3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Route Collectors
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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by Route Collectors » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:30 pm

GG....this thread made me think of a question for you. Would you support BBDS along with 3RR or would 3RR water down the effect of BBDS in your opinion?

I'm pretty sure I know your answer but the question is bound to come up sooner or later anyway.

[ February 13, 2007, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Route C ]

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by weber7777 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:10 pm

Guys in the WCOFF this year, there were 70 total leagues. 95.7% of those leagues had a top 3 finisher who picked in the 1, 2 or 3 spot. CMON. number speaks for itself.
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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by sportsbettingman » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:19 pm


I must be lucky and/or smart for winning my league in WCOFF from the 10 hole!

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by RI WORKHORSE » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:19 pm

We all know it wasn't fair before. I can't wait for this year. Like Greg said I can't remember a time when owners have said, "damn, if I could just get that 7th pick I know I can win this whole thing." It just doesn't happen.

Well now it does. I think you will see alot of 14's set as the #1 #2 and #3 spots for the first time ever this year in the KDS preference.

3RR should also get rid of all the excuses and the lucky guys who always get #1 picks all the time. Now I can draft and not worry about the top three picks.It doesn't matter where you pick from anymore.It's even.It was a great move to add this to the main event. It's a win every which way you look at it.

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by sportsbettingman » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:25 pm

3RR is worth it for this one simple fact...

We get to see the top picks squirm in their seats as they debate who they select in the SECOND ROUND...knowing the wait they now have.

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by Team Legacy » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:27 pm

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:

I must be lucky and/or smart for winning my league in WCOFF from the 10 hole!

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by sportsbettingman » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:32 pm

Booooooo, Scotty...Booooooooo!

We'll see...I'm left with a bitter taste...I believe if I simply had an average scoring week (like 145), I'd have been near the top 10 overall.

Damn week 13.

Unlucky number.

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by RiFF » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:36 pm

I agree that BBDS would be the most equitable method of correcting any inequities that exist among the various draft slots; but the Contest Sponsors have made it abundantly clear that, at least in the short term, converting to BBDS is not an option.
I also believe its hard to argue that, most years, the 1st 2 or 3 draft slots don't have an inherent built in advantage at the time of the draft. This advantage may dissipate during the season based on injuries etc., not unlike the apparent advantage that was wiped away for many this past year when S Alexander was injured for the bulk of the season. But, of course injuries can happen to any player drafted from any slot, but again it would be hard to argue that there wasn't/isn't an advantage at the time of the draft to the top slots.
The intent of 3RR is to mitigate this advantage and I believe UFS did a good job in summarizing what most believe are the virtues of 3RR. And they may very well prove to be.

-"It removes the advantage that the tops picks have in both preparation and in-draft strategy.

There are no tough choices to make the old way with the top picks in rounds 2-5, especially 2 and 3."

I don't see how "trading" pick 29 for pick 42 and 43 makes pick 28 tougher. After selecting LT in round 1, most will still pick their highest rated player with pick 28. With picks 42 and 43 there are still a good selection of both Wr's and Rb's available, so I do not see the "new trauma" in pick 28.

-"With 3rr, top picks are now faced with the same very tough decisions ALL other owners have had for all these years.

Top picks go from top RB and Top WR/WR or Top WR and RB to WHO THE HELL DO I TAKE ROUND 2, because now I have to figure out who might be there at the end of round 3."

ALL picks from ALL positions are tough, imo, excluding the 1st few that are "no-brainers". Again the 1st pick moving from pick 29 to picks 42 and 43 hasn't increased the difficulty of the decision making process. What it has done is created a VERY differtent path of preparation. Altering the "straight" serpentine draft will most likely cause disruption to ADP's and player availability which will necessitate more preparation for ALL draft slots.

-"It has NOTHING to do with LT2"

I also don't believe its LT per se, but he IS this year's "straw man" representing the inequity that 3RR will hopefully help to alleviate.

- "From a game operator stand point, the only thing you can do is make it so that the PLAYING FIELD is as even as possible."

Agreed...hopefully 3RR is the answer.

-"So 3rr does the trick. It's going to be a huge success and all of my customers love the idea also."

Obviously this is a strong endorsement and may 3RR attract the masses and prove worthy of your praise.

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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by Nag' » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:51 pm

Ha! 3RR as Socialized Fantasy Medicine - great line. :D

Please allow me to make the following analogy:

Think of the Fantasy Draft in terms of a currently hot topic, Global Warming.

What are its knowns? Well, in the case of Global Warming, the knowns are that the Earth's climate has been changing since the beginning of time and the current situation is no different. That humans certainly have added and continue to add enormous amounts of pollutants and gasses into the environment. And that many are claiming that we - humans can effectively stop the current symptoms of Global Warming.
So what are the knowns of a Fantasy Draft? One is that a draft is always unpredictable. Another is that the top 2-3 picks are typically more coveted that the others because of an “advantage”, whether perceived or real. And that we - fantasy players are on a lifelong quest to reduce or eliminate the luck factor.

So what are the unknowns? With Global Warming, the biggest unknown is: can we actually impact the Earth's environment by our actions or will our greatest attempts simply end up costing us trillions of dollars with barely measurable, if any, effect?
And the unknown of a Fantasy Draft? Can we effectively make changes to the draft to reduce luck, unpredictability and the "advantage" of the early draft slots?

Well, anyone who's been paying attention knows that KDS and BBDS have DEFINITELY reduced the luck and unpredictability of the distribution of draft slots. But once these processes have been completed, it still doesn't changed the fact that there are teams with a higher slot and others with lowers ones. So what now?

In comes 3RR to the rescue.

Just as in the case of Global Warming and the hysterics who claim the world must do everything in its power to stop it - even though there's no evidence that shows we actually can - here come the proponents of 3RR who are just as sure that 3RR is the answer to the top pick "advantage". But is it?

Here's the difference. In case of Global Warming, we can trash our SUVs and make all our factories work on solar power and even if 20 years later find out it was for nothing, we'd still know one thing for sure: that even though we didn't help fix the environment, we certainly didn't make it any worse by trying.
But with 3RR and the attempt to reduce the top pick "advantage", we are trying to fix something that many owners really don't see as broken, rather as an very essential and acceptable element of the draft. And contrary to the efforts to stop Global Warming, in a few years 3RR can not only prove to be ineffective, it can actually prove to have an adverse effect on the draft.

So, considering the complete unknown effects of 3RR, isn't this just as possible as 3RR being the Messiah? Or am I just an ignorant "flat-earther"? ;)
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3RR, Socialized Fantasy Medicine?

Post by wayne123 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:13 pm

May I now address your attention to the following short 2 hour slide show entitled: The Serpentine Draft: An Statistcally Lopsided Truth.

Ladies and gentlemen. For too long we have vested our complete faith in the ability of the standard draft format to correct itself. Sure, the warning signs were there, but we paid them no attention. Then, when the first picks just kept winning more than the other picks we thought we could take the easy way out and employ KDS.

But do you know what?

It didn't work. The top picks still had an advantage. And fantasy football should be a level playing field.

So, after I invented the internet, I invented 3RR. Sure, others are trying to take credit for it. But, thats not important as long as we all agree that I invented it.

And 3RR will make all your fantasy football dreams come true. Those with the first picks will still feel privledged. Those with the last picks will enjoy something better than they had before. And those in the middle...well, those in the middle will get to play fantasy football. And that ain't bad!

So, sit back and enjoy the show!

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