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robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:26 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
After further review, the NFFC has no rule on this giving Meacham the points. Would it be the right thing to do, don't know as this thread has just as many folks who would get pissed off about Meacham getting the points as not. However, the Saints D doesn't get the points either and being in the championship round, the possibility of losing the big money by less than .5 points to a team that was awarded 6 points for having the Saints D would not bode well for the NFFC either. Chances of this happening are very slim but so was the chances of this play occurring.
:eek: I agree that it is a LOT easier to argue a case against the Saints Def getting points ... than for Meacham. I'm am glad I didn't have to rule on that one as it has more gray. That is where you need to decide if the offense became a defense or not. That ruling is why Greg and Tom make the "Big Bucks" :D


robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:41 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
quote:Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
After further review, the NFFC has no rule on this giving Meacham the points. Would it be the right thing to do, don't know as this thread has just as many folks who would get pissed off about Meacham getting the points as not. However, the Saints D doesn't get the points either and being in the championship round, the possibility of losing the big money by less than .5 points to a team that was awarded 6 points for having the Saints D would not bode well for the NFFC either. Chances of this happening are very slim but so was the chances of this play occurring.
:eek: I agree that it is a LOT easier to argue a case against the Saints Def getting points ... than for Meacham. I'm am glad I didn't have to rule on that one as it has more gray. That is where you need to decide if the offense became a defense or not. That ruling is why Greg and Tom make the "Big Bucks" :D

[/QUOTE]Rick, I hear your argument loud and clear and losing any game or league or title on a fluke play would be disappointing to anyone. But if a play like this occurs again during the next three weeks the defense would get the points and not that individual player. It's the way our rules are set up and we are scoring it just like the NFL recognizes it.

Again, if folks want to see double dipping on scoring plays like this for both the defense and the individual player, we can discuss that later. But then we better give double dipping points for individual players on special teams, too. I don't remember folks requesting that in the NFFC in the past, but we'll listen to the talk if it's there for this play and other plays.

I disagree; either way I think the defense gets these points the way the NFL recognizes this play. Whether we want the individual player to also benefit from this play is a totally different matter that we can discuss this offseason.

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:57 am
by bobsgym13
Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
quote:Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:

Pretty easy to get if you simply think of them as two special team units once a possession change occurs. Positional labels are rendered irrelevant.

By your 'logic' a defensive TD is impossible.

If Randy Moss came in to help the DEF on a hail mary, intercepted the ball and ran it back for a TD - would you argue that he should receive credit for the TD since he became an 'offensive' player and the Press Guide says WR?

BobStill don't get it, do you, Bob? If Moss starts the play as a "defensive" player, he can't get points as a WR because he did not start out the play as a WR. He started out the play in your example as a safety and is designated on THAT PLAY as a defensive player. Meacham, on the other hand, started out the play as a WR on offense and ended the play that way because of a double change of possession as per the NFL.

After further review, the NFFC has no rule on this giving Meacham the points. Would it be the right thing to do, don't know as this thread has just as many folks who would get pissed off about Meacham getting the points as not. However, the Saints D doesn't get the points either and being in the championship round, the possibility of losing the big money by less than .5 points to a team that was awarded 6 points for having the Saints D would not bode well for the NFFC either. Chances of this happening are very slim but so was the chances of this play occurring.
:eek: [/QUOTE]You have cherry picked your argument from scenarios #1 and #2 from an earlier post. Which one is do you stand behind - the common sense or the technical?


PS. By your response I assume that either you are mad or you think I am - I'm all butterflies and rainbows. I actually enjoy this stuff.

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:02 am
by bobsgym13
BTW I agree on the Moss thing - I went off point

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:09 am
by Henry Muto
NO DF should not get credit for the score. Meachem should. Meachem starts on offense ends on offesne this rule of you are now on defense is stupid. If a guy returns and INT for a TD then the defense should nto get credit for the TD since they are now on offense right ? Like I said that is stupid to say they are now on defense because then the DF's will never score because they are now on offense.

Meachem TD for NO DF. Not double dipping at all.

NO TD for the Saints DF they are not even on the field how the hell do you score when you are not even on the field.

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:16 pm
by OrCal Crapshooters
You tell em Henry ! This is FASTASY FOOTBALL. We don't have to mirror the NFL. Hell, most points scored in the NFL doesn't get you in the playoffs. However, that's what this is all about. Welker and Witten catching 15 balls in a game is huge in our league. The NFL doesn't give you any points for this ! Why try to pick your spots for implementing our rules to mirror the NFL ? This is FANTASY. We make the rules.? We draft the players we think can score the most points. We didn't draft the NO "D" to get points in that situation. Screw the offense and defense argument ! The offense is on the field and my damn WR scored on a multiple turnover. Why try to find a way to not count it ? I personally like the player getting the points on PR and KR scores.If our league wishes to score it both ways, great ! This is suppose to be fun. Let's change the wording on the rules next year as other leagues have, and eliminate the confusion.

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:25 pm
Originally posted by Henry Muto:
NO DF should not get credit for the score. Meachem should. Meachem starts on offense ends on offesne this rule of you are now on defense is stupid. If a guy returns and INT for a TD then the defense should nto get credit for the TD since they are now on offense right ? Like I said that is stupid to say they are now on defense because then the DF's will never score because they are now on offense.

Meachem TD for NO DF. Not double dipping at all.

NO TD for the Saints DF they are not even on the field how the hell do you score when you are not even on the field. SO WHEN THE DEFENSE GETS PENALIZED FOR POINTS AGAINST ON A INTERECEPTION OR FUMBLE RETURN THAT THE OFFENSE SCREWED UP AND GAVE UP THAT'S O.K.



[ December 09, 2009, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: KOTRAX ]

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:55 pm
by OrCal Crapshooters
Change it. Don't include points allowed in the scoring system. That doesn't affect our situation. Defenses never received credit based on points allowed when this fantasy stuff started many years ago. Bah ! Humbug ! We don't care about defenses. We want offense ! I guess leagues wanted more ways to score. Sounds like the points against isn't going to be a pure indicator of our game. Get rid of it ! More offense please.

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:13 pm
by TamuScarecrow
Greg, being hard-headed and continuing to call Meacham a defensive player isn't going to change the fact that he wasn't according to the NFL. I realize you don't have a rule to give Meacham the points as a WR but you also don't have a rule giving a defense points for a TD scored by an offensive player who was NOT classified a defensive player. According to your rules, NO ONE gets the 6 points. I've had Goldberg, Greenburg, Rosenburg, and every other Berg in West Palm Beach review the rules and the all say you are in serious denial syndrome. :D

robert meachem

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:14 pm
by TamuScarecrow
Greg/Tom, we also need the FA reopened in the 3-City League until Week 16. I can't seem to be able to get a message through to either one of you.