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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:28 am
by mikeybok
wow ... never thought they would let the bids stand ... go figure.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:38 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
I would bet that this will change. There is NO way they can allow the bids to be processed prior to the time set in the rules.

This decision could keep their attorneys pretty busy. There are surely some owners each week who choose to wait until later fridays to make their bids based on the most current info or maybe they are just too busy. To "run" the waivers prior to the deadline creates an unfair advantage and would appear to open that legal door.

I think they need to reset them and physically call every owner and inform them that they have until the deadline to ensure that their bids are correct. Let them use the info they rcvd in any way they want but for the good of all concerned, they need to give every team a chance to bid on ALL FA's this week. Some teams may choose to change their bids but maybe they won't because who knows how everybody else is going to react.

All I have to say is, Thank You Stats!

[ November 03, 2006, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: Ted's Cracked Head ]


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:56 am
by Quahogs
Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:
I would bet that this will change. There is NO way they can allow the bids to be processed prior to the time set in the rules.

This decision could keep their attorneys pretty busy. There are surely some owners each week who choose to wait until later fridays to make their bids based on the most current info or maybe they are just too busy. To "run" the waivers prior to the deadline creates an unfair advantage and would appear to open that legal door.

I think they need to reset them and physically call every owner and inform them that they have until the deadline to ensure that their bids are correct. Let them use the info they rcvd in any way they want but for the good of all concerned, they need to give every team a chance to bid on ALL FA's this week. Some teams may choose to change their bids but maybe they won't because who knows how everybody else is going to react.

No Big Deal, reset - inform and move on.
right on TCH, that's the most equitable solution. The only negative with this option is that bids were exposed before they were run and can now be modified. Besides, maybe the reason why some teams got their players (and cheaply) was due to an incomplete bidding field anyway.



Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:00 am
by wayne123
That is a classic "misdeal". The only reasonable solution is to "redeal" by having the bids processed again! Easy call, and I find it hard to believe that a different decision would be rendered.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:49 am
by ultimatefs
Yuk... That's a no win situation either way.

At 8am, I would doubt that more than 2% of the players saw any bids.

I would have deleted the processed bids right away, and then reloaded them into all of the accounts by hand if necessarry and then run them again at normal time.

I would not allow anyone to change their bids if already input. That's the the scenario with the least amount of problems.

You have to do your best to make it as normal as possible.

Leaving the 8am bids as processed leaves a huge can of worms both legally and for repeat business IMO.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:11 am
by Quahogs
initially they made the decision this morn that the free agent bid at 8am will stand, now at 2:30 they're putting it to a vote..

Option 1: Keep 8 am bids and have second bidding Friday night 8pm.

Option 2: Rollback 8 am bids and extend bidding deadline until late Saturday night.

they have time to get their decision right yet.



Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:53 am
by richieprimo
Man...what a friggin' nightmare for all involved. There's no way in Hell to make everyone happy with whichever solution they decide on.

Tom, Greg...add a few extra phone lines for next season. You're going to need them with the ship-jumping that this will bring about.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:57 am
by Quahogs
It seems that many are not able to vote in the poll because they are junior members. To graduate from a junior member you need to post 31 times. People are scrambling like mad to get their 31 posts in so they can vote, most likely unaware that the option #1 had been made - yet again. What a Chinese fire drill!

someone whacked that beehive but good over there this morning !



Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:09 am
by sportsbettingman
I believe they have reached a decision. (running two waiver periods)

I'm very curious as to what Greg and Tom would have done in the same shoes.

It's a very difficult scenario...but one that could happen again.



Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:42 am
by Shrink Attack
Originally posted by UFS:
Yuk... That's a no win situation either way.

At 8am, I would doubt that more than 2% of the players saw any bids.

I would have deleted the processed bids right away, and then reloaded them into all of the accounts by hand if necessarry and then run them again at normal time.

I would not allow anyone to change their bids if already input. That's the the scenario with the least amount of problems.

You have to do your best to make it as normal as possible.

Leaving the 8am bids as processed leaves a huge can of worms both legally and for repeat business IMO. The problem with that is that the results were already automatically emailed to all the participants.