of 10%.

I know I'm probably in the minority here but I'd love to see some graphics changes on Mock Draft Centrals drafting software. I find it hard to follow the draft picks, and your own team doesn't seem to stand out enough. The color scheme with the fluorescent blue does nothing for me.

Hopefully you will offer the phone in option again this year...If not can you make the 4th site either Foxwoods (Largest Casino in North America) or Mohegan Sun. I'd much rather drive there then into NYC (I live in NH).

While I'm on the subject of a 4th site, (and I am biased) I'd suggest the New England area. Even with it's close proximity to NY. Things I think would be important when looking for a site.

1) Population of the surrounding area:

Mass. is the 11th largest state population wise.

I would suspect that NYC and Chicago are doing so well because they are the 1st and 3rd largest cities respectively in the country, and that helps when more people are driving to the draft sites then flying (the exception being Las Vegas)

2) stated above Foxwoods (In Connecticut) is North Americas largest casino...Fantasy players love to gamble.

3) I think an underestimated factor is the popularity of sports from the surrounding areas population. Reason being is that fantasy players are sports fanatics, the more sports fanatics the more chance for a higher percentage of fantasy players within the population. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd have to say that there are a higher then normal percentage of sports fans in the New England area. The bonus to it is that they have $$$. They have to, to be able to pay the prices around here for sporting events. They pay it to because the Redsox and Pats sell out every year. I don't follow basketball or hockey that much, but I'm sure the Celtics (World Champions) and Bruins are doing well ticket sales wise, with as well as they are playing.

So to some things up...There is a high population in the area, there are a lot of rich sports fanatics, and there is gambling. Whats not to like?

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Diesel » Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:03 pm

Originally posted by Eddiejag:
Shawn the auction KILLER, he he he .
Doesnt Wcoff run an auction event that pay's the highest auction team a bonus and the glory of King Auction.How much was that one and how many teams are in it.Maybe we can do something like wcoff's but just not as many teams.Who's got the info on there auction leagues. Eddie, the WCOFF had 6 leagues in their Auction Championship. With a $25,000 payout to the winner. I think the winner of that contest is a regular in the NFFC by the way. I won't mention his name, because I'm not sure if he wants anyone to announce it, but this guy definitely is the KING of the WCOFF auction and won himself a nice check...LMAO :D

But I don't think a full Auction Championship would work here. Greg and Tom wold have to put WAY too much effort into it. The WCOFF took a beating in their 1st year of their Auction Championship. That's not what the NFFC needs right now. But just having the option of each team paying $50-$100 extra, to be eligible for the "BONUS" would satisfy most of us diehard Auction players. This way, the auctions here are run as usual, and there will be a nice little bonus for those who feel they want to participate. I wouldn't care if only 5 people entered. It would be $250-$500 extra, and the winner would be 2009 NFFC Auction Bonus Champ.
*Ranked #1 Average Fantasy Football Player in the Nation 2004-2013

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by telestar » Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:24 pm

Greg: Thanks to you and Tom for running a great program of contests. This was my first year, and I entered the prime time and an auction league. I enjoyed the contests, and even worked in NY as auctioneer in the 14-team draft & had a good time - so I have a little insight there as well.

1. I liked the 12-team event, even though I realize that the 12-team format is more common. I think it is helpful to have a format at that smaller league size. I would not be against a lower price and with lower payouts - but I'd agree with others that I would prefer money stayed in the league prizes - the $1 million was not a particular incentive to me (and I would be in the demographic that it was trying to attract - as a new entrant and one that signed up for the prime time). Put the money set aside for the $1 million bonus back into the overall prizes - either league or the ones paid based on final standings.

2. I only played one event because of the $1300 price. If it was $2000 for two events I would consider it but not at $2600. I'm not even sure about the $2000 but at least that is more realistic.

3. I agree - try to sell out both main events at reasonable levels, which means guaranteeing prizes at lower levels.

4. Keep the main three sites and don't go too far afield - it's hard to think you could fill more than a league or two in a new location (which would be the same as if you kept Orlando).

5. I'd recommend keeping on line leagues separate from live ones.

6. Auction Leagues, Draft Champions Leagues, Super Leagues and Ultimates will be under the same formats - sounds good.

7. I would be happy to have the third place finishers in the championship round (I was a third placer that did not get in), but I think you should look at the chances that the third place finishers added additional prizes in the bonus round. I did not look at this myself - but it seems like something of a long shot that these teams move up enough to have a good chance at a prize. I would recommend looking at whether they would have been better off in the consolation bracket (see Clark Olson's comment) before you make this decision.

Thx again!

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by wayne123 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:30 pm

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Diesel:
There are SO many more Main Event players, than Auction players. I think the opinions of some of us have been overlooked, on the issue of an Auction Champ Reward.

I'm not expecting the NFFC to run an Auction Championship, but I do think it would be VERY easy for each team that enters an auction (at ANY price level), if they want to pay an extra $50-$100 to be entered into the Auction Champ Bonus prize. The Team with the most starting points, after week 16, wins this bonus prize. Even if you didn't make the playoffs, you'd be setting your lineup all the way through week 16 to try to win that bonus.

? Marc, I don't have any problem with this concept that Weber has been pushing as long as it's not a mandatory fee to go towards the overall prize. It's hard enough to fill up auction leagues without an additional $50-$100 fee for an overall prize. But if owners want to do this, I'll pay back 100% of that and we'll manually add the overall point totals separately through Week 16 if needed. Breakdown of prizes would depend upon the number of entries, but this is all doable.
[/QUOTE]Yes! I agree here and such an option would be appealing to me for the following reasons:

1. Without a league playoff system, the NFFC mains are basically a crapshoot for the big prize. Lots of fun...but, not the kind of game I am interested in any longer. Good fantasy players recognize that teams should have the ability to overcome injuries and build a strong team through the year. The current system in the main places far too much weight on luck.
2. Most NFFC main players are luck based players who have a lot of fun chasing the big prizes. I am frankly surprized that so many accepted 3RR because it reduced the thrill of the season potentially riding upon their name being pulled out of a hat.
3. Some strategy and skill based players would still like to compete for an overall champion title (regardless of the amount of money assigned to it).
4. Auction is a strategy players dream!
5. So, everybody would be happy if an auction format, with a playoff system for the league, and a "chase" for the title (and whatever money is raised via the optional fee).

Should be fun!


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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by KOTRAX » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:48 pm






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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by DIESEL02 » Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:15 pm

Greg, I just would like to add that you and Tom run a great site and it's your customer service that brings everyone back. There's not many sites that take owners opinions and strive to make a better product.

That being said I don't post often. I play in the NFFC NY auction every year and a couple years in the main.I've been playing the NFBC main the last two(and in 2009) and played the auction last year too. Along with about five sat's each year in each sport.

I think you have a steady amount of owners for the 14 team main and it will be difficult to grow.Most owners play and win their 12 team local leagues and join the 14 teamer and than come to realize that they aren't cut out for the 14 teamers. The 100,000 prize is great as a marketing tool but if you do drop it 75,000 that's fine.

I would be in favor of rewarding the league winners and then having a lower payout for the championship round which would also include the idea of third place finishersgaining a spot in the championship round. Personally I don't think a fourth place finish should get you a shot of cashing out. I like the top three in the league to get the money.And that should be the second highest point total and if that means the h2h team is the second highest point total than he gets two prizes.

As far as 12 teamer I think doing it prior to the 14 teamer is a great idea. I like a segway into the 14 teamer. I do think that the price level should be 999 sounds better than a 1000.There is a big selection of 12 teamer events out there so you gotta have a catch ..KDS and 3RR are good but everyone likes their comfort zone so traditional snake drafts will be looked at first.Maybe even getting 2 for 999 might be a drawing point that way you can have a co-owner draft your other team. I think that if you need to lower the grand prize than lower the grand prize.

I'm not in the majority here but I look to win the league first and than to win any extra prize money so I personally agree with higher league prizes and prizes for those who finish we'll say top 15 to get a little more.

I don't have extra money so my winnings this year are going to the NFBC to try to turn a bigger profit and enable me to to join more NFFC events. That being said I'm going to have to carefully pick events for the NFFC so price and return on my money will play into it.

As Todd,Billy and some others said and I've known all along that playing the sat's is a better investment of your money so for me to play in the NFFC 12 teamer I would rather pass and play in five 250 sat's.Needing to hit one to make my money back and finishing top three in another to make a profit.

The thrill of the competition is what brings most of us back year to year (to be the best of the best) and than the reality sets in and tells us it's that turning a profit is what truly keeps us coming back.

And as far as my childhood friend Marc goes...I think you need to start a new thread for the auction changes.We need to concentrate on the main events here. If I remember correctly it was me who brought you into the dark side of the auction when you scoffed at me.It's hard to teach a new dog tricks and the same goes for the 14 teamers. Marc, guys try the auction/14 teamers and fail and go back to what they know.The 12 teamers.

That being said we (the NFFC/NFBC family) need to continue to concentrate what got us to stay in the first place. The customer service, the comradery, the high level of skill necessary to compete and the message board. I think most of us would continue to play regardless of the grand prize.

I'm happy to say that I have met dozens of people throught the years through the NFFC/NFBC that I could call friends.

Good luck and no matter what you or Tom decide I back you 100% and for those who don't there are other events they can join.Damn it I'm not PC. Let me rephrase that. And for those who beg to differ we hope that you continue to play in the NFFC/NFBC and realize that once you join you truly are part of a family.And not just an event.

Eddy Betancourt
"Fortis fortuna adiuvat"-"Fortune favors the brave"

Greg Ambrosius
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:57 am

Thanks Eddy. Great post and lot to agree with there.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Mike Costaglio
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Mike Costaglio » Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:42 am

Ok Greg you have the feedback. When do we get the news? Enough with the tease, we know you have a plan, lets have it. Time to go "all in".

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by renman » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:42 am

Originally posted by Marauders:
My thoughts for what its worth...

League prize payouts for the NFFC 14 teamer are fine for me the way they are currently structured.

Lowering the overall Grand prize to add to league prizes, dosn't bother me, but from a marketing stand point 100k sounds better then 75k or 50k. Like someone pointed out earlier you can pay $500 to play for 50k somewhere else, I think it would be a hard sell to advertise paying $1300 to play for 50k (even with the higher league payouts).

The million dollar bonus doesn't mean much to me, but take that 20k+ you paid for the insurance and apply it to prizes for a combined NFFC/NBC main event points champion...something like

3rd- 1 free entry to BOTH main events
4th- 1 free entry to a single main event
5th- 1 free entry to a single main event

I'd like to see some sort of early bird discount for PAYING (not just signing up for) both main events. Something like a free voucher for a $125 WTA sattelite. the earlybird deadline could be something like July 4th ( 2 months early).

Top 3 in each league making the championship round is fine with me, you could even increase it to top 15% instead of 10%.

I know I'm probably in the minority here but I'd love to see some graphics changes on Mock Draft Centrals drafting software. I find it hard to follow the draft picks, and your own team doesn't seem to stand out enough. The color scheme with the fluorescent blue does nothing for me.

Hopefully you will offer the phone in option again this year...If not can you make the 4th site either Foxwoods (Largest Casino in North America) or Mohegan Sun. I'd much rather drive there then into NYC (I live in NH).

While I'm on the subject of a 4th site, (and I am biased) I'd suggest the New England area. Even with it's close proximity to NY. Things I think would be important when looking for a site.

1) Population of the surrounding area:

Mass. is the 11th largest state population wise.

I would suspect that NYC and Chicago are doing so well because they are the 1st and 3rd largest cities respectively in the country, and that helps when more people are driving to the draft sites then flying (the exception being Las Vegas)

2) stated above Foxwoods (In Connecticut) is North Americas largest casino...Fantasy players love to gamble.

3) I think an underestimated factor is the popularity of sports from the surrounding areas population. Reason being is that fantasy players are sports fanatics, the more sports fanatics the more chance for a higher percentage of fantasy players within the population. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd have to say that there are a higher then normal percentage of sports fans in the New England area. The bonus to it is that they have $$$. They have to, to be able to pay the prices around here for sporting events. They pay it to because the Redsox and Pats sell out every year. I don't follow basketball or hockey that much, but I'm sure the Celtics (World Champions) and Bruins are doing well ticket sales wise, with as well as they are playing.

So to some things up...There is a high population in the area, there are a lot of rich sports fanatics, and there is gambling. Whats not to like? There are some real good point here. I am not sure if it has been confirmed that the insurance policy was $25,000 but if it is that high I would suggest we bag the million dollar miracle and funnel that money back into the prize funds.

I would try hard to keep the overall top prize at $100,000 for marketing purposes and symetry with the history of the event.

Here is my question. How can the NFFC generate more revenue (to go into the prize fund) other than simply our entry fees? The key to this event growing is the great format and customer service (which the NFFC has in abundance) combined with realistic opportunity to get return on investment that does not require a stone cold miracle. I think a number of good fantasy teams make no money in this event and when guys take a step back and look at the draft.. the event... and how hard it is to put together a good team.. and then even with a good team they lose money... it makes people question what they are investing in.

Does anyone have ways to assist in this area other than the prize funds being funded primarily or solely by the actual players?

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