Matt Millen - Really?

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Matt Millen - Really?

Post by londog7 » Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:13 pm

Millen is annoying, but at least he seems to know he's a lug (even if it's deep down). Theismann is the one that grates on my nerves. He so hypercritical of today's players and many times it's just overkill. And I don't think anyone could possibly come off as more of a pompous ass that Joe T. does. I know it's rude, but every time he gives cheap criticism to a young player, I shout, "how's the leg, Joe" to my TV. I really do that. Didn't that guy used to pronounce his name "Thees-man" until he was a Heisman candidate at ND? What a douche.

Another one that boggles the mind is Steve Young. Seriously... that dude is on Pluto. I know he's a smart guy and all, but he has no filter about what comes out of his mouth. He could be talking about a post route and morph his comments into something about the plight of canaries in coal mines. I think he took (at least) one hit too many.

And of course, the short-lived NFL Network experiment with Bryant Gumbel. Again, tremendously intelligent guy who is simply ill-equipped to do play-by-play or analysis. OK first, Bryant... you must know the names of the players and the teams that they play for. Fail.

There are reclamation projects out there. Bill Walton used to drive me insane, but he's redeemed himself (almost to far into lala land, but still better than before). And I'll give props to Chris Collinsworth. I still don't care for him, but he doesn't ruin the game for me.

Then there are the naturals. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are perfect. And I love Tirico, Chucky, and Jaws.

[ December 26, 2010, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: Big MO - Lon ]
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