Is it time for PPR across the board?

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Glenneration X
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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:11 pm

Originally posted by KJ Duke:

What all of the RBBCs have created, along with Greg's 0.5pt PPR, is greater balance. But by no means have the top WRs passed the top RBs. It's just that we're used to seeing more imbalance, like 12-13 RBs.

I like the shift toward greater balance - it creates different draft strategies. Do we really need to go back to the old cliche days of get your stud RBs and win the league?

Likewise for 3RR/KDS - I would guess that Greg saw the most balance ever this year with draft preferences, which means 3RR worked better than past years - dare I say it may have worked almost PERFECTLY this season? This pretty much said it all for me.

KDS without 3RR would skew everything towards the top of the draft.
The NFBC doesn't use 3RR and I'd bet 95% of the KDS had players going for a top 4 pick.

As far as the balance 3RR, KDS, and the 1/2 PPR creates, this is what makes the NFFC special amongst contests. In other contests, I'd bet most would want a top 3 pick....I know I did, but didn't get it. KDS allowed me to get it in all my NFFC multi-league drafts, but not without thinking long & hard about the price I'd pay in 3RR and only 1/2 point for a big back....a price I was willing to pay, but had to think long and hard about.
What's the price to pay in other contests? None.

I'm in many different contests this year, each with a different format. I think that's what makes things interesting for me. If everyone used the same standard 12-team basic scoring format, why even try anything else. What I like most about the NFFC is that I believe its format is by far the most challenging and requires the most strategy....14 team, KDS, 3RR, 1/2 PPR for RB's, 6 pt/td for QB's....don't change a thing.

One man's opinion,

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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Chi_Town_FEW » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:17 pm

Just my 2 cents here. I love the way the NFFC runs it all. The KDS, 3RR, .5 ppr for running backs, 14 teams. It really balances it out. last year, 24 from the front 7 and 24 from the back. Was it #9 not represented, Bradys ADP. It works. Really well. As for a full point for running backs my take is keep the .5. Someone like Bush who catches 70 balls and cant break an arm tackle or ever score inside the 5 running the ball should not get the equivalent of 11+ TDs for his catches, 6 seems fair to me. What is great here is you cant be strong everywhere. You pick your poison. As the dynamic of offenses in the NFL change so do the way FF drafts unfold. WRs this year, next year with the rise of the 80 catch TE someone can go Witten and Olsen(just an example) on the corner and start the TE at flex and he would be as solid if not more than anyones #4 WR. Thought of that talking to a buddy on 294 on the way to the draft. Giving one idea away for next year. What I like about the NFFC if you can stay ahead of the curve in trends before the magazines start telling everyone go WR, ect, you can pick your spot and go for it. Thanks.

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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Raiders » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:43 pm

Please don't change 'ANY OF THE RULES'.

3RR,KDS and 1/2 point for RB's and 6 pt/td for QB's. WHY would you?
I drafted two teams, one is the worst and could very well finish LAST overall. I'm not trying to change the rules that make this Contest Great. I knew the rules going in, I MESSES up.

On a side note, I'm sick as a dog and can't sleep.


[ September 07, 2009, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

Greg Ambrosius
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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:47 pm

Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Speaking of knee-jerk reactions ... I think this thread defined it.

In my 14-teamer, the first round consisted of 8 RBs, 5 WRs, 1 QB.

What all of the RBBCs have created, along with Greg's 0.5pt PPR, is greater balance. But by no means have the top WRs passed the top RBs. It's just that we're used to seeing more imbalance, like 12-13 RBs.

I like the shift toward greater balance - it creates different draft strategies. Do we really need to go back to the old cliche days of get your stud RBs and win the league?

Likewise for 3RR/KDS - I would guess that Greg saw the most balance ever this year with draft preferences, which means 3RR worked better than past years - dare I say it may have worked almost PERFECTLY this season? You are my voice of reason KJ Duke. I knew there was a reason we worked hard to keep you around the NFFC!!

14 of the top 28 picks in most drafts were WRs, 12 were RBs and usually two were QBs. Now we need to give 1 point for a 2 yard swing pass to the back??? Knee jerk indeed.

But let's see what the season brings and address all rules changes then. I don't believe we've seen the last of the swings in position dominance. ;)
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Robert Edwards
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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Robert Edwards » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:36 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:
The NFBC doesn't use 3RR and I'd bet 95% of the KDS had players going for a top 4 pick.
Glenn Might lose that bet, Glen. Depends on the year. Some years, and ARod or Pujols has everyone hot and bothered, and many I talk to KDS a #1 just to get a shot, but then KDS something other than 2,3,4...

Baseball is fundamentally different than football allowing for more diverse strategies predicated by more positions, strengths given to each positon, and percieved middle round value not necessarily present in football (i.e. in rounds 10-15 you can still get quality starting pitching, starters at their positions, etc.) as opposed to second tier TE, back-up RB's and #3 WR.

No 3RR in baseball, please (not that you were advocating it, but using it as an example).

Now, back to regularily scheduled programing. I, too, thought it would be neat for RB to get 1 point per reception, but Greg makes a good point. Generally, the RB first job is not to catch a pass. It is secondary to his worth. The 2 yd swing pass is a good example. Keep it the way it is.
Wayne Edwards

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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by pizzatyme » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:46 am

While KJ may be the voice of reason, is he the voice of the average high stakes player?

Just sayin...
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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Diesel » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:59 am

hmmmm. If the RB's first job is to rush, and pass catching is only secondary to them(and that's why we keep the scoring at .5 per reception for RB's), then maybe we should cut any rushing yards and rushing TD's in HALF for QB's and WR's?

I know I'm a pain in the a$$.

[ September 07, 2009, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: Diesel ]
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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by jimchristie » Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:05 am

Just my opinion, but things look fine just the way they are. .5 for RB and 1 for WR/TE makes the draft more interesting. 6pts for TD pass...brilliant.

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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:06 am

Originally posted by Phat Bustards:
quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:
The NFBC doesn't use 3RR and I'd bet 95% of the KDS had players going for a top 4 pick.
Glenn Might lose that bet, Glen. Depends on the year. Some years, and ARod or Pujols has everyone hot and bothered, and many I talk to KDS a #1 just to get a shot, but then KDS something other than 2,3,4...

[/QUOTE]Hey there Wayne.....good to see you on these boards as well.

I can't really refer to previous years in the NFBC, since this was my first. However, this year there was an "acknowledged" big four (ARam, Reyes, Wright, & Pujols, which quickly became a big 2 after the season started)....and I'd bet not one person in the entire NFBC placed 5 as their number one choice. I'd also take the bet that a VAST majority had the top of the draft over the bottom because there is no 3RR. Nothing wrong with that, but that's the dynamics without 3RR.

In football this year, there's an "acknowledged" top couple players and pretty much an "acknowledged" #1 in AP. Yet using your Pujols analogy, while in baseball most would put #1 down for a "shot" at Pujols, I'd bet in football this year, the majority went for the back of the draft passing on any chance at AP whatsoever. I think that's a direct result of 3RR. Again, not advocating one over the other for baseball....just stating how it completely changes the dynamic of the KDS and makes it a much more strategic element.

There's an analysis out there somewhere going through the historic outcomes for each pick in a fantasy football draft. #1 is on top in every format. I think what KDS/3RR does is even the playing field a little.

Good luck finishing strong in baseball & good luck this year in the NFFC.


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Is it time for PPR across the board?

Post by Diesel » Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:11 am

I love every aspect of the NFFC except the .5 per reception for RB's. It's not so important, that I would stop playing if it's not changed, but I would like to see it changed. If it doesn't...Life goes on, and it's all good. The NFFC is still the NFFC.

I know this will make this thread even more diverse...BUT...I see many people on the NFFC boards still saying the defensive scoring should be lowered. Someone on this thread mentioned it. I did see a league that actually started taking points away after a defense gave up 30 points...Something like -2 for 30 points allowed... -4 for 35 points allowed...This may solve the indifference of opinion with the players here on defensive scoring. ?
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