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Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:34 am
snake , no question you had a great year. you and gg necked me in the nyc dc. i had to bust your chops. what are friends for. :cool:

russ that stinks. i feel bad. your friend should take some of the profit on the tix and get you one.some buddy.


Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:35 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by Just Russ:
Ok, so I'm glad to help Frank and his kids here. I feel bad their drive home will be a sad one, however. :D

Get this...last weekend, my buddy couldn't sell his tix before we got downtown so he asked me to since I'm in sales and he is a putz.

Not five minutes later, I'm approached by a couple asking what I wanted for the tickets. I asked if they were Colts fans (to which they said yes) and then I told them $200 each as I wanted to get inside. The guy goes over to 2 other groups of people scalping tickets and then askes me to come over (I'm thinking he wants to start a bidding war). No, he then whips out his badge and tells us all to get against the wall and that we were being cited for "Illegal peddling in a public place".

I was laughing at first and looking for the hidden cameras. None appeared and he wrote me up, took my picture, and finger printed me on the spot.

Mind you, these are my buddies tickets. My dear friend seemed to have swallowed his testes as he didn't say a word the whole time. I joke and say he, too bad you're getting that ticket! Hey, I'm going to get get a beer, I'll be back when the cop is finished.

After we walk from the cop with my ticket in hand, I see no less than 15 rough looking scalpers all around me. none of them were ticketed. What a great country!

My buddy apologized later and said he'd pay whatever fine there was. Whoopee!

I told him I wanted his wife's ticket to the Championship game for my pain and suffeing. No luck. Then I sell these 4 tickets for him to Frank. He says thanks man.

It appears I need to find new friends.

Now I'm looking for tickets!!!!! :mad:

Who's got 2? :D Russ,

That sucks. That is not a friend.
So I can figure out if you got the nice cop or the bad cop. Did they ask you to do 'Toe Touches'?



Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:01 pm
by Ted's Cracked Head

That stinks totally but even if your buddy came up to take the wrap, it would be unlikely that he would get the ticket as you were the one caught. The officer had him for nothing.

Having said that though, he should have manned-up immediately. Now you know you can't count on him to have your back.

He is taking his wife instead of the buddy who saved his keester twice in the last week? Brutal.

[ January 20, 2010, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: Rob B ]


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:50 pm
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
Makes you wonder how much money it takes for the scalpers to grease the pigs? lance,

The cops dont bother the guys working for the players....



Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:38 am
by GOD Loves You
Russ, that sucks. At least you were able to still attend the game. I've never seen anyone get busted in Florida, even before the State made "scalping" legal......although, my last two times buying tickets at the event were in Jacksonville...went to see the Chargers play and both times I paid UNDER face value for tickets. Gotta love the lack of fan support in Jax!

I guess the crime in Indianapolis isn't very bad for them to allocate officers for something that occurs at basically every event with tickets. :rolleyes: