2012 Thursday Games

Cocktails and Dreams
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:45 pm

I don't mean to come across as my way or the highway either, so my apologies if if did come off that way. I did however mean to come across as having a strong opinion on the subject, as it is a very important one to me, but not as a threat to cut down business and all of that. While I will reduce team counts some if certain options are decided upon both here or elsewhere, it will mostly reflect the online games and smaller type games. I need to keep what little sanity I have remaining. I will be playing the big ones here as along as I am playing fantasy football, no matter what is decided on the waivers, I just hope it involves all players being available Wednesday:)

Greg Ambrosius
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:50 pm

Originally posted by Coltsfan:

Sounds good Greg. The other thing that I would really like to see resolved is the scoring for next year. Any time frame on that?

Wayne I think the NFFC survey was pretty strong for consistency in scoring across all our games and 1 Point Per Reception for RBs in the Classic. I'd have to say I'm also leaning that way and will finalize rules soon. As much as I like making the Classic unique and consistent with past seasons, the NFL has changed and Running Backs have gone from first-class citizens in the NFL when we started in 2004 to third-class citizens now!! :D We're having QBs and TEs drafted ahead of RBs in the Trendsetters League, which you never saw before. So a change is in the air and we recognize it.

But consistency of scoring in all of our games also makes good business sense. So again, I'll finalize all of that soon, but I heard our customers loud and clear.
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Greg Ambrosius
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:54 pm

I realize that nobody is threatening with their responses, but everyone is certainly personalizing those responses!! :D I know we can't please everyone, but we have no intention of waiting for someone else to make this call and then follow suit. We'll do whatever we think is best for the long-term good of our contest and our customers. Hey, I'm not a big fan of this every Thursday NFL game either, but I have a feeling we'll all adjust and even get to like it. Let's do the same with FAAB and create something that we can live with and maybe even enjoy.

Time to narrow down the options tomorrow. Are you ready?
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:56 pm

Originally posted by Coltsfan:

I was just thinking about the free agency and this really hadn't occurred to me during this thread but the WW is a lot easier here than MFL. So a lot of my frustration with WW wasn't even in my NFFC leagues. I am going try and cut a couple of my private leagues using MFL as that is just painful.

Wayne Good to hear Wayne. I do agree that making all of these FAAB bids is pretty easy to do on our site, so let's make sure we don't increase the number of time you need to evaluate those free agents by too much. Hopefully we can do that together.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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King of Queens
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by King of Queens » Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:59 pm

Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
In terms of the other contests...the NFFC is taking the lead on this issue. The others will probably wait for the NFFC's decision, gauge the response, and decide if it makes business sense to go in a different direction. Kudos to Greg and Tom for helping to resolve this problem, and for leading the charge in determining the best possible solution.

There have been some fantastic posts in this thread, covering angles I hadn't even considered. Even seemingly little things, such as opening free agency before Tuesday morning, are great points that have come out of the discussion here. Great job by all -- reminds me a lot of the NFFC boards from several years ago.

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:17 pm

Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
In terms of the other contests...the NFFC is taking the lead on this issue. The others will probably wait for the NFFC's decision, gauge the response, and decide if it makes business sense to go in a different direction. There have been some fantastic posts in this thread, covering angles I hadn't even considered. Even seemingly little things, such as opening free agency before Tuesday morning, are great points that have come out of the discussion here. Great job by all -- reminds me a lot of the NFFC boards from several years ago. [/QUOTE]Totally agree, totally agree.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
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2012 Thursday Games

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:03 am

Okay, all of you have helped us shave the list of possibilities for FAAB in Weeks 2-13 for 2012 and beyond to five possibilities. Let's look at those possibilities here and do a process of elimination. I know that we all have our personal preferences, but let's debate the merits of each and then whittle down the list until we can make a good, educated decision together.

Here is the list of options that I see (and if I missed any let me know)

a) Wednesday late night only FAAB deadline Weeks 2-13

b) Keep our current structure of Friday only FAAB Weeks 2-9 with nobody having access to the Thursday Night players the week of that game and then move to Wednesday only FAAB on Thanksgiving and keep that for Weeks 10-13

c) Friday late night only FAAB deadline Weeks 2-13; Thursday Night Players would have to be picked up the week before

d) 2 FAAB periods: full FAAB late Wednesday night; a second FAAB on Friday night of all remaining free agents who weren't picked up on Wednesday. No cut players from Wednesday can re-enter the free agent pool for Friday

e) 2 FAAB periods: Wednesday night for just the players on both Thursday Night teams; then a full Friday night FAAB for players on the remaining 30 teams. No cut players from Wednesday can re-enter the free agent pool for Friday

Those are the five viable options I foresee. From a technology standpoint, we can do all of these so debate accordingly. Let's keep this debate clean and informative; all opinions count here. The idea of this thread is to get the best of this situation; NOTHING is perfect here anymore, but the NFL has made their decision and there will now be Thursday Night Football FOREVER MORE!! :D We have to deal with it and make the rules fair for everyone who wants to play NFFC games going forward. Thanks all.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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2012 Thursday Games

Post by jschwartz » Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:54 am

As much as it pains me, I feel like having full waiver options for all teams needs to be available for a Wedneday FAAB. If you opt to only allow players from the two Thursday teams during the Wednesday night FAAB process, it eliminates the ability to rank a Thursday player in an position other than #1.

For example: If I am in need of a QB for week 9 b/c my primary QB is on a bye and my backup QB is injured and lets say I have the option of pursuing 3 free agent QB's like Matt Moore, Alex Smith and Josh Freeman. Maybe Josh Freeman if my last choice of these 3 QB's but he happens to be the guy playing on Thursday night.

If I can only bid on Thursday players during the Wednesday FAAB process, I may be forced to place a bid on Josh Freeman just to protect myself from being outbid during Friday's FAAB on one of the other two QB's that are playing on Sunday. On the flip side, If all players are available during the Wednesday FAAB process, I might rank Matt Moore #1, and then place Alex Smith as my first conditional choice and Josh Freeman as my 2nd conditional choice. If by chance I don't win the bids for Matt Moore or Alex Smith (who may be my preferred choices), I might still obtain Josh Freeman and be able to start him as my QB for the week.

Hope that argument makes sense as to why I would be in favor of all players being available for FAAB on Wednesday's assuming that Wednesday's become some part of the process for 2012.

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2012 Thursday Games

Post by thegambler » Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:22 am

i think glenn said this....paying the amount we do i think having the most hands on approach is the best, even if it is a little more time consuming. trying to take all luck and guessing out of the equation leaves us with the option of having two faab periods. one wed and one friday or even saturday morning

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2012 Thursday Games

Post by weber7777 » Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:37 pm

Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by Coltsfan:
Well said Paul.

If we do keep it on Fridays then the only thing that changes is that we have an additional burden of looking ahead to the game the following Thursday and making sure we have our options covered in case of an injury. If you have a kicker going the following Thursday and are worried about injuries then drop him and pick up a different kicker or else back him up. It just doesn't seem like it's that big of deal to me.

II can't argue that 2 WW periods isn't the most fair as it is very fair. It just ain't happening for me with the 20 leagues I was in last year.

Wayne Wayne, so if there are 2 WW periods you won't play?

If there is a Thursday only player WW you won't play?

I will think long and hard about whether to play here or not if there is a Friday only waiver wire.

Not really into carrying two kickers, nor am I into dropping a kicker that gives me double digit points just so I can cover a bye week if it falls on a Thursday. If it is a dime a dozen kicker, no problem :D

I also am not really into looking past the current week to try and fill a bye week kicker or DEF that might have their bye fall on a Thursday....THAT seems like way more work to me than having two waiver periods.

What really sucks is that Greg is in a tight spot, looks like he will lose customers no matter what he does...all because of STUPID Thursday Night games!
[/QUOTE]If there is only Friday I won't waste my $ I'll be done w NFFC no doubt
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