Playoff System Protest

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Playoff System Protest

Post by wayne123 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:43 am

Let me clarify one thing...

Perhaps the league playoff should be called the "League-Post Season Tournament" as opposed to league championship.

This is because the league champion would be decided after week 13 (or in some cases the extended h2h format which could happen simultaneously).

So...after considering this more and the comments made by others:

1. League Champion determined as it is now (little trophy).
2. Same teams make NFFC points Chase.
3. No 3rd place prize money.
4. A League Post Season Tournament happens during weeks 14-16 for a modest prize (very little trophy..LOL!).

What do ya think?

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Playoff System Protest

Post by thegambler » Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:45 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Andy, one other point I'd like to make about the Primetime is that you can have most total points and best h2h record after 13 weeks and win both prizes for a total of $5,200. You don't need an extra round of playoffs to determine your team was the best in the league; you already proved that during 13 weeks of league action. Why is a playoff needed when 1 team has dominated the league in all facets?

In the past, around 60 percent of all NFFC leagues will be decided after Week 13 this way. One team dominated all year and gets the $5,200. Roughly 40 percent of leagues will have one team with best h2h record and one team with most total points. That's when we have the Week 14-16 league playoff for the remaining prize money.

I'm not sure how the WCOFF did it, but I'm not sure if other contests reward teams that win both h2h and total points in their league. I'm not sure why they wouldn't, but I don't think everyone does it this way. Again, our goal is to reward THE BEST TEAMS in each league and I'm just not convinced that a league playoff is needed when the best team in 60% of the leagues was determined after 13 weeks. like i said before we draft kickers and defenses to make it look more like a real nfl team, when we all know that kickers and def are mostly luck and really don't belong in fantasy football. with that being said we don't like playoffs becase the best team could lose. well that happens in every sport.

the argument of: we need kickers and def so we look like the nfl teams can't be used if we don't have palyoffs.

and the people that talked about them not liking week 11 deciding the playoffs because you have guys on byes: didn't everyone else already have their byes? so you might be in the lead because your big name players haven't had their bye yet.

in my opinion 11 weeks is enough time to decide who the leagues 4 best teams are. best record and the next 3 points.

week 12: 1 vs 4 and 1 gets 15 point lead
2 vs 3 and 2 gets a 10 point lead

week 13: league champioship with the winner automatically getting a spot in the big dance

the highest scoring team during the regular season getting something along with the best record. so the best team gets some money before the playoffs start and more then likely will make the overall chamopionship bracket regardless if he losses in his league playoffs or not.

i know no one likes this but i figured i would put it out there again

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Playoff System Protest

Post by mattjb » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:29 am

Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
Let me clarify one thing...

Perhaps the league playoff should be called the "League-Post Season Tournament" as opposed to league championship.

This is because the league champion would be decided after week 13 (or in some cases the extended h2h format which could happen simultaneously).

So...after considering this more and the comments made by others:

1. League Champion determined as it is now (little trophy).
2. Same teams make NFFC points Chase.
3. No 3rd place prize money.
4. A League Post Season Tournament happens during weeks 14-16 for a modest prize (very little trophy..LOL!).

What do ya think? I think this idea merits discussion.

my issue with it would be winning the trophy would be a hollow victory. It's not really winning the 'league title' is it? It's winning 3rd place.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by mattjb » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:39 am

How about this to keep everyone involved.

Move both all play weeks in the 12 team leagues to weeks 12 & 13.

If the combined points winner of those 2 weeks is not a play-off team after week 13 they get a wildcard to chase the big prize.

You're not giving them any league prize money but if they have a surging team they have a shot at the top money.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by mattjb » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:46 am

That might even stop a few early quitters.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:31 am

Originally posted by thegambler:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
If you like a 4 team playoff with 11 week regular season, play FFPC.

If you like a 2-3 team playoff with 13 week regular season, play NFFC.

If you like BOTH. :D everyone keeps saying if you want a playoff go play at the ffpc....what if i don't want to play there no matter what they have and this is really my only option? am i not allowd to voice my opinion on the subject without being told to go play elsewhere?

whats the sense of having a message boards if whenever someone wants to try something different they get told to play elsewhere?

there is not bend with you is either stay as pat or beat it. maybe i will have to look at other options next year

My comment of "if you like this play here, etc." was not meant to be nasty, I simply was saying you should play at the format you like best.

Saying "well if I don't want to play at FFPC I won't have a playoff" is crazy. There are 2 high stakes games out there with 2 different playoff formats.

If you make them BOTH have a 4 team playoff then THERE IS EVEN LESS OPTIONS!!

I think you are confusing the fact that your opinion for the playoffs (and I can see why it is since you came from WCOFF) is what the majority would want, but I don't think that is the case.

The NFFC started in 2004, and is currently the longest running high stakes game out there. It started them with only TWO people getting in the playoffs, and have changed the rules so that the BEST team gets the majority of the league prize money. I don't think it would have lasted that long if people "didn't want it".

However, Greg and Tom have been great about changing formats to improve this game, and will continue to work hard in that respect.

I just think you think your opinion is the MAJORITY, when I don't think it is.

Fact is if you want a game to be EXACTLY the way you want it, you are going to have to start your own league.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:32 am

Originally posted by mattjb:
How about this to keep everyone involved.

Move both all play weeks in the 12 team leagues to weeks 12 & 13.

If the combined points winner of those 2 weeks is not a play-off team after week 13 they get a wildcard to chase the big prize.

You're not giving them any league prize money but if they have a surging team they have a shot at the top money. Not rewarded any money, but reason to keep playing......I like it!!!

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Playoff System Protest

Post by mattjb » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:46 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
How about this to keep everyone involved.

Move both all play weeks in the 12 team leagues to weeks 12 & 13.

If the combined points winner of those 2 weeks is not a play-off team after week 13 they get a wildcard to chase the big prize.

You're not giving them any league prize money but if they have a surging team they have a shot at the top money. Not rewarded any money, but reason to keep playing......I like it!!!
[/QUOTE]by getting all the head to head games played by week 11 it also means there are less 'free wins' against dead beat owners. weeks 1 & 2 are always going to have more integrity than 12 & 13.

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Glenneration X
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Playoff System Protest

Post by Glenneration X » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:54 am

Originally posted by mattjb:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
How about this to keep everyone involved.

Move both all play weeks in the 12 team leagues to weeks 12 & 13.

If the combined points winner of those 2 weeks is not a play-off team after week 13 they get a wildcard to chase the big prize.

You're not giving them any league prize money but if they have a surging team they have a shot at the top money. Not rewarded any money, but reason to keep playing......I like it!!!
[/QUOTE]by getting all the head to head games played by week 11 it also means there are less 'free wins' against dead beat owners. weeks 1 & 2 are always going to have more integrity than 12 & 13.
[/QUOTE]This is a great and very innovative idea that resolves many of the concerns that have been posted in various threads on these boards in recent weeks.

For those who worry about teams that quit, this should help minimize that issue.
For those who want more teams to have a chance via a playoff system, this should provide that chance and a playoff type atmosphere in those final two weeks.

Great job.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by thegambler » Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:10 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
How about this to keep everyone involved.

Move both all play weeks in the 12 team leagues to weeks 12 & 13.

If the combined points winner of those 2 weeks is not a play-off team after week 13 they get a wildcard to chase the big prize.

You're not giving them any league prize money but if they have a surging team they have a shot at the top money. Not rewarded any money, but reason to keep playing......I like it!!!
[/QUOTE]by getting all the head to head games played by week 11 it also means there are less 'free wins' against dead beat owners. weeks 1 & 2 are always going to have more integrity than 12 & 13.
[/QUOTE]This is a great and very innovative idea that resolves many of the concerns that have been posted in various threads on these boards in recent weeks.

For those who worry about teams that quit, this should help minimize that issue.
For those who want more teams to have a chance via a playoff system, this should provide that chance and a playoff type atmosphere in those final two weeks.

Great job.
[/QUOTE]this would not create a "playoff type atmosphere" its is a all play format, no head to head.

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