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13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:32 am
by mrx
May need to change thread title...
Results of all leagues:

Sorted by score (avg score - position):

13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:45 am
by mrx
Graph is interesting - (with more data I suspect 14 will get closer to 13) It's like a 'W' with scores dropping from 1 to 4, climbing to a peak around 7/8, dropping at 10 and climbing to the end.

It's like the first four picks of each round go down hill, and then climb a bit to average out by the middle.

13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:49 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Thanks MrX. That's good stuff. Do you realize that the weekly difference between the top and the bottom is 10.6 points per game? That's not much.

I'm sure these numbers will switch weekly and it will be fun to analyze this data at season's end. It's also interesting that what was a hot drafting spot in one city (Las Vegas for instance with the 13th pick, which is how this thread was started) wasn't handled as well obviously in Chicago and New York. It all comes down to each individual owner and how they handle the draft position they were given.

13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:57 am
by richieprimo
Looks like pick #13 just might have been Culpepper in many leagues. It should even out as the season goes on. I had the 9 and my team sucks. Probably just me.

13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:04 am
by richieprimo
No...absolutely just me.

13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:32 am
by mrx
Hi and Lo based on draft position:
Hi Lo
1) 828 616
2) 814 634
3) 857 546
4) 851 477
5) 802 620
6) 838 585
7) 827 585
8) 860 566
9) 849 572
10) 831 589
11) 810 599
12) 859 560
13) 954 540
14) 837 568

Looks like it was possible to be competitive or terrible from any draft position.

13th Spot Has Highest Scoring Average

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:10 pm
by GS
We drafted at #13 in N.Y League #3......We're 6-0 we have 785 pts with all of our starters already having their byes.....this being our first year doing a major money league (we're in 6 leagues between us for 9 yrs each) we didnt really understand the huge difference betwwen great wrs and just ok wrs........Our first pick was Dante then on the rap around we took dillon then we waited 25 picks and took martin @ 41 then J.Jones (lost 4 yr 4th pick) then D.Stallworth then winslow (out 4 yr 6th pick) balts def 7th so u can only imagine our wr core. ****BOTTOM LINE**** its all about free agency....hymes wk 2 $2, ive had 7 different te's. With our full squad in we avg.151 like in wk 6 we scored 156 without balts def and we PAID for buffs def......Let's hope we keep rolling forward to the pot of gold or we'll take highest score atleast one week overall...and to think we scored 156 pts 22 pts away from top score, if our sheety wrs would could just score more then 22 pts (from 4 wrs)
Good Luck All,
The Underdogs................