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The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:40 am
by RedRyder
Originally posted by Glenneration X:
It may be just a coincidence, but the similarities in writing style are curious.

I also find it funny that he asked who's "snake", when I don't think you mentioned anyone named snake, but just referenced "snake sense". Hmmmmm.

Nelson, you shoulda been a detective.

Now any word on the wherabouts of the Lindbergh baby or Jimmy Hoffa? Yup, FFM tripped himself up with asking who is "snake"!

Nice call out Nelson!!!!!!

The nail in the coffin is emphasis on a certain female body part, that was always a "big" one for "snake", although I think it was a certain male body part that got him in trouble.

Carry on "snake"....I'm still reading...

The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:43 am
by boutrous11

The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:44 am
by Tom Kessenich
I checked the IPs for FFMaestro and Snake and the two don't match up. However, due to the transfer from Fanball the last IP address we have in the administration system for Snake is from 2008. My hope is that FFMaestro is a new member of our boards and if so we're happy to welcome him and we love the discussion he's generating.

It would be a pity if anything else was going on here. And when I say pity, I'm being kind.

The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:53 am
by mattjb
I think Bowe goes backwards.

That Chiefs schedule was so soft last year and Cassel is a bum.

The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:18 am
by mattjb
Originally posted by The FF Maestro:
quote:Originally posted by mattjb:
I think Bowe goes backwards.

That Chiefs schedule was so soft last year and Cassel is a bum. notwithstanding the extremely curious and inaccurate banter that i'm reading here i really have to disagree with your assessment on bowe. is the s.o.s. your only justification? please explain further.
[/QUOTE]Well clearly it's not my only justification as I subtely hinted I think his QB sucks.

Hope you had a good summer snake.

The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:22 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by The FF Maestro:
[]notwithstanding the extremely curious and inaccurate banter that i'm reading here I won't bore you with all the details Maestro about the person people are talking about. I see you haven't signed up for any of our events yet so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here and want to take part in one or more of our games this year. If you need any help registering let me know.

The Jennifer Garner's (non-busts) 0f 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:26 am
by Tom Kessenich
Hey Justin, I think we'll start getting more momentum for signups if the lockout ends today. August is always a strongest month for signups but if you want to register now you can do that and we can switch dates at a later time if you want. We only charge when the leagues fill up so if you register today you'd be securing your spot, not providing payment.