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Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:40 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Diesel:
The Giants have been practicing OUTDOORS as the Packers have been practicing INSIDE. Does this make any difference? Does this help or hurt the Giants...I think I'd rather save the COLD until Sunday, but Coughlin has his own

P.S...I saw some spread on the menu of items that Mayor Bloomberg has on that bet with your mayor...My mouth is watering... ;) Yeah, McCarthy correctly practices in the indoor Don Hutson Center in the winter because he wants the practices to be efficient. It makes no sense to practice outside when everyone is freezing. The Packers have one of the best indoor practice facilities in the NFL and it's been the best addition to the franchise other than the remodeling of Lambeau.

Coughlin is miscalculating if he thinks practicing outside in 40-degree weather will help condition his players for Sunday night. Trust me, it was 28 yesterday and it's 0 right now and the difference is like night and day. And going from what it is now to Sunday night when it's -7 or so with -25 wind chill will be an even bigger drop. You can't prepare for conditions like that.

But I trust the Giants will be prepared for Green Bay. And it should be fun. If they don't call this Ice Bowl II, then someone's missing a marketing opportunity. :D

I just bought a pair of ice fishing mittens for $30 and enough hand warmers and foot warmers for everyone in our entourage. I'm ready now. :D

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:21 pm
by TradeStar28
Greg...will you order cold beers or hot coffee at the game ?

You know what would be should promote the NFFC by putting the web address by painting it on your chest....

then take your shirt off when you get to the game and maybe the tv cameras will pick it up.....

would be great exposure!

the only downside is that you will probably freeze your nipples off

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:10 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by FI$HER:
Greg...will you order cold beers or hot coffee at the game ?

You know what would be should promote the NFFC by putting the web address by painting it on your chest....

then take your shirt off when you get to the game and maybe the tv cameras will pick it up.....

would be great exposure!

the only downside is that you will probably freeze your nipples off Well, one thing I can tell you is that I will not do anything to jeopardize my nipples falling off. :D That would just look silly around the Flamingo pool. :D

I woke up this morning and it's -10 with a wind chill of -35. The dog wouldn't even go outside to pee this morning. It's BRUTAL. The wind is going to be less of a factor tomorrow, but it will still be only 1 at kickoff and -15 with the wind chill and eventually get down to -5 and -25 around the end of the game.

I'll do the tailgate at a sports bar near Lambeau and watch the Pats-Chargers game and then go in around 4:45 or so. The bathrooms are heated and I may spend many a TV timeout in there. I have enough clothes and hand warmers, but it will still be cold. Oh, well, it's a once-in-a-lifetime game to attend and I HAVE to be there.

Go PACK!!!

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:42 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
When I was in Vegas for the wcoff a buddy asked me to place a wager on the packers to win the NFC for $100. I screwed up and purchased the Packers to win the SB at 21/1 for $100. When I got home I realized the error and we agreed that I would eat the ticket. Go Packers! If they win the SB I will be buying a team in the NFBC with my winnings.

I think that Favre to Jennings early and often will heat things up in GB. Go Pack!

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:10 am
by Nag'
Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:
When I was in Vegas for the wcoff a buddy asked me to place a wager on the packers to win the NFC for $100. I screwed up and purchased the Packers to win the SB at 21/1 for $100. When I got home I realized the error and we agreed that I would eat the ticket. Go Packers! If they win the SB I will be buying a team in the NFBC with my winnings.

I think that Favre to Jennings early and often will heat things up in GB. Go Pack! I have GB to win the SB at 150/1 from the Venetian. Not sure why they had such high odds but they did and even though I didn't really like the Packers to do much this year, I couldn't pass on the value. Too bad I only bet $60 to win $9000. :(

As a side note, I had the Panthers at either 70 or 80/1 (I don't remember now) when they lost the SB to the Pats and Seattle at 80/1 when they lost to Pittsburgh. Bought both tickets before the start of the season. It would be nice to break that streak and finally be on the winning side with a long shot for once. Go Pack!!

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:27 am
by Team Legacy
Originally posted by Nag':
quote:Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:
When I was in Vegas for the wcoff a buddy asked me to place a wager on the packers to win the NFC for $100. I screwed up and purchased the Packers to win the SB at 21/1 for $100. When I got home I realized the error and we agreed that I would eat the ticket. Go Packers! If they win the SB I will be buying a team in the NFBC with my winnings.

I think that Favre to Jennings early and often will heat things up in GB. Go Pack! I have GB to win the SB at 150/1 from the Venetian. Not sure why they had such high odds but they did and even though I didn't really like the Packers to do much this year, I couldn't pass on the value. Too bad I only bet $60 to win $9000. :(

As a side note, I had the Panthers at either 70 or 80/1 (I don't remember now) when they lost the SB to the Pats and Seattle at 80/1 when they lost to Pittsburgh. Bought both tickets before the start of the season. It would be nice to break that streak and finally be on the winning side with a long shot for once. Go Pack!!
[/QUOTE]You're hedging this one right Alex? I mean, a grand on the giants ML just to be safe, and then a couple grand on the Pats just to assure yourself a W right?

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:27 am
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Well, one thing I can tell you is that I will not do anything to jeopardize my nipples falling off. :D That would just look silly around the Flamingo pool. :D How would anyone notice under the two bottles of lathered sun block? :eek:

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:18 pm
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Nag':
quote:Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:
When I was in Vegas for the wcoff a buddy asked me to place a wager on the packers to win the NFC for $100. I screwed up and purchased the Packers to win the SB at 21/1 for $100. When I got home I realized the error and we agreed that I would eat the ticket. Go Packers! If they win the SB I will be buying a team in the NFBC with my winnings.

I think that Favre to Jennings early and often will heat things up in GB. Go Pack! I have GB to win the SB at 150/1 from the Venetian. Not sure why they had such high odds but they did and even though I didn't really like the Packers to do much this year, I couldn't pass on the value. Too bad I only bet $60 to win $9000. :(

As a side note, I had the Panthers at either 70 or 80/1 (I don't remember now) when they lost the SB to the Pats and Seattle at 80/1 when they lost to Pittsburgh. Bought both tickets before the start of the season. It would be nice to break that streak and finally be on the winning side with a long shot for once. Go Pack!!
[/QUOTE]You're like the Bills of the 90's Nag.... always the bridesmaid, and never the bride! :D Still, getting that close is pretty impressive.

I'll apologize to all the Pack fans right now, as although I would LOVE to say the Pack is going to win the Super Bowl, I just don't see anyone derailing the Pats.

Again, I would LOVE to see Favre win another, but I don't think you're wearing the white this year either Nag. ;)

[ January 19, 2008, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:29 pm
by rkulaski
I have LT, Jacobs, Favre, and Moss x 3 on 1 team and Brady, Favre, LT, and Jacobs on the other team.

Post Season Rosters - RD 2 and FINAL STANDINGS

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:16 am
by Hard heads
LT, Jacobs, Brady and Driver at 3x