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Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:20 am
by mikenj46
When in my post did I complain about it being unfair??? Don't think I used that word once.

Just think a rule like this would make the game more balanced.

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:32 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
It sucks, but there's nothing unfair about it. That's just the way the football bounces. Spoken like a true veteran. Therein lies the difference. [/QUOTE]It's a lot like hold em ... A good player can put him/herself in position to win more than most ... and over come more than most ... but luck is always a factor and can ultimately override skill.

Think of Hold em and the river card ... with the other player having 2 outs. You can still lose as a better player with a better hand.

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:32 am
by The Franchise
Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
quote:Originally posted by Pats_12:
Yup, have Gore on my Prime-Time team.

I can't complain too much though. I handcuffed him with Coffee. Hopefully he holds down the fort until Gore can come back? Coffee looked like nothing special in relief, but it was against Minnesota. No receptions either, which is a big difference between him and Gore. Two easy matchups coming up, so we'll see.

BTW...I have Gore on three teams, all backed up with Coffee, but I'm not optimistic.
[/QUOTE]Exactly what you said, it was against the Vikes. Plus the kid wasn't ready to come in on the 1st play of the game. I think he'll be OK. Especially with those 2 match-ups coming up. (STL ATL)

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:38 am
by boutrous11
I'd like to vent about weeks 1-3 in general in my online champ league.

this looked so nice after my draft, now i'm 0-3:

Lynch (been starting Buckhalter)
Andre Johnson
A. Gonzales
O Daniels

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:48 am
by bald is beautiful
Is it luck that Coltsfan is currently 1st overall in WCOFF, currently 4th overall in FFPC, and will be 1st in the NFFC main after tonight?

I don't think so.

Deep teams aren't comprised from luck, and 3 differently constructed teams aren't that lucky.

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:50 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
It sucks, but there's nothing unfair about it. That's just the way the football bounces. Spoken like a true veteran. Therein lies the difference. [/QUOTE]Pretty much the same thing I told you in a text, Mark (**** happens....just gotta roll with it)

Injuries suck (especially one's that happen early in the game), but they simply are a part of the game.

I know you listed your reasons for playing, but it seems to me like you don't have a lot of "passion" for football (kinda like me with baseball). Based on this past season in baseball, I am sure I could compete and do well, but when it starts becoming more frustrating than fun, and more "work" than enjoyable, you gotta consider if it really worth it?

We can talk more about this on Saturday over a beer or 12. ;)

Hang in there.... the bye weeks are starting!!!

Depleted rosters EVERYWHERE....YA BOY!!!!

[ September 28, 2009, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:54 am
by da bears
Originally posted by Bald is Beautiful:
Is it luck that Coltsfan is currently 1st overall in WCOFF, currently 4th overall in FFPC, and will be 1st in the NFFC main after tonight?

I don't think so.

Deep teams aren't comprised from luck, and 3 differently constructed teams aren't that lucky. Wow nice start by Wayne there.

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:56 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Bald is Beautiful:
Is it luck that Coltsfan is currently 1st overall in WCOFF, currently 4th overall in FFPC, and will be 1st in the NFFC main after tonight?

I don't think so.

Deep teams aren't comprised from luck, and 3 differently constructed teams aren't that lucky. Agreed, Jack.

All of us are not immune to a bad season, but year in and year out when the same names are at (or near) the top, you gotta give some recognition to that, andgive credit where credit is due.

Wayne is off to an INCREDIBLE start! However, the reason isn't because of luck or's BOB!!!

Keep it up guys (except in Chicago Classic 3) ;)

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:08 am
by Gordon Gekko II
Jack – no one is saying that it is ALL luck, just a lot of it.

As for Wayne having a great start, good for wayne. It must be a great feeling. I’m not sure of his high stakes track record, but I had the pleasure of hanging out with him in Vegas and know he is a good guy. So again, good for him.

If skill was the overriding factor in having three teams placed so highly in three different contests, I would think there would be about 10 super owners in the same or similar position as wayne. Are there?

Also, how many league championships does the #1 ranked LIFETIME points leader in the NFFC have? How many Top 5 overall finishes does he have? How many times has the NFFC overall champions been back to the playoffs after winning the title?

Take a look at that, then reconsider how much of the game (significant prize money) is skill driven.

Week 3 VENT Thread!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:26 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko II:
Also, how many league championships does the #1 ranked LIFETIME points leader in the NFFC have? How many Top 5 overall finishes does he have?

How many times has the NFFC overall champions been back to the playoffs after winning the title?
Since you asked ;)

Here are my REGULAR SEASON (weeks 1-13) OVERALL finishes in the 14 team Classic...

2004- 13th
2005- 138th
2006- 13th
2007- 19th
2008- 42nd

I have won ONE championship, but finishing 2nd in my league THREE times has virtually doubled my money in those seasons.

My final finishes are not as impressive (was in the top 15 twice I believe), but the last 3 weeks is simply a "who's team is the hottest". My teams for various reasons have not "answered the bell" those 3 weeks....end of story.

Which leads me into your next question "How many overall champs have made it to the playoffs....


I think that can be attributed to the fact that there is a great deal of luck to win in those final 3 weeks (taking nothing away from those who have won,as it is MOST impressive), AND MORE IMPORTANTLY the fact that the 14 team event is ULTRA competitive.

So while I have yet to win the whole thing, I DO KNOW that there is NO WAY you can win the overall grand prize if you don't make the playoffs! ;)

I personally will almost double my money EVERY year on a $1300 or $1,400 investment and be VERY happy! And again, if I can get to the championship round, I have a shot like anyone else.

I understand there is luck, Mark, but I think your frustration with injuries is leading you to discount that there is a lot more skill to this game than you are giving credit here.