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Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:10 pm
by TheReckoner
Very simply put I never thought Darik would put so much at risk including the NFFC. He always had an open ear to ideas and thoughts. I will miss that as will many. Going forward I have no hesitation supporting Tom and Greg as they right this. NFFC has been a home to many of us for YEARS. It’s the best product by far. I look forward to playing as soon as possible.

Shawn Gundy

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:37 pm
by lschechter
I will always play these games and fully support Greg and Tom. I'm not sure how many people are aware of this scandal, but if it's a lot, Greg might want to consider sending an email to all customers as not many read these boards. On the other hand, if not a lot of people have heard about it, then I guess it doesn't make sense to send an email and alert everyone who doesn't know.
As for Darik's tweets, I think they seemed less stupid to conservatives than they did to liberals:-)

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:39 pm
by lschechter
PS. I just googled this and it's all over the news, so yeah, maybe email everyone.

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:13 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
lschechter wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:37 pm
I will always play these games and fully support Greg and Tom. I'm not sure how many people are aware of this scandal, but if it's a lot, Greg might want to consider sending an email to all customers as not many read these boards. On the other hand, if not a lot of people have heard about it, then I guess it doesn't make sense to send an email and alert everyone who doesn't know.
As for Darik's tweets, I think they seemed less stupid to conservatives than they did to liberals:-)
Yes, unfortunately today was a chaotic day. I tried to answer some questions on our Discord channel under main-chat-lobby. You can join or go to our Discord channel here:

Tom and I will find a way to put a newsletter together. We aren't hiding this from our customers, but I wanted to write the stories here, get all the facts together and then yes try to summarize this in a readable newsletter. That will take some work, but we will try to do it tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:44 pm
by Route C
My heart really hurts for Greg, Tom and the entire NFFC family today. As Frank said earlier, we might have little minor disagreements here and there but what relationship doesn't.
I'm really not a social media guy. I just can't handle the constant bickering and toxicity that comes from it. Greg and Tom have earned my respect over the last 20 years. This is an industry that's taken some big hits over the last couple of decades. Contests that were slow to pay. Others that didn't pay their winners at all.( you know who they were )
Government sticking it's hand out extorting licensing fees. This business is difficult on it's best day. In 2004 Greg and Tom came up with an idea for gameplay that started with the 1st high stakes 14 team league contest.
$1350.00 was a lot of money for me to invest in a FF contest. I remember calling Greg and grilling him about the contest....and yes...I was just as annoying then as I am now. :D
The thing I recognized in my conversation with Greg was how passionate he is about football and how excited he was about this new contest. I felt comfortable enough to take a chance on a guy I didn't know, and a contest I had never played in. I was hoping to win the big prize...which I didn't do.
What I got in return has been so much more than that. Friendships greater than any overall prize I could win. I'm not talking about people who have the same FF interest as me. I'm talking about lifelong friendships. Real extensions of my own family. People I'd bleed for.
You know who's responsible for that: Greg Ambrosius - that's who.
Because Greg is a man of such high integrity, a man who put that above all else in running this contest......this family has survived for 20 years.
Shoot Greg even bought soccer balls for kids in el Salvador for a mission trip I went on years ago. He didn't have to do that.
So while people are spewing toxic things and choosing to remain part of the problem my challenge is this:
Talk about the good things. Remember the good things. Protect the family!

I love all you guys. Now enough of this mushy shit. I'm coming for all of you in 2024 :lol:

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:24 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Thanks Jeff. That means a lot. And I forgot about the donation for the soccer balls!!! :lol:

It was $1250 that first year and I talked with you on the phone as much as anyone in those early years. You LOVED the 14-team format and had ideas to make it better. And we did. We paid the most money to the h2h champion in those early years and you guys told us to change it for the better with most points. The game improved because of us listening to all of you guys.

I don't think there's been a harder day working here in 20 years. Not the sale to Fanball. Not me buying it back from Liberty Media. Not Covid on March 13th and us cancelling baseball a few months later. Not the baseball strike. Nothing compares and a friend did this.

We have to regain that trust. With all of you in this community and the outside world of new players. Tom and I will do that with the SportsHub team. And we will add more safeguards to not allow anything like this to ever happen again. I can't take one more like this at my age!!! :lol:

Stay well my friend and thanks.

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:53 pm
by RC Techies
I know that come September I will be playing the NFFC contests as always because of Greg and Tom. I know that what has happened has not changed the trust I have in Greg and Tom. I hope to see everyone in the fall.

John Fousek
RC Techies

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:12 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
RC Techies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:53 pm
I know that come September I will be playing the NFFC contests as always because of Greg and Tom. I know that what has happened has not changed the trust I have in Greg and Tom. I hope to see everyone in the fall.

John Fousek
RC Techies
Thanks John and congrats in the $50/50 Contest. Great job.

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:18 pm
by nails
i'll always play nffc as long as there is a contest. just simple question.

with the programming that is available, i see no reason the software cannot be adjusted to add a fail safe to situations like this (which i am shocked does not exist). Time stamping is one thing but it has to be caught obviously. So how do you catch it minus self policing?

program the software to automatically send out an alert to the powers that be the minute a lineup is amended after a game begins automatically - period. there should be no way to bypass it. should be an easy trigger to add into the system. How this does not exist i don't know in today's age of technology? If someone did not catch it who is to say it would have been seen until it was too late? You shoud NOT have to rely on a player to see the lineup change was made. Whether an admin makes it OR a player makes the change if it occurs after a game start it should automatically send out an alert to administration (not an employee but the boss or bosses). No employee should have the ability to make changes anyway without multiple approvals from multiple admins. that would be another easy fix. you would need a code or password to do it. so one person could not do it.

Desperate time causes people to do desperate things. As a catholic i forgive everyone. However, we all must learn and grow from the mistake(s). Unfortunately, in this modern WOKE society, not many people are given 2nd changes. It's a shame but just reality.

Re: NFFC Employee Fired After Illegal Move Was Detected

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:20 pm
by Don Draper
Observations from someone who has been playing NFFC/NFBC since 2004.

1. Cheating has no place in fantasy sports.

2. A full and complete investigation should be completed as far back and as thorough as resources allow.

3. Anyone found “guilty” should be fired/banned.

4. All relevant findings should be communicated by NFFC/NFBC on public message boards, social media, and via email correspondence to all NFFC/NFBC participants.

5. Moving forward, game operator integrity must be a primary NFFC/NFBC goal. Proactively explain to NFFC/NFBC participants what specific measures are being taken to ensure this never happens again.

6. Regarding Greg Ambrosius – Although I have not always agreed with his decisions as commissioner, I can easily say I would not want any else as commissioner. He is reasonable, listens to customers, improves service offerings, and puts out a high quality product year in and year out. AND WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN, like now or when a server goes down, he accepts responsibility every single time EVEN WHEN IT’S NOT HIS FAULT and vows to continually strive for improvement. What else can you ask for? This man has earned my trust. I don’t play other contests. Only NFFC/NFBC. Even given the current situation, I see no reason for me to consider playing elsewhere. Greg knows if the NFFC/NFBC ever experiences something like this again, there’s no coming back from it. Greg will simply not allow that to happen.

7. D – I’ve always valued the comradery we’ve had at live NFFC/NFBC events; however, I’m still in shock as to what’s happened here. If you need someone to talk to, you know how to reach me.