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The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:22 pm
by sportsbettingman
I wish I hade Salmon. :D

The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:41 pm
by Shrink Attack
Originally posted by Team Canada:
Disagree, with the way Goodell has been he doesn't take another snap this season. Don't want it to happen just what I think and fear. I hope you're right, but Goodell has little control over the pace of the Federal Courts and the pace of the appeals process set up under the collective bargaining agreement. We all know that if it were just up to Goodell, Henry would've been suspended already.

The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:56 am
by Sound Advice
Originally posted by SNAKE:
...pertaining to the larger question at hand... how long can an injury-decimated squad continue to compete with worn-torn, patchwork band-aids on gaping, mammoth-sized wounds?...SNAKE Not-nice to talk about the St L Rams that way Snake.

The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:59 am
Henry's toke is a "clean sweep" for my NFFC and WCOFF starting RBs in 2007.

NFFC-Rudi and Ahman At least looks like they'll be back...
WCOFF-Caddy and Henry

I still love FF, because some years it's just the opposite. Henry is BTW my second suspended due to Mary Jane RB in recent years.
Onterrio Smith joined him in 2004.

Could be worse, I could have drafted
William Weed Eater Green at some point.


The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:31 am
by BillyWaz
Onterrio "SOD" Smith...

thanks for the trip down memory lane 3'! :D

The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:50 am
by hankstr56
LEAVE TRAVIS ALONE!!! He's just a human being. He's had nine f'ing children. His ankle hurts. All you people think about is football. You're lucky he even allowed you to draft him.

The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:06 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
And to think I was so "High" on Henry all Summer long.

The Year Of Attrition Continues - Travis Henry Could Be Suspended For A Year

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:42 am
by Captain Hook
Rob - you should jump on the bandwagon that is steamrolling your cubbies and change the last word in your sig to - DIAMONDBACKS