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Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:03 pm
by Henry Muto
It doesn't matter if it is a primetime, online or a satellite. If it's an online or satellite then taking 2 QBs in top 4 rounds would be more acceptable ? I don't care if you pay $1 or $10,000 it doesn't make any sense. The thing is we see this over and over and over in every single draft I have done this year there is always one person or more that take 2 QBs early. Every time I try to wait on QB multiple teams think they are cute and they grab their 2nd QB because it is "value" or they are trying to block you. So in 1 draft 4 teams took their 2nd QB before my 9th round pick. I decided that draft to wait for Romo, Eli or Stafford and they all got picked as a 2nd QB before my 9th round.

In other drafts I get Stafford in the 11th but still there is always 1 team (a guy went Roeth in 5th and Romo in 7th) and it cost me Brady in the 8th as I had to reach for Stafford in the 8th because I couldn't get Brady or Romo in 1 draft because of one team taking 2 QB's.

Today I seen a guy go Bradford in 5th and Brees in the 7th.

It happens every draft just about and will never make much sense.

Are you trying to win $1,500 or $100,000 ? Odds are if you take 2 QBs early your chances to win $100,000 just went down big time. I get the teams taking 2 QBs in the mid rounds because you didn't get an elite QB but to take one in the 4th and 7th makes little sense.

Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:04 pm
by Henry Muto
I never seen Rodgers fall to 4.11. Where is this in my drafts.

Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:43 pm
by wiljiro
"Bill Cleavenger
UK Wildcats...We don't rebuild, we "RELOAD"

Unmmmm .... You get you basically said exactly what I said, "I don't agree with the strategy" - right?

The guy can win the league - kick my butt from here to Tuesday - still won't change my mind - it's not a smart move - period

In my opinion


Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:32 pm
by BigBlueNation
wiljiro wrote:"Bill Cleavenger
UK Wildcats...We don't rebuild, we "RELOAD"

Unmmmm .... You get you basically said exactly what I said, "I don't agree with the strategy" - right?

The guy can win the league - kick my butt from here to Tuesday - still won't change my mind - it's not a smart move - period

In my opinion

Agree, the difference between me and you...I never would have posted it... At this time of year nobody really cares how bad somebody drafts, just enjoy it, and move on... 8-)

Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:20 pm
by wiljiro
Actually buddy, the true difference between me and you is that I understand the definition of a "Narcissist"

I am one - I readily admit it - I don't think you are aware that your post makes you one as well -

You just called me out for calling someone else out - why did you feel the need to do that? Hmmmm.... welcome to the club - it's a fun place - smoke 'em if ya got 'em

Good luck tomorrow


Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:04 pm
by hankstr56
Amazing but true....

In my draft, a primetime mind you, one team took 5 WRs with their first 5 picks and 8 WRs out of their first 10 picks!

Another team drafted their starting kicker BEFORE the 8 WR team drafted their STARTING QB. The same kicker team drafted their BACKUP kicker before the 8 WR team drafted their STARTING TE! These were not super early picks but nor were they late (rounds 14 and 16)

I know posting this is BAD karma for me, my team will be doomed to come in behind these teams with unusual strategies. Nevertheless, I am concerned now with my understanding of the mathematics of FF. Perhaps someone could educate me. :)

Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:21 pm
by blazer68
strange though it seems strange that a narcissist would not mind if someone kicked his butt but I could be mistaken boss

Re: And so it begins... And Begins with a WOW

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:48 am
by BigBlueNation
wiljiro wrote:Actually buddy, the true difference between me and you is that I understand the definition of a "Narcissist"

I am one - I readily admit it - I don't think you are aware that your post makes you one as well -

You just called me out for calling someone else out - why did you feel the need to do that? Hmmmm.... welcome to the club - it's a fun place - smoke 'em if ya got 'em

Good luck tomorrow

First of all, I'm not your buddy. A buddy is a guy that goes out and gets two blow jobs and brings one back.

I commented on your post in an open forum, you didn't agree with me, you identified yourself and tried to identify me.

Last of all, because you attempted to slur me, I wish you all the bad luck this year.

Finally, maybe we'll see each other one day and I'll buy the first round. :)