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Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:38 pm
by bluenose
Will the competition be legit, or will it just be something to keep Favre tied up long enough so he can't help the Vikes in week 1?

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:57 pm
by renman
The NFL is the ultimate WIN NOW league. He is under contract.. the QB who gives you the best chance to win should play. If the powers that be were that comfortable in Rodgers they would not have spent a high pick on another QB. I am not saying Rodgers can't play... I am just saying the Pack brass can't be totally sold on him.

This is going to be a circus for the next month.

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:18 pm
by Diesel
It does look like Rodgers is going to end up being the kid who never got his candy. Bump Jennings/Jones/Driver!

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:14 pm
by Shrink Attack
Keep in mind, though, that once Favre reports to camp he CAN'T veto a trade. He'd either have to accept it or retire again. This may all still be a part of the Packer's plan to trade him.

Man, am I totally sick of this.

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:25 am
by Ted's Cracked Head
Packer fans should boycott one game and send a message to the brass this time.

It is time for the people to make a stand vs professional sports, both the players and owners.

They are thinking about offering a player 25 million not to play?

Greg, how much have ticket prices gone down since the Packers seem so flush with cash?

Seriously - Packer fans unite and do the right thing - boycott and make them feel what losing 25 million really feels like!

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:36 am
by mikeybok
I was very excited to here Favre was going to get a chance to compete for the starting job in GB.

If this is just a lie to screw Favre over (unreal).

BTW ... It's amazing how the Vikings master plan to sign Aaron Rogers in 09 is unfolding perfectly


Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:45 am
by mikeybok
one more thing.

Nice touch by the GB mgt ... hiring a high profile Washington spin doctor to try to spin the fans into thinking they're not idiots and it's all Favre's fault! ("Packers Hire Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer"). Maybe doing the right thing with class and integrity is just too hard?

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:44 am
by LFW
A spin doctor isn't going to convince me these guys running the Packers did the right things or had the teams chances of winning The NFC guiding their actions. It was personal and Ego driven and they've (TT mostly) been trying to "encourage" Favre to leave for years. Favre knows TT doesn't want him to be the QB of the Pack...but Brett has to just remember his window to play is short and he's done more for Football in GBay than TT ..he needs to always stand his ground and give TT the Finger and never give TT an opportunity to get rid of him by him showing fatique in an off season.

If they pull something like cutting him the week before the Season starts I'll hate the Packers until Ted Thompson and anyone higher up on board of directors that supports this is gone. Allowing this shameful behavior and bribes towards trying to break the Spirit and ruin the last year(s) of a Hall of Fame QB (who just played at a Pro Bowl level and won 14 games) is just so wrong...I'm glad Goodell is trying to talk some sense into these a** Clowns...lets hope it works and they are done with their non sense for this season.

Favre Officially Reinstated

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:25 pm
by mikeybok
Originally posted by SNAKE:
...listen CLOSELY fellow Packer addicts, Favre-admirers and NFL fans alike - Aaron Rogers will be BETTER than Brett Favre this season whether the two play on the same team or not...actually can not believe that The Serpent is the sole voice of reason here...TT knows what he is doing and it's what is in the best interests of the TEAM, not one individual, legend or not...Rogers gives the Pack the best shot to win THIS season and beyond...feel free to save this post and praise soothsayerSNAKE at a later date...thanks much...SNAKE Then why doesn't he say so ... and let Favre go any where he wants. Rogers isn't the second coming. He is in a good system. If Favre is not as good as Rogers ... the Packers should WANT him to QB another team. TT needs to get a backbone (pardon the expression).