What Do You Need On Monday Night?

David U Kennedy
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Re: What Do You Need On Monday Night?

Post by David U Kennedy » Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:56 pm

JETS SB wrote:
David U Kennedy wrote:Colts should not have punted. Mathews is a dummy head going out of bounds with 2 min. left.
3.30 to go with 3 timeouts and ball on your own 20, down by 7, and you go for it on 4th down? I don't think that's a smart play. Sure it appears like it would have been the right play, after the fact, but you have to punt, no doubt.
bellichick would have pulled that trigger. When you have Brady Brees or Luck that's what you do. 1 yard makes all the difference. Go big or go home. Sean Peyton onside kick in SB!! It takes confidence (BALLS). Otherwise you are second best. Rivers and Woodhead were abusing Colts defense. It was the right call which I made before outcome.

David U Kennedy
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Re: What Do You Need On Monday Night?

Post by David U Kennedy » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:03 pm

It is all about the feel of the game up to that point. Colts couldn't stop SD. Hamilton and Pagano are winning despite themselves. T-Rich is the focal point and DHB is a starter. It makes ZERO sense. Colts win tonight if they are more aggressive. The Browns were very smart to get rid of Trent. The best coaches tailor a game plan to talent. I didn't see that out of the Colts staff.

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Glenneration X
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Re: What Do You Need On Monday Night?

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:19 pm

I happen to agree with David. The Colts played it conventional, safe, and not to get criticized. The play to win move would have been to go for it.

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Re: What Do You Need On Monday Night?

Post by chriseibl » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:27 pm

David U Kennedy wrote:
JETS SB wrote:
David U Kennedy wrote:Colts should not have punted. Mathews is a dummy head going out of bounds with 2 min. left.
3.30 to go with 3 timeouts and ball on your own 20, down by 7, and you go for it on 4th down? I don't think that's a smart play. Sure it appears like it would have been the right play, after the fact, but you have to punt, no doubt.
bellichick would have pulled that trigger. When you have Brady Brees or Luck that's what you do. 1 yard makes all the difference. Go big or go home. Sean Peyton onside kick in SB!! It takes confidence (BALLS). Otherwise you are second best. Rivers and Woodhead were abusing Colts defense. It was the right call which I made before outcome.
i don't know for sure that belichick would have gone for it. belichick usually goes with the mathematical play. odds are against you getting the 4th down conversion and if you don't get it you lose (which was a lot different than belichick's situation this week where if he didn't get it he would simply need a touchdown as opposed to a field goal). Meanwhile if you punt, it's more likely than not you're going to put a team 3 and out when you know they are running to run the clock out.

i'm not sure but the odds of forcing a 3 and out when you know for sure the other team is running probably are not drastically different than the odds of converting that 4th down.

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