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I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:48 am
by particra
Problem is he doesn't have 25. He has 36/37.

The high-risk strategy might be something like FItz, NIcks, F. Jones, Blount, but I think Blount is a reach there since the reports are he won't be part of the 3rd down package.

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:52 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by BillyWaz:
12 is VERY rough in that format this year.

No 3RR, and generally the RB's and TE's are gone by the time round 3 hits.

Last year drafted my ME team from there and started Roddy, Finley, McCoy, Forte. Even with the Finley injury and a horrible 5/6 turn, I finished 3rd in my league.

You CAN skip the RB's at the first turn, but it is tough. I would go RB/WR and "go with the flow" of the draft.

Good luck! :D I agree, in straight sepentine this is a tough spot with the scoring setup as is. It's like you're late to the party on most runs. But we'll see.

Would you take DMC, MJD, Mendenhall or Forte there? How far does CJ fall now?

Would you take Fitz, Nicks or VJ there?

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:56 am
by particra
CJ almost certainly isn't making it to 12.

One of McFadden, Mendenhall, MJD might and I would take them in that order.

Forte will definitely be there.

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:57 am
by mattjb
Shake it up Greg & start Gates then Finley.

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:03 am
by particra
FWIW, I had 11 the other night and started:

Steve Johnson
B. Wells
R. Grant
M. Stafford

Wasn't happy about Beanie being my 2nd RB, but otherwise OK

The guy from12 went:

Desean Jax

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:21 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Hells Satans:
FWIW, I had 11 the other night and started:

Steve Johnson
B. Wells
R. Grant
M. Stafford

Wasn't happy about Beanie being my 2nd RB, but otherwise OK

The guy from12 went:

Desean Jax
Holmes I like your team better. I could see myself going that way if the price is right. ;) Thanks, good feedback.

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:54 am
by Glenneration X
Sorry I'm late to this thread. I've been busy figuring out how to spend my $125K that's now assured considering the competition in this league. Ahhhhh....I can smell dollar bills already.

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:02 pm
by Paul Gromek
I drafted 2 FPC Online leagues and I had the 12th pick both times. I went WR-WR in both drafts. It's very possible I crapped the bed twice. This is my first experience with the format.

Team 1

QB - Cutler, Flacco

RB - Matthews, Moreno, Lynch, Green-Ellis, Barber

WR - Fitzgerald, Nicks, Maclin, M. Thomas, Bess, R. Williams, Simpson, Shipley

TE - Keller, Boss, Tamme

Team 2

QB - Cutler, Kolb, McNabb

RB - C. Wells, R. Bush, Starks, P Thomas, R. Brown, R Williams, J Forsett

WR - R. White, V Jackson, B Marshall, B Edwards, Bess, Simpson

TE - V Davis, J Cook

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:19 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Boy, this wasn't the way I wanted it to go. I had no intention of taking MJD, but the top wideouts went ahead of me. I like Nicks and then was torn between MJD and Forte. I guess I'm going for the home run.

Ray Rice went No. 1. Chris Johnson was auto-picked at 9. Bummer.

2.1 Ambrosius/Kessenic Jones-Drew, M. RB (JAC)
Round 1
1.12 Ambrosius/Kessenic Nicks, H. WR (NYG)
1.11 Bombers Fitzgerald, L. WR (ARI)
1.10 Straight Cash Homi Mendenhall, R. RB (PIT)
1.9 Fantasy God Johnson, C. RB (TEN)
1.8 The Sheriff Johnson, A. WR (HOU)
1.7 UnderDog Nutrition White, R. WR (ATL)
1.6 Hawaii Warriors FB Johnson, C. WR (DET)
1.5 Bus Drivers Charles, J. RB (KAN)
1.4 Irish Car Bombs McCoy, L. RB (PHI)
1.3 Idra Foster, A. RB (HOU)
1.2 Glenneration X - F Peterson, A. RB (MIN)
1.1 JoePa's Hip Rice, R. RB (BAL)

I've Got The 12th Pick Tonight: NOW WHAT?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:21 pm
by particra
Passed on McFadden?