TEAM CLEVELAND in Online Championship 09/07/2010 #53

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TEAM CLEVELAND in Online Championship 09/07/2010 #53

Post by SS » Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:18 am

I had a 60 something point week last week, absolutely pathetic. I posted on our league message board that it was onto baseball. Obviously I was frustrated with that kind of performance. 3 starters earning goose eggs. However, I will not and never give up no matter where I'm at in the standings. Fortunately, in that Classic league I'm tied for 2nd and in the running, but even if I wasn't I can't just give up, it's not in my DNA...
2010 NFFC Classic Consolation Bracket 2nd Place

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TEAM CLEVELAND in Online Championship 09/07/2010 #53

Post by renman » Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:57 am

Originally posted by Sandman62:
I hear ya. We're pretty much out of it in about 8 of 13 leagues - yet we're still picking up players and trying the same way. It's called integrity. Not everyone has it. In a perfect world everyone would approach fantasy football with this above type of professionalism when in a higher stake competition.

See, in home leagues quitter teams can be dealth with. They just get kicked out of the league and are abused in social circles for bailing on the league.

In these national events where you are playing with and against strangers (for the most part) this becomes a problem. I think smart fantasy minds can debate/discuss ways to combat this problem even if we can never eliminate it completely.

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