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Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:27 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
BLACKHAND wrote:blackhand jr is not in a very good mood today after going all in on jets. :x
Frankie, there's only one way to go ALL IN on the J-E-T-S: BET AGAINST THEM!! :lol: Wow, what a sorry bunch that team is.

Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:18 pm
by boutrous11
BLACKHAND wrote:blackhand jr is not in a very good mood today after going all in on jets. :x
i feel the exact opposite!

Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:05 am
by Diesel
Going into the last week of the pool and the NFL regular season...Here it is...

1 VELLA-SUGGA (39-21-2) 13,150
2 OUT OF THE SHADOWS 2 (33-21-1) 10,000
3 STARKS81 (52-35-2) 9,122
4 STARKS82 (48-35-1) 7,214
5 Getpaddled (84-82-0) 7,096
6 BOUTROUS11 (40-34-1) 2,017
7 RC TECHIES (37-30-3) 2,000
8 BAGELROSEY (58-53-3) 1,800
9 BIGED973 (1-6-0) 400
10 ROSEYBAGEL (61-54-2) 300

Only top 3 win here, so this pool will be active this weekend!

Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:41 am
by boutrous11
shoot, why did i think there were saturday games week 17?

Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:05 pm
by Diesel
Sorry Pete...Yeah, it looks like Sunday is the one and last day left of games in the regular season.

This will come down to the wire...Only top 3 win here.

Good luck!


Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:11 am
by Diesel
In a race that went down to the final game of the season, Sal Vella won the 2012 Diesel Share Pool. Congratulations Sal, and his team, Sugga-Vella. $2500 to you...Nice job!

Greg Dietzler and his GetPaddled squad took home second place and a nice G-Spot...$1000 to Greg. Congrats buddy!

Chris Starnes could have won first place, first AND second place, third place or NOTHING AT Chris' two teams were at the top in this tight race, but didn't win the big prize...However, he did manage to pull out a 3rd place finish and take home $490. Way to go Chris.

See you all again next year. This pool seems to get as big a I allow it. Under 100 always seems more personable and enjoyable for everyone though. Have a great new year and thanks again to all the great people in this pool and on these messageboards.


Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:37 am
by boutrous11
thanks for running this again. if i would have won my 1:00 game (I took the Eagles :x ) i would have won the 4:00 and 8:00 games i planned on betting... i would have taken 3rd....

limiting it to 1 entry per person next year?

Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:12 pm
by Diesel
Pete, thank you for the thanks...

My main reason for allowing multiple entries is because there are so many guys who buy two entries, but they split with friends, brothers, etc...For instance, a pool I'm running right now has one guy holding 12 spots. It's obviously not all for him, but he paid for all 12. That saved me as many as 12 different emails back and forth with other participants...And it's so much easier for the finances for the same reason. There is a lot of time and work put into these and it becomes overwhelming when I'm trying to reach friends of friends of friends, and that's what I do when I limit the entries to one per person.

Oh yeah, one more reason. If I suck....And I usually do...I like to have a second chance. I don't like the idea of buy-backs, or re-buys, once the season starts...But a second entry per person helps in so many ways here. Most importantly, the prizes. I hope you're ok with that, Pete...We all enjoy having you in these games. It keeps a lot of us on the messageboards all year long too, which always trickles over into the next seasons.

Re: Diesel Share Pool 2012

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:18 pm
great job again brother. on to the super bowl box and 13 run pool. 8-)