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Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:28 pm
by sportsbettingman
If you do support that are a walking, talking hypocrite.


Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:40 pm
by gomizzouman

Did we really need another thread devoted to a dead topic?

The rules are clear-look up the word revoked.

How were you negatively affected by this mistake and Greg's decision? Let me answer for you, you were'nt. If this had never happened you would be in exactly the same place your are right now. Let it die!

Greg's ruling is final, there is no compromise. Accept it before it destroys you.

Enough is enough!

[ September 15, 2007, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: Big MO ]

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:48 pm
by rkulaski
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
I take it none of you support the company that refused to allow Steve Smith NYG to be replaced with Steve Smith CAR in the first rounds of an online draft...I sure don't.

~Lance good lance. you're on the right side of the fence with that decision.

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:16 pm
by Soupdog
Doom- My comments our way out of line?? The guy continually calls everyone cheaters and says that the league is out to get him? There are how many documented cases of him doing that? If you disagree with the decision, fine. But to say that the whole league is in on some scheme or that the guy dropped Steve Smith to gain some advantage is crazy talk.

Find a new play pen?? I have no problem with the play pen, just the kids who don't play well with others. You are the one saying you would "like to support Ton and Greg, BUT" Sounds like if this decision doesn't change, you want to go elsewhere. That is your choice. See ya!

As I said in my original thoughts, whatever decision was made, I could see the logic, but Blue Foot was way out of line to acuse anyone of cheating. If you think he is right to make those types of statements, then I am sorry for you too.

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:12 am
by mkrucek
Originally posted by Big MO:
Read the rules, REVOKED. Look it up and read the definition. Sick of listening to the whining drivel from people that are completely unaffected by this mistake. If the move were truly revoked then Riff would not get Parker. It would be as if the whole claim never happened.

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:23 am
by Diesel
Doomsday, I understand your argument...

What you are saying is that this player made a mistake and dropped the wrong player and shouldn't be allowed to get him back.

Gekko tried to drop Domanick Davis in 2004, but Greg refused the drop.

So these are 2 different scenarios....This leaves the decision a matter of opinion...Which leaves all of us at the mercy of Greg and Tom's decision. But if this should ever happen to you or I, we'd have to remember the leniency given to the team with Steve Smith and expect the same in return. (I check my FA picks 3 times before I leave the page so this doesn't happen, but I guess it's possible, because we're talkign about this now.)

And although a lot of people got personal, I feel that it wasn't BlueFoot's opinion of what should be done here that got to people. It was in the manner he brought it up...

Ken, if you picked up a $20 bill from the floor and it was mine, there are things I can do if I saw you pick it up...



2-I can say, "Ken, I just dropped that $20 and couldn't find it. Trust me on this, it's mine and I'd appreciate it if you gave it back to me."

Bluefoot took the 1st approach. Either way, the guy gets his $20 bill back, but there's a MUCH different feel to each ending of each scenario...I agree that people got out of line, but it's always easier to hit harder when someone hits first.

***Also, I've been torn between what I thought was the right thing to do here, but Greg made his decision and I'm okay with it. Hopefuly it NEVER happens again to anyone, but if it does, I will remember this decision and know that my season isn't over if it ever did happen to me.

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:30 am
by Raiders
***Also, I've been torn between what I thought was the right thing to do here, but Greg made his decision and I'm okay with it. Hopefuly it NEVER happens again to anyone, but if it does, I will remember this decision and know that my season isn't over if it ever did happen to me.

Good post Diesel, everyone makes a mistake.
To bad people don't see it as the glass is half full. The glass is always half full. My team doesn't stink, its just not as good as others. :D

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:50 am
OK, I understand we all have differing opinions on this matter.

I also understand that a ruling has been made and can accept that. I do not however agree with it, nor is it something I am going to jump ship or seek legal action about.

I know we all make mistakes in life and are given second chances, yet we also live and learn with our mistakes as well.

I suppose my main disagreement with the whole situation is that, through my own bidding process, I have a hard time understanding how this mistake could even be made in the first place.

I don't know firsthand the personal history behind the accused and the accuser, but I did feel through reading the previous thread that things were starting to revert back to name calling and personal attacks (from all parties) and for whatever reason thought to make mention of that. I apologise for singleing you out SoupDog.

Sorry to have had started another thread on this. I have no problem closing this one out and moving on with a fun week 2 sure to be ahead.

- Ken

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:09 am
by Diesel
Ken, this topic is in it's appropriate place. In it's own thread. You did exactly what should have been done. That last thread had abut 1000 pages of this topic, under the WARD

I accidently dropped Derek Lowe this year, under different circumstances, and wasn't given him back. I was pi$$ed off, but I dealt with it. What happened was, this league I'm in has unlimited FA pickups. If you pick someone up, you can just drop him without using him, and he's on waivers for 4 days. Someone picked up and dropped 5 guys so noone could use them. That didn't agree with me, so I picked up 5 more and dropped them, to hopefully show the commish that this has to stop....In the meantime, I accidently dropped Lowe...I IMMEDIATELY emailed the commish only to find that he wasn't giving me Lowe back. If it were for 100K, I think I would have hired a hitman, but in a hometown league, I yelled on his messageboard and left it alone. So this type of thing is possible. Even to the great DIESEl...LMAO

Dropping Steve Smith

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:14 am
by Raiders

I guess the point you were making backfired. :D