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Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:46 am
by RedRyder
I wish I was around to play in The Ultimate!!!!

Anyone wanna partner up???????:

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:55 am
by King of Queens
Originally posted by RI WORKHORSE:
quote:Originally posted by King of Queens:
Johnny, are you joining the Ultimate League this year? King,

I wish I could come up with $5,000 to get in.

Another thing, It's a H2H League. There could be two teams that out scored two playoff teams and didn't get in....

At least have it be Total points for that kind of money. :eek:
[/QUOTE]It's H2H and Total Points. I believe the seedings work:

(1) H2H Champ
(2) Points Champ
(3) next points team
(4) next points team
(5) remaining best h2h
(6) remaining best h2h

Pretty hard to not get into the playoffs if you don't deserve it. Plus, if you rock the regular season, you'll get 5K each for H2H and Points champs.

Really, if you're confident in your abilities, it's a no-brainer. How many people made a 5K profit or more last year? Do well (you don't even have to win) in this one league, and accomplish exactly that.

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:01 pm
by CC's Desperados
Originally posted by RedRyder:
I wish I was around to play in The Ultimate!!!!

Anyone wanna partner up???????: The last I checked, you were on the signup list!!

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:46 pm
by Captain Hook
:D She has too many leagues to keep them all straight Shawn

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:49 pm
by Captain Hook
And Johnny, I think you are off track on this one.

Yes it's not affordable for some of us (well it used to be, but not getting a check every other week is a drag).

Yes it's just one league.

BUT it is a league of mostly excellent players who are "reinvesting" other wins to try and compete against the other good players (and of course make even MORE money).

And the Winner should get more recognition than a regular NFFC/NFBC league - they earned it.

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:16 pm
by Purple Helmets
Originally posted by RedRyder:
I wish I was around to play in The Ultimate!!!!

Anyone wanna partner up???????: Aren't you already registered?

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:21 pm
by Diesel
I can't afford the Ultimate, but it's a great idea for the people who can afford it.

With the internet so popular today, I'm surprised that there isn't a worldwide $5.00 fantasy game with a million dollar prize in it. One winner. No draft. Just start your ultimate lineup every week with any players.

Would the winner of that league get respect?

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:02 pm
by lumpy463
Here are my thoughts.

BillyWaz says:
Who deserves more recognition, a guy who wins his local league at $50 entry, or a guy who wins his NFFC Main league at $1,300? (both 14 team leagues)

I don't know. Depends on the level of competition in each league. Just because someone spends 1k, 5k, or 10k to play does not make them any better than the next guy. I do not think the large entry fees assure any better competition.

Captian Hook says:
BUT it is a league of mostly excellent players who are "reinvesting" other wins to try and compete against the other good players (and of course make even MORE money)

Mostly excellent players does not cut it. And I am not sure Hook's statement is true. I do not beleive higher entry fees = better quality participants.

Please give us some data for the last two Ultimates. In 2005 and 2006 how many NFFC main event champions participated?

If more than 75% in any year than that really was an Ultimate Championship.

Derek "Lumpy" Anderson

Also, what is the Ultimate Runner Up worth?

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:18 pm
by daveterp55
what is this ultimate you talk about...

someone wanna give me some feedback, how much where and when and the rules..

Value Of Winning The Ultimate League???

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:19 pm
by daveterp55
my bad..its ure main event..